All Compensation defines how the employee is going to be paid. There are two types of Compensations: Contract and Non-Contract.
Contracts Compensations are for employee's that have a specific amount that is to be paid to that person during a payroll period.
Non Contract Compensations would be an unknown total amount. A non-contract would be considered as substitutes or part-time employees and anyone who didn't have a contracted amount. Employee's that would work an unknown amount of days or hours during a payroll period.
Highlight Viewer
To use the 'Highlight Viewer', select the row in the grid to view. The 'Highlight Viewer' on the right hand side will appear:
Search/View Positions
The Compensation Grid allows the user to search for existing Compensation records for an employee. You can either enter in the Number or a few characters in any of the grid headings and all occurrences of that search will show up and then you can choose the item(s) you are wanting to view or edit. Example - First Name is one of my grid options. If I type in %San (% is use as a wildcard) in the First name field, all occurrences of anyone with San in the first name will appear. You can then click on the next to the Compensation record you are searching for to view the data relating to this employee or click on the to edit the record or to delete the record. The Primary Compensation Flag is used to make one of the employee's compensation the Primary job. There can be only ONE primary Compensation per position. Having a compensation set as primary will not impact anything other than the custom reports where the primary compensation is used. If not wanting to have a job marked as Primary, click on the to uncheck this job.
Salary Notices can be created by selecting one or multiple employee's in the grid.
Selecting Contract Compensations tab shows only the employees with Contract Compensations:
Selecting Non Contract Compensations tab shows only employees with Non Contract Compensations:
Archived Compensations
SIFF Data Collector - If the employee is archived, then the employee and position/compensations will not be included, even if the compensation is not marked as archived. Marking the employee as archived keeps everything from being in the collection.
If an individual compensation is marked as archived, but the employee is not archived, then the compensation will not be included because it is archived, but the employee will be included, provided the report to EMIS flag is true.
If a compensation has never been paid or there are no compensation journals, it will be removed instead of archived. It will archive all others.
Legacy compensations should NEVER be deleted (they will be archived).
FYI: If New contracts is the only place a compensation is referenced and you try to delete the compensation, you will get an "Object is referenced and cannot be deleted" exception. If the user takes these steps, the Compensation is not used anywhere else and should just be repurposed to fit their need instead of using it as a base for a new contract.
There are two ways to Archive employees Compensations:
- Edit an employee's compensation and click on and Save. This will hide the employee's compensation from view on the grid:
- Click on the button next to the employee's compensation you want to archive:
A confirm box will appear, click on to archive compensation or Cancel to exit without archiving the compensation. This will NOT actually Delete the compensation; it just hides it from view on the compensation grid.
To then view the Archived compensations on the Grid, check .
To Un-Archive an Employees Compensation, edit the compensation and click on to un-check and click on Save:
The Archived column can be added to the grid using the More option:
Archiving an employee's Compensation, will hide this compensation from other component options:
- New Contract
- Attendance
- EMIS Entry
- Current/Future
- Payroll Processing/Pay Report
Create Compensation
A present Position can be used or if a new Position, this must be created first using CORE/POSITIONS.
Select to open up box:
- Select Employee, Position, and Compensation Type (Contract or NonContract)
- Click on
After the new Compensation has been created and saved, when editing the compensation, a new button has been added, . If changing the contract, the Calculate button will calculate values for Unit Amount and Pay Per Period when clicked. It will also calculate contract workdays, if no value is entered in contract workdays and the compensation has Start/Stop dates entered. If clicking on just , no calculation will take place.
Contract Compensation
Contracts are for employee's that have a specific amount that is to be paid to that person during a payroll period.
Non Contract Compensation
A non-contract would be considered as substitutes or part time employees and anyone who didn't have a contracted amount. Employee's that would work an unknown number of days or hours during a payroll period and an unknown total amount.
Field definitions:
Type is non-modifiable once selected from the Create selection:
- Contract
- NonContract - Jobs from Classic that have no contract obligation, are created as non contract compensations during import.
- Legacy - This type is imported from Classic. Workdays will not update automatically if the Calendar Type is changed. Will have to update manually or use Mass Change. Jobs from Classic that have a contract obligation, a Legacy compensation will be created during import.
