Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Table of Contents


FTE is the full time equivalency for this position in regards regard to a salary schedule.

Position Start Date is the date on which the staff member began work in this position.  The Start Date of the Position is NOT used in EMIS Position reporting.  It uses the Position Hire date.


The New Accrued Wages is the amount the employee has earned on this contract , but has  has not yet been paid. This field stores the accrued wages. It is important that this field is correct for mid-year contract changes and using the POF (pay off of accrued) in Payroll Payments. Only those employees who are on stretch pay will have amounts in the Accrued Wages field. This field is non-modifiable. 


Click on the  next to the employee you are wanting to delete:

Activate Option


If employee's prior compensation is was set as Primary, when Activating New Contracts, it will then set the New Contract as Primary and unflagging the old.


Currently the maximum number of records that can be activated is 1,000 


Enter a date to only Include Active Compensations  in the Selected Compensation grid.  This will eliminate of including both old and new compensations for an employee.  The included compensations, active as of date, looks for compensations with a start date that is either empty, or before or equal the date entered AND a stop date that is either empty, or after or equal the date entered. If the compensation meets these criteria, then it is displayed in the grid. The grid updates when the date is changed.

Select Pay Groups options using the  to select Available Pay Groups to Selected Pay Groups.


Click on  to activate all contract information into the Compensation records, then deletes it from New Contract maintenance file.

Import New Contracts


**Please be aware the header columns listed below are case sensitive**


To create a template spreadsheet using the Compensations fields, which can assist in creating new contracts,  you can import this json file into Reports  -  New Contract Compensation Worksheet.rpd-json  (can specify start date specific pay groups)With some manipulation to the spreadsheet this will then allow you to create new contracts using the Import option in Processing/ New Contracts.After the spreadsheet has been created you   At this time, creating multiple Compensations for one Position in one load file is not available. 

After the spreadsheet has been created you can sort to obtain specific  Pay Groups and remove all others if desired, or can also sort the entire spreadsheet on Compensation Start and Compensation Stop Dates and then remove any records that will not require a new contract for the upcoming year. 


  1. Verify Employee Number is provided
  2. Verify Position Number is provided
  3. Verify New Contract Type is provided
  4. Lookup employee by number / if no employee found, try SSN / Otherwise return an error
  5. Lookup position by number / if no position found return an error
  6. Use the Position and Compensation Label to lookup the compensation
    1. If the compensation label is blank or null
      1. Find the first active compensation
        1. Search for all contract compensations
          1. If none are found return an error
        2. If  1 contract is found, return it
        3. If multiple contracts are found
          1. Find all that are not legacy compensations and sort by contract stop date. Take the last compensation (most recent)
    2. If the compensation label is not blank
      1. Find the compensation that matches the position and label
        1. If more than one found, an error is returned

**NOTE**  If users If users do not enter anything in the position fields in New Contract Maintenance or Import, it will use the value in Position Grid for Employee/Position.  If user enters values in Position fields, then it will update the position fields from New Contract to Position Grid when the contract is activated.

Redesign to Classic Fields and Descriptions

Redesign Import File Column Heading NameRedesign Field LocationNew Contract Description and ValuesClassic Field NameClassic Field LocationClassic New Contract Description

Employee Number

  • Employee Number
  • Employee SSN

jobNoCompensationPosition NumberJOB_NOJOBSCNJob#


1 - Mid-year change with no Retro

2 - Mid-year change with Retro spread over pays

3 - Mid-year change with lump sum retro

4 -   New Contract  Contract from existing Compensation



Label is only required if the employee has more then than one Compensation for a Position.


New Label

  • Label

JOBSCNCheck stub desc
calendarTypeCompensationJob CalendarCALENDAR_TYPEJOBSCNCalendar type
firstNameEmployeeFirst Name

lastNameEmployeeLast Name


Raise Date

  • Format as 00/00/0000
Days since raise


  • If using apostrophe in the description name, quotes will need to be added
New Description


New Compensation Start Date

  • If importing a New Contract (Type = 4),   a Contract Start Date is needed to help determine the Work Days for the Compensation.
  • If no date is entered, the system will populate a random date.
  • Format as 00/00/0000

New Compensation Stop Date

  • If importing a New Contract (Type = 4),   a Contract Stop Date is needed to help determine the Work Days for the Compensation.
  • If no date is entered, the system will populate a random date.
  • Format as 00/00/0000



New Contract Work Days 

  • If not provided in the import file, then will default to the calculated value. 

