The collapse button the requisition will the purchase order will look when printed. The first account code entered is called the "combined item" meaning the line item the rest of items are being rolled up into when collapsed. The line items underneath the combined line item are called "split items."
rolls all of the split items up into the first account code, so you only see one account code, which is how...
The clone function may be used to copy all of the information from an existing purchase order into a new purchase order while allowing changes to be made. Please refer to Navigation for more information on how to clone a record.
Print Purchase Order
Warning |
The print option can be configured differently by your ITC and may not work as described below. Please contact your ITC for more information if your print does not work as shown below. |
Info |
USASWEB printed purchase orders are in PDF format so you must have ADOBE Acrobat Read-er installed on your local computer to be able to print purchase orders. |
Printing a Single Purchase Order
The Print function may be used to submit a copy of a posted purchase order to a printer. The print option is available immediately after posting a new purchase order, posting modifications to a purchase order, or when selecting a purchase order from a query.
To print a single purchase order, click on Print. A pop-up box will appear in your browser displaying how the purchase order will appear in printed form.
To send a copy of the purchase order to the printer, select File from the horizontal menu bar in the browser displaying the printed version of the purchase order. Under File, select Print.
Once Print has been selected, a Printer pop-up box will appear in your browser window. Select the printer the purchase order is to be submitted to for printing. Once all printer selections have been made, click on OK to send the purchase order to the printer.
Printing Multiple Purchase Orders
Multiple purchase orders may be printed when selecting the "print batch" option in the Purchase Order Query. First, you need to query the range of purchase orders that need to be printed by using the Query option. Please refer Query for further details on how to query ra record. Once you query the purchase orders, click in the checkbox at the top of the list to select all the purchase orders listed, or you can click in individual checkboxes if you need to select specific requistiions to print.
After selecting the purchase orders you wish to print, click on the "Print batch" button at the top of the screen. This will cause all the purchase orders selected to come up in a print window. Click your printer icon or choose file/ print to print to your printer.
Delete Purchase Orders
Note |
Deleting a purchase order is dependent on how the flag 'Allow purchase order deletion' is set in USASDAT/USACON |