A new field called Code has been added to compensations. A patch was written to default the compensation code value. The patch will default the code on existing compensations to the start date of the compensation in MMYYYY format followed by a dash and a random character. For example, 032021-A. If the Contract has no Start Date entered, the Code will show only a Letter. For example, A The code is modifiable. If you change it, it will only allow alphanumeric characters and dashes. The code is also unique per employee/position. If a position has multiple compensations, those compensations CANNOT have the same code. The Code field is a required field.
- When creating a New Contract for employee's, a unique Code will be given to the New Contract after Activating in Compensations. The Code will resemble
- When creating a Contract or Non Contract Compensation manually the Code must be entered manually. The Code can be any combination of letters and numbers and can include hyphens. The code has to be unique for a given position, ie: position 1 cannot have 2 compensations with code set to "FY21", but position 1 can have a compensation with code set to "FY21" and position 2 can also have a compensation with code set to "FY21"
A compensation is linked to a Job Calendar. The Job Calendar is defined in the CORE/JOB CALENDAR option. If this field is not filled in, the job calendar for the compensation will be the one associated with the pay group. Should there be no calendar associated to the pay group, the job will be linked to the district default calendar.
The Description is the title of the Position. The Description field can be used to differentiate the position between fiscal years-. (Example 19-20 Teacher, 20-21 Teacher). This can then be used to sort on the grid for data from a particular fiscal year. (Can be especially useful when using Mass Change) The is the title of the Position.
- The Future Pay Amounts will default the Description to the Label or Description of the compensation. This filed can be overridden, if necessary.
Label is used if a position has more than one compensation. Max Length is 256 characters.
- The Label field, if used, will be seen in the Compensation drop down section in Future Pay Amounts
- The Future Pay Amounts will default the Description to the Label or Description of the compensation. This filed can be overridden, if necessary.
Compensation Start Date is the start date of the current contract. This date is a required field and is usually the first day for which the job is paid. The contract workdays are figured by using the Compensation Start and Stop dates and the Job Calendar selected.
- The Contract Start Date is used in EMIS Position reporting for the employee.
- (Note - Make sure to enter a Calendar Start date, which is located under the Historical Context box in compensations. This is a required field for ODJFS and EMIS reporting)
Compensation Stop Date is the last day of the current contract. This date is a required field.
- Enter a Compensation Stop Date - in most cases this is normally one day less than the next year's Compensation Start Date.
The contract workdays are figured by using the Compensation Start and Stop Date and the Job Calendar selected.
When a payroll is initialized and the Compensation Start and Stop Date are inclusive of the period beginning and ending dates, the Compensation will be included. If necessary, depending on dates, in most cases, the 26 (or 24 if paid semi-monthly) the system will include both contract Compensations - the final pay for last year's Compensation and the Compensation for the current fiscal year. The system will pay off the final pay on the prior year's Compensation and count the Days Worked/Amount Earned on the new fiscal year's Compensation.
Non Contract Compensation Start Date - Non Contracts do not have to have a Start Date entered - Is not required.
Non Contract Compensations Stop Date - Non Contracts do not have to have a Stop Date entered - Is not required.
The frequency by which the job is to be paid is referred to as the Pay Plan. This is a required field. There are 3 possible pay plans:
- Biweekly
- Semi-monthly
- Monthly
The method by which the employee is paid is either Daily or Hourly is the Pay unit. Required field.
The Unit Amount field is the daily or hourly rate of the contract. This field will be calculated based on the Contract values: ( This amount is recalculated every time payroll is ran)
- The daily rate is calculated as follows:
- The hourly rate is calculated as follows:
- In cases where there is not contract (i.e. substitutes), the amount can be manually entered.
The Retirement Hours field contains the hours the employee is to receive per day for retirement purposes. The retire hours is used to automatically calculate an employee's Regular pay type hours during the Payroll Processing and Payroll Payment Future and Current. This field is NOT a required field. If there is no value in the "Retire hours" field, Payroll Processing and Payroll Payments will use the value in Hours per day. If there is no value in either field, Payroll Processing and Payroll Payments will use 0.00 as the retirement hours value.
The STRS Advance field indicates whether the job is in the advance mode: (Non-Modifiable field) **Use Mass Change to update this flag, if needed**
- job is in advance
- Blank - No, job is not in advance.
The Supplemental Tax Option field is used to identify the taxing option to be used when paying a supplemental job.
- Three options are available:
- None - Payment taxed as part of regular wages (uses regular tax rates)
- Apply Annuities to Regular - all amounts paid on this job will be taxed at the federal withholding rate for supplemental payments. When choosing this option, all annuity amounts for the employee are applied to the regular wages. No annuity amounts are applied to the wages that will be taxed at the federal supplemental withholding rate.
