The Early Warning System configuration page is available for users, with proper access, through the EWS Grad > Early Warning System drop-down in the ODDEX navigation bar. Districts would use this screen to define and populate any local indicators they might have in place for determining if a student would graduate on-time. Districts can use an override on the thresholds defined by the state or can use a locally defined element. As an example, such indicators could be local GPA.
Users wishing to use the Grad moduleEWS configuration page, must be granted the proper OEDS roles. Information on the OEDS Roles may be found here.
Users with Read Only and Update access may view this page. Read Only users will only see values set for the configuration and cannot change the values. These All users will also be able to see when the locally defined metric upload file was indicators were last uploaded and by which what user uploaded the file.
Any one of the values for Local Threshold For State Data are optional, as well as any one of the Locally Defined MetricsIndicators. Adding values for any of these will make new filter options and the calculated risk appear on the EWS Student Summary page.
For the Locally Defined Metrics Indicators there is an eight character limit for each Short Name field. Both the Short Name and corresponding Full Name values need to be present to configure a metric. Once the metric is configured correctly and saved an Upload option an indicator. Users with the update role will be able to populate and save these values. Once completed, an Upload button will appear.
New filter option and summary page columns after configuration.
Upload Page
The upload file For this upload processing, three (3) columns must be in Comma Separated Value (CSV) format and contain three columns without column headings.
The first column should be SSID.
The second column should be Y, N or N/A which indicates if the student is at risk or not for the configured metric.
The third column should be 8 characters or less and indicate the configured metric being monitored for an at risk threshold.
present in the upload file. Column 1 should contain the student's SSID, Column 2 should contain Y, N, N/A. Y represents the student is 'At Risk' for the indicator being uploaded, N represents the student is 'On Track' for the indicator being uploaded and Column 3 should contain the indicator value itself. The indicator values must be 8 characters or less in column 3.
Examples of a CSV file formatting
Before completing the upload, be certain you have selected the appropriate Locally Defined Indicator in the drop-down selections.
Once the CSV file is created, the user will click the 'Choose File' / 'Browse' button and browse to locate the file they wish to use, then click on the upload. A summary listing of what is uploaded will be displayed. Any errors are identified. The district can extract the errors for review if desired.
If no errors occurred during the upload a message at the bottom of the page will indicate how many records were updated.
If any errors occur during the upload each error will display at the bottom of the page with a message of what occurred and suggestions on how to correct the data. The file can be corrected and uploaded multiple times. Only changed values will be updateupdated. A message indicating nothing changed for the record will appear in that case. The errors can be exported using the Export File Errors button. If you refresh the page or select another indicator the file errors will be removed.
Once the student records have been uploaded the configured values will appear in the student detail page on the right side of the student information.
After uploading data for students, on the configuration page it will show a Remove button and the date and user who uploaded the file. Clicking on the Remove button will warn the user that all uploaded data for every student associated with the selected agency will be removed and the locally defined metric will no longer be configured. After removal a message will display on when and who removed the data.