Releases Since Our Last Meeting (
USAS-R v8.1013.0 (121/1829/2021)
- Corrected a problem that allowed users without password change permissions to change a user's password if they new what the password was.
- Created the Calendar Year tab in the File Archive. Updated the report bundles to send the CYE reports to this tab instead of the monthly December tab. Also updated the 1099 process to send a copy of the generated documents to the calendar year archive.
- Continued progress on the ability to merge vendors.
- Patch to clean up POs missed during test import data review.
USAS-R v8.10.1 (1/11/21)
- Corrected the 1099-MISC TAP file for those districts who are not approved for the Combined Federal/State Filing program. The B record contained the state code that was only necessary if the district is approved for the Combined Federal/State Filing program.Implemented the ability to email AR Bills to customers.
- Implemented the ability to import AP Invoices via CSV.
- Prevented users from being able to add billing items for $0.00 and corrected the getters that retrieve the total amounts for Bills to handle any existing items with an amount of $0.00.
USAS-R v8.1114.0 (12/1512/21)
- Additional updates to the subject code file for FY21 per ODE.
- Created service layer for Requisitions.
- Corrected a bug with the Revenue and Expenditures report that prevented users from running this report for anything other than the current period.
- Continued progress on the ability to merge vendors.New "Repair" feature was added to Purchase Orders to implement Classic's VERINV options:
- change the po date
- change the vendor on the po and any related invoices and payables
- change the account on a po charge and any related invoices and payables
- Federal Assistance Detail changes
- Implemented the ability to clone a federal assistance detail
- Improved the Federal Assistance Detail report to display all digits of the CFDA #
- Prevented users from deleting a Federal Assistance Summary if there are associated Federal Assistance Details
- Corrected the use of the account filter when running the Revenues and Expenditures report
- Corrected a rounding error related to po charges in the SOAP bridge; this only impacted third party applications.
- A patch to correct transactions for 3 districts
Upcoming Releases
USAS-R v8.1215.0 (12/1926/21)
- Created service layer for Purchase Orders.
- Implemented the create new and save options on Federal Assistance Detail
- Implement Mass Load for Vendors via an import button on the grid
- Corrected a problem editing a newly created AR Payment Location
- Federal Assistance Detail
- Populate expended and received amounts on the Federal Assistance Detail based on the cash account selected
- Implement tooltips for CFDA# and Grant Title on the Federal Assistance Detail as well as auto populating the line number
USAS-R v8.1316.0 (13/2912/21)
- Implemented the ability to emaill AR Bills to customers.
- Implemented the ability to import AP Invoices via CSV.
- Prevented users from being able to add billing items for $0.00 and corrected the getters that retrieve the total amounts for Bills to handle any existing items with an amount of $0.00. Improvements to grid performance throughout USAS