This value currently can only be loaded for new contracts.  



Not an option at this time. Use Mass Change in New Contract to update Pay Plan.


New Pay Plan

  • Biweekly
  • Semimonthly
  • Monthly

New Pay Unit

  • Daily
  • Hourly



New Unit Amount

  • The Unit Amount will still be calculated for contracted Compensations when the new contract is imported even if the Start and Stop Dates are populated, or the user provides Contract Work Days in the import file.

JOBSCNDaily rate
retireHoursCompensationNew Retirement HoursRETIRE_HOURSJOBSCNRetire hours

Accrued Wages

Not Loaded


New Accrued Wages

  • Calculated field

Amount Earned

Not Loaded


New Amount Earned

  • Calculated field

Amount Paid

Not Loaded


New Amount Paid

  • Calculated field

Amount Docked

Not Loaded


New Amount Docked

  • Calculated field



New Pay Per Period 

  • The Pay Per Period will be calculated if a Pay Per Period is not provided in the import file and the import file contains all of the necessary fields needed to calculate a Pay Per Period.  The necessary fields are:
    • Contract Obligation
    • Contract Amount
    • Stretch Pay must be true
    • Pays in Contract must be greater than 0
    • Pays Paid must not equal Pays in Contract


Required for Stretch Paid Compensations


New Contract Amount

  • Format as a number



New Contract Obligation 

  • The Contract Obligation will be set to the Contract Amount the Contract Obligation is not provided in the import file. 
  • The Contract Obligation will be set to the Contract Amount if the Contract Obligation is not provided in the import file and the user clicks the Calculate button.  This will only occur if the Calculate option is used within New Contract - not the Calculate option in the Compensation.  
  • If entered in import file, needs to be formatted as a number.
userContractTypeCompensationNew Contract TypeUSER_CONTRACT_TYPEJOBSCNContract type
paysInContractCompensationNew Pays In ContractPAYS_IN_CONTRACTJOBSCN

'# pays

Pays Paid

Not Loaded


New Pays Paid

  • Calculated value


New Stretch Pay

  • Y
  • N


Not Loaded

New Retro Next Pay

  • Calculated value


New Salary Schedule Column

  • Numeric


New Salary Schedule Id

  • Alpha or Numeric


New Salary Schedule Step

  • Numeric

Local Contract Code

Not Loaded


Local Contract Code

  • Automatically populated when Compensation is included in a Data Collection.  Used for EMIS reporting.


New Calendar Start Date

  • Format as 00/00/0000

New Calendar Stop Date

  • Format as 00/00/0000

New Hours in Day

  • Required for Contract Compensations with the Pay Unit set to Hourly.
retirementCodePositionRetirement SystemRETIREMENT_CODE


Position Position Description


Job Status

  • Active or A
  • Inactive or I
  • Deceased or D
  • Terminated or 

payGroupPositionPay GroupPAY_GROUP

building Position

Building Code 

  • All lower case

department Position

Department Code

  • All lower case

extendedServicePositionExtendend Extended ServiceEXTENDED_SERVICE

fte  (must be all lower case)Position


  • All lower case


Position Code


buildingIrnPositionBuilding IRNBUILDING_IRN

assignmentAreaPositionAssignment AreaASSIGNMENT_AREA

positionStartDatePositionPosition Start DatePOSITION_START_DATE

positionStopDatePositionPosition Stop DatePOSITION_STOP_DATE

paraprof  (must be all lower case)Position


  • All lower case
  • *  = (NA(not valid for PosCode=505 or 414))
  • N = (No)
  • Y = (Yes, meets definition of Qualified ParaprefessionalParaprofessional)


