Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Table of Contents

Purchase Order

A document authorizing a seller to deliver goods, with payment to be made at a later date. Monies are encumbered when a purchase order is created.


Account Code - the account code to be charged for the item being ordered.

Create Purchase Order

  1. From the Transaction menu select 'Purchase Orders'
  2. Click on 'Create'
  3. Enter in desired information into the purchase order
    1. click on the blue plus sign to add line items
    2. if it is desired to charge an item to multiple accounts click on the price or qty icon.
  4. Click on Validate
  5. Click on Post to post the purchase order to the system, click on Cancel to not post the purchase order and return to the Purchase Order Query, click on Save Draft to save the purchase order outside of the system for later use.

Charging an item to Multiple Accounts

USASWEB/Purchase Order will allow one item to be charged to more than one account. The line item will be divided, displaying the separate account codes on the screen; however, the line item will be combined into a single item on the printed purchase order
There are two ways of combining items:



When a split price or quantity is collapsed it will show an "S" in the # field to represent split items, and when it is expanded it will show all of the lines with its own item number.

Query Purchase Order

The purchase order query allows you to search for existing purchase orders. Please refer to Query for information on how to query a record.

Edit Purchase Order

Purchase Orders that are currently at a status of New may be updated through the USASWeb application. Only fields that are allowed to be edited will be displayed. Please refer to Navigation for information on how to edit a record.

Clone Purchase Order

The clone function may be used to copy all of the information from an existing purchase order into a new purchase order while allowing changes to be made. Please refer to Navigation for more information on how to clone a record.

Print Purchase Order


The print option can be configured differently by your ITC and may not work as described below. Please contact your ITC for more information if your print does not work as shown below.


Multiple purchase orders may be printed when selecting the "print batch" option in the Purchase Order Query. First, you need to query the range of purchase orders that need to be printed by using the Query option. Please refer Query for further details on how to query ra record. Once you query the purchase orders, click in the checkbox at the top of the list to select all the purchase orders listed, or you can click in individual checkboxes if you need to select specific requistiions to print. After selecting the purchase orders you wish to print, click on the "Print batch" button at the top of the screen. This will cause all the purchase orders selected to come up in a print window. Click your printer icon or choose file/ print to print to your printer.

Delete Purchase Orders


Deleting a purchase order is dependent on how the flag 'Allow purchase order deletion' is set in USASDAT/USACON

The delete function may be used to delete any purchase order that is currently at a status of New or Future. Please refer to Navigation for more information on how to delete a record.


The following purchase order fields are set in the USASDAT/USACON program:
