Check name and address fields are used if payment should be sent to a different name/location than the purchasing information.
A multi-vendor does not represent a real vendor but a place holder and is meant to be used for multi-vendor/blanket purchase orders. When invoicing a multi-vendor purchase order the user must change the vendor number to a valid USAS vendor (non multi-vendor). A vendor must always be a multi-vendor (or not multi-vendor). The system will not allow a user to change classifications once created.
See Previous/Next Navigation for details on navigating inside of the Vendor option.
- From the Core menu select 'Vendor', or click on 'List' to get back to the query results screen
- Click on 'Create'
Enter in desired information into the vendor
Info Vendor name and number are required. The number will be automatically assigned for you unless you fill in a vendor number.
- Click on Save to post the vendor to the system.