EMIS Hours In The Day

  • If nothing is supplied in the import file or in New Contract Maintenance, the system will use the value in Position Grid for Employee>Position. 
  • If a value is supplied in the import file or in New Contract Maintenance, the Position will be updated when the contract is activated. 

emisWorkDaysInContractPositionEMIS Work DaysEMIS_WORK_DAYS_IN_CONTRACT



  • If nothing is supplied in the import file or in New Contract Maintenance, the system will use the value in Position Grid for Employee>Position. 
  • If a value is supplied in the import file or in New Contract Maintenance, the Position will be updated when the contract is activated. 

checkDistributionEmployeeEmployee Check DistributionCHECK_DISTRIBUTION



The New Reportable to EMIS checkbox can only be mass updated using Mass Change in New Contract.  The Mass Change definitions below can be used to mass uncheck or check the New Reportable to EMIS checkboxs.


jobTitle will also update the Position Description field on the Position record when the new contract is activated.



Compensation drop down information on the Future records comes from the Position Description (Position record) and Label (Compensation record) data .         

Compensation drop down information on the Current record comes from the Position Description field on the Position record..


Example of an Import.csv:

Creating New Non-Contract Compensations


Example of New Contract under New Contract Maintenance option:

Salary Notices

This program produces salary notices that can be distributed to employees with New Contract information.

Creating Salary Notices 

The Salary Notices are created using the New Contracts that are listed under New Contract Maintenance.


To create the Employee Salary Notices, listed under 'New Contract Maintenance', click on Salary Notices.

Image RemovedImage Added

The Output File Name is defaulted to Salary Notices but can be changed. *Required Field 


Sort Option- From the drop-down option, choose the way you want the Salary Notices to be sorted *Required Field


Select an Appointment Type from the drop-down option.  This will filter based upon the Appointment Type on the position the new contract is for:


  • Select Employee(s) from the dropdown and click on Add:

CheckImage Addedif wanting to create Salary Notices for specific Pay Groups:

  • Select Pay Groups from Available to Selected using Image Added:

Image Added

Check to include the district information when the salary notices are printed - either using the default or custom forms.  When the checkbox is marked, the information from Core>Organization is what will be printed.  District forms may also be customized to already include district information.  Districts will want to be conscious of the form being used to know how this checkbox needs to be marked.   


Select the appropriate salary notice Form from the drop-down option.

Click to create Salary Notices.


DescriptionField NameMerge Field Name
Employee NumberemployeeNumber${(row.employeeNumber)!}
First NamefirstName${(row.firstName)!}
Middle NamemiddleName${(row.middleName)!}
Last NamelastName${(row.lastName)!}
Street 1street1${(row.street1)!}
Street 2street2${(row.street2)!}
Position NumberpositionNumber${(row.positionNumber)!}
Position DescriptionpositionDescription${(row.positionDescription)!}
Compensation LabelcompensationLabel${(row.compensationLabel)!}
Contract AmountcontractAmount${(row.contractAmount?string(",##0.00"))!}
Contract Work DayscontractWorkDays${(row.contractWorkDays)!}
Number Of PaysnumberOfPays${(row.numberOfPays)!}
Compensation Start DatecompensationStartDate${(row.compensationStartDate)!}
Hours In DayhoursInDay${(row.hoursInDay)!}
Pay PlanpayPlan${(row.payPlan)!}
Pay Per PeriodpayPerPeriod${(row.payPerPeriod?string(",##0.00"))!}
Appointment TypeappointmentType${(row.appointmentType)!}
School YearschoolYear${(row.schoolYear)!}
Statement DatestatementDate${(row.statementDate)!}
District NamedistrictName${(row.districtName)!}
District StreetdistrictStreet${(row.districtStreet)!}
District CitydistrictCity${(row.districtCity)!}
District StatedistrictState${(row.districtState)!}
District ZipdistrictZip${(row.districtZip)!}
Include District Info On NoticeincludeDistrictInfoOnNotice${(row.includeDistrictInfoOnNotice)!}
Name For NoticenameForNotice${(row.nameForNotice)!}
Salary Scheduled IdsalaryScheduleId


