Users with Whitelist Manager role may view can manage trusted websites that are displayed on the custom links area of the Home screen. Users with ADMIN role only can whitelist existing custom link websites If a website has been whitelisted, once a user clicks on it from the Home screen, they will be taken directly to the new site on click. For websites that have not been whitelisted, a dialog box will appear to warn the user they are navigating to the website.
To Create a Whitelist URL
From the ESS menu, under Custom Links, select Manage Whitelist
Select the display order of how you want whitelisted websites to appear on the Home screen.
Select the URL would want to whitelist from the dropdown list of URLs
Click ‘Create’ to save the whitelisted website
Click to activate the whitelisted URL.
Whitelist Grid Options
Available options in the grid include:
view existing whitelisted websites
edit an existing whitelisted website. Once changes are made, click to enable the changes.
removes a whitelisted website from the grid.