Salary Schedule ColumnsalaryScheduleColumn${(row.salaryScheduleColumn)!}
Salary Schedule StepsalaryScheduleStep





3-digit rounding

2-digit rounding

Rate TyperateType${(row.rateType)!}
District YearsdistrictExperience${(row.districtExperience)!}
Building YearsbuildingExperience


Accred Dist YearsaccredDistrictExperience${(row.accredDistrictExperience)!}
Military YearsmilitaryExperience${(row.militaryExperience)!}
Trade YearstradeExperience


Retire System YearsretireSystemExperience${(row.retireSystemExperience)!}
Ohio Public YearsohioPublicExperience


Ohio Private YearsohioPrivateExperience ${(row.ohioPrivateExperience)!}

Non Ohio Public Years

Non Ohio Private YearsnonOhioPrivateExperience


Purchased YearspurchasedExperience


Authorized YearsauthorizedExperience${(row.authorizedExperience)!}
Total YearstotalExperience


Principal YearsprincipalExperience


Degree TypedegreeType${(row.degreeType)!}
Degree Type DescdegreeTypeDescription



Setup to Send Salary Notices

First, theEmail Notifications module must be installed. To install the module, go to System>Modules and click the + sign next to the Email Notification Services. Click the Image Modifiedoption to refresh the page.  Once the module is installed, the Email Salary Notices button will be enabled in New Contract>Salary Notices.  Also, go to System>Configuration>Email Configuration and add or verify there is a value in the 'Smtp Host.'  

The next step is setting up the System>Configuration>Salary Notice Configuration. 

Image Modified


The From Email will be the email address of the person sending the notifications. This should be an valid email that your Stmp email server will recognize. 


Districts have the option to email salary notices directly to their employees by clicking the option.  A pop-up box will appear that allows the delivery of the email salary notices to be scheduled. From the calendar, select a date and then enter the time to send the notices.

Image Removed

Then,   The salary notices must remain in New Contract (meaning not activated and new Compensation created) at the time the job is scheduled.  If the new contracts need to be activated prior to sending the salary notices, the notices can be sent from the Core>Compensation>Salary Notice option. Click here for further details on sending salary notices using this option. 

Image Added

Then, click on .

Once the email salary notices have been scheduled, the job will be listed under Utilities>Job Scheduler.  The name will start with EmailSalaryNotice....USER, New Contract.  Once the job has a 'Status' of Completed, single clicking on the job will bring up the highlight view.  The highlight view will list all employees included in that job and if the email was successfully sent or if it failed.


This report lists the data from New Contract maintenance.

Mid Year Contract Change

See Checklist  USPS-R Mid Year Contract Change Checklist#RMidYearContractChangeChecklist

Click here to see Mid Year Contract Change Calculations


The Contract Stop date should reflect the original Contract Stop Date from the initial contract. 


Add New Contract Amount - This is the amount that would have been paid if the new contract amount was in effect from the first work day of the contract. Add the mid-year contract change amount in the New Contract Amount field. - This is the full "new" amount of the contract (New Contract Obligation will be calculated by the system.)

Click Image Removed to see the calculation of the Mid-Contract Change and then click Image Removed

Image Removed

To activate one record, click the Image Removed next to the contract and then click Image Removed

To mass activate several contracts.  Filter the contracts using the grid bringing up only contracts you wish to activate.  Click the Image Removed under the word Copy. All contracts should then be checked. Click Image Removed


When the new contract is activated, it will automatically enter a Compensation Stop Date on the old contract record.

Mid-Contract With Retro Spread Over Remaining Pay


New Contract will NOT adjust the dock for the new rate.  This will have to be done manually using Compensation Adjustment>Amount Dock or a Future Pay entry.

Click here to see Mid Year Retro Spread calculations.

Go to Processing/New Contracts and click on Copy

Find the Employee by typing a few characters of the first or last name or id.

Find the Compensation using the drop down Image Removed

Choose the Contract Type from the drop down Image Removed

Enter the Mid-Year Contract Change Contract Start Date. --The Contract Start Date will be the day after the last period ending date between old and new compensations, not the original start date of the contract. Example- the last pay processing range was from 8/1/18 - 8/15/18. The New Contract Start Date on the Mid Year contract would be 8/16/18. 

The Contract Stop date should reflect the original Contract Stop Date from the initial contract. 

Click Image Removed

Image Removed

The Raise Date must be specified - this in conjunction with start date tells us how many days were paid at the "wrong/old" rate for calculations. This date is when the employee should have actually started receiving the mid-year contract pay.

Add the mid-year contract change amount in the New Contract Amount field. - This is the full "new" amount of the contract (New Contract Obligation with retro spread will be calculated by the system.)

Click Image Removed to see the calculation of the Mid-Contract Change and then click Image Removed


The Days Since Raise field will be automatically populated, utilizing the raise date, when the Calculate button is clicked.

Image Removed

To activate one record, click the Image Removed next to the contract and then click Image Removed

To mass activate several contracts.  Filter the contracts using the grid bringing up only contracts you wish to activate.  Click the Image Removed under the word Copy. All contracts should then be checked. Click Image Removed


When the new contract is activated, it will automatically enter a Compensation Stop Date on the old contract record.

Mid-Contract With Lump Sum Retro


New Contract will NOT adjust the dock for the new rate.  This will have to be done manually using Compensation Adjustment>Amount Dock or a Future Pay entry.

Click here to see Lump Sum Retro calculations.

Click here for a Mid-Contract with Lump Sum Retro template.

Go to Processing/New Contracts and click on Copy.

Find the Employee by typing a few characters of the first or last name or id.

Find the Compensation using the drop down Image Removed

Choose the Contract Type from the drop down Image Removed

Enter the Mid-Year Contract Change Contract Start Date.  The Contract Start Date will be the day after the last period ending date between old and new compensations, not the original start date of the contract. Example- the last pay processing range was from 8/1/18 - 8/15/18. The New Contract Start Date on the Mid Year contract would be 8/16/18. 

The Contract Stop date should reflect the original Contract Stop Date from the initial contract. 

Click Image Removed

Image Removed

The Raise Date must be specified - this in conjunction with start date tells us how many days were paid at the "wrong/old" rate for calculations. This date is when the employee should have actually started receiving the mid-year contract pay.

Add the mid-year contract change amount in the New Contract Amount field. - This is the full "new" amount of the contract (New Contract Obligation and retro amount will be calculated by the system.Example of manually calculating the Contract Obligation:

Old compensation: $11.67 per hour x 7.25 hours a day x 78 days = $6,599.38

New compensation: $17.38 per hour x 7.25 hours a day x 102 days = $12,852.51

= $19,451.89 New Contract Obligation (System will calculate using the new contract amount)

Example of how to calculate the New Contract Amount:

$17.38 per hour x 7.25 hours a day x 180 days = $22,680.90 New Contract Amount (The amount that would have been paid if the new contract amount was in effect from the first work day of the contract)

Click Image Added to see the calculation of the Mid-Contract Change and then click Image Added

Image Added

To activate one record, click the Image Added next to the contract and then click Image Added

To mass activate several contracts.  Filter the contracts using the grid bringing up only contracts you wish to activate.  Click the Image Added under the word Copy. All contracts should then be checked. Click Image Added


When the new contract is activated, it will automatically enter a Compensation Stop Date on the old contract record.

Mid-Contract With Retro Spread Over Remaining Pay


New Contract will NOT adjust the dock for the new rate.  This will have to be done manually using Compensation Adjustment>Amount Dock or a Future Pay entry.

Click here to see Mid Year Retro Spread calculations.

Go to Processing/New Contracts and click on Copy

Find the Employee by typing a few characters of the first or last name or id.

Find the Compensation using the drop down Image Added

Choose the Contract Type from the drop down Image Added

Enter the Mid-Year Contract Change Contract Start Date. --The Contract Start Date will be the day after the last period ending date between old and new compensations, not the original start date of the contract. Example- the last pay processing range was from 8/1/18 - 8/15/18. The New Contract Start Date on the Mid Year contract would be 8/16/18. 

The Contract Stop date should reflect the original Contract Stop Date from the initial contract. 

Click Image Added

Image Added

The Raise Date must be specified - this in conjunction with start date tells us how many days were paid at the "wrong/old" rate for calculations. This date is when the employee should have actually started receiving the mid-year contract pay.

New Contract Amount - This is the amount that would have been paid if the new contract amount was in effect from the first work day of the contract. Add the mid-year contract change amount in the New Contract Amount field. - This is the full "new" amount of the contract (New Contract Obligation will be calculated by the system.)

Example of manually calculating the Contract Obligation:

Old compensation: $11.67 per hour x 7.25 hours a day x 78 days = $6,599.38

New compensation: $17.38 per hour x 7.25 hours a day x 102 days = $12,852.51

= $19,451.89 New Contract Obligation (System will calculate using the new contract amount)

Example of how to calculate the New Contract Amount:

$17.38 per hour x 7.25 hours a day x 180 days = $22,680.90 New Contract Amount (The amount that would have been paid if the new contract amount was in effect from the first work day of the contract)

Click Image Added to see the calculation of the Mid-Contract Change and then click Image Added


The Days Since Raise field will be automatically populated, utilizing the raise date, when the Calculate button is clicked.

Image Added

To activate one record, click the Image Added next to the contract and then click Image Added

To mass activate several contracts.  Filter the contracts using the grid bringing up only contracts you wish to activate.  Click the Image Added under the word Copy. All contracts should then be checked. Click Image Added


When the new contract is activated, it will automatically enter a Compensation Stop Date on the old contract record.

Mid-Contract With Lump Sum Retro


New Contract will NOT adjust the dock for the new rate.  This will have to be done manually using Compensation Adjustment>Amount Dock or a Future Pay entry.

Click here to see Lump Sum Retro calculations.

Click here for a Mid-Contract with Lump Sum Retro template.

Go to Processing/New Contracts and click on Copy.

Find the Employee by typing a few characters of the first or last name or id.

Find the Compensation using the drop down Image Added

Choose the Contract Type from the drop down Image Added

Enter the Mid-Year Contract Change Contract Start Date.  The Contract Start Date will be the day after the last period ending date between old and new compensations, not the original start date of the contract. Example- the last pay processing range was from 8/1/18 - 8/15/18. The New Contract Start Date on the Mid Year contract would be 8/16/18. 

The Contract Stop date should reflect the original Contract Stop Date from the initial contract. 

Click Image Added

Image Added

The Raise Date must be specified - this in conjunction with start date tells us how many days were paid at the "wrong/old" rate for calculations. This date is when the employee should have actually started receiving the mid-year contract pay.

New Contract Amount - This is the amount that would have been paid if the new contract amount was in effect from the first work day of the contract. Add the mid-year contract change amount in the New Contract Amount field. - This is the full "new" amount of the contract (New Contract Obligation will be calculated by the system.)

Example of manually calculating the Contract Obligation:

Old compensation: $11.67 per hour x 7.25 hours a day x 78 days = $6,599.38

New compensation: $17.38 per hour x 7.25 hours a day x 102 days = $12,852.51

= $19,451.89 New Contract Obligation (System will calculate using the new contract amount)

Example of how to calculate the New Contract Amount:

$17.38 per hour x 7.25 hours a day x 180 days = $22,680.90 New Contract Amount (The amount that would have been paid if the new contract amount was in effect from the first work day of the contract)

Click  to see the calculation of the Mid-Contract Change and then click 


The contract obligation field will reflect the amount to be earned on the new contract plus the amount already earned on the old contract plus the lump sum retro amount.

The Days Since Raise field will be automatically populated, utilizing the raise date, when the Calculate button is clicked.


New Compensation options under More

Errors and Warnings

Warning - The entered pay per period amount does not match the amount calculated by the system.

Warning - Pay Per Period has been calculated based upon contract values.

Warning - Unit Amount has been calculated based upon contract values.