- Apply Annuities to Supplemental - all amounts paid on this job will be taxed at the federal withholding rate for supplemental payments. When choosing this option, all annuity amounts for the employee are applied to the wages being taxed at the supplemental withholding rate. No annuity amounts are applied to the regular wages.
- The taxing option selected will appear in Payroll payments, Current and Future and can be modified if necessary. If neither of these options apply to this job, the field should be left blank.
**For instance** if you choose "Apply Annuities to Supplemental" it will apply the applicable annuities to the supplemental wages first (assuming the employee also has regular wages on the same payroll). If there are then annuities "left over" after applying them to the supplemental wage amount, the remaining amounts will be applied to the regular wages. The opposite is true when the option to apply the annuities to regular wages is selected.
The Archived option can be checked to hide old employee's compensations on the grid.
Contract Days Worked are the number of days the employee has worked on this job. These days are automatically calculated by using the Job Calendar and Compensation Start and Stop date. The days worked is determined by the work, holiday, and calamity days that are on the job calendar that is assigned to the compensation. When a compensation is included in a payroll, when that payroll is posted, we find all the days on the calendar that fall between the payroll pay group date range and add them to the contract days works. Users can also manually adjust the days worked by creating a compensation adjustment for work days. The adjustment will be added to the Contract Days Worked on the compensation.
Contract Workdays are the number of days the employee is contracted to work this job.
Hours In Day field contains the number of hours the employee is regularly scheduled to work during a day. This field is used in calculating hourly rates and charging out absences through the program, Leave Projection.
- The hours in day field are used several places where we need to convert hourly values to daily values, or daily values to hourly values.
- Is used by the personal to pay benefit accrual option in the calculation of the payment for unused personal leave.
- Is used in leave projection as stated above.
- Is used to convert hourly attendances and absences to days for EMIS day reporting.
- Is used in new contract to calculate the daily amount for a compensation paid hourly.
- Is used to default retire hours on future pay amounts of type REG or OT.
- Is used to default hours worked on current pay amounts of type REG or OT.
- It is used to determine if a dock day is counted for ODJFS days. Only full dock days are counted so if a dock is hourly the length of the dock day is compared to the hours in day to determine if the dock is a full day.
- SERS Hours uses the actual hours worked in the payroll.
Primary Compensation - Read Only - The Primary Compensation flag is only used in the custom report writer. If you create a report that includes a position, you will now have access to the positions 'primary compensation'. The users can interact with this property via the Compensation Grid and Compensation Dashboard Grid. A primary compensation can be reported through the custom report creator anywhere the position can be reported. This field is not an option for Mass Change.
There can be only one primary compensation per position. Having a compensation set as primary will not impact anything other than the custom reports where the primary compensation is used:
The Pay per Period field is used for equal pay employees. It contains the pay amount the employee should receive on this job for each payroll. The pay per period is calculated as follows:
The Contract Amount indicates where the compensation is placed on the salary schedule. This amount is for informational purposes. Amount and Obligation will differ when a change in the obligation is made for the current contract through New Contract. In that case, the contract amount will be the full contract amount. If the Retro amount is a negative amount, will need to ensure that there is enough gross from other pay amounts to cover the negative retro amount. If the negative retro is larger than the gross from other pay amounts, then the retro amount will not be processed, and a warning will be produced on the payroll error report
- Warning - Insufficient remaining gross to add negative retro next pay amount -XXX.XX for compensation code: XXXXXXXXXXXX. Negative retro pay amount not created.
The Contract Obligation is the amount the board is obligated to pay the employee for the current contract.
The Contract Type field is a user defined field.
The Pays In Contract refers to the number of pays the job is contracted for.
Pays paid is the number of pays that have been paid on the contract. This field is updated after each payroll in which the job is included. This field is non-modifiable.
The Retro Next Pay field can be used in two ways. One, if a retro situation is created in New Contract, the retro amount can be placed in this field by the New Contract program. Two, a retro amount can be manually entered. In either case the system will process the retro amount during the next payroll in which the job is included.
The option indicates whether payments should be stretched over the number of pays or not. Check if payments are to be stretched over a consecutive number of pays in the contract.
Compensation Amounts
The Accrued Wages is the amount the employee has earned on this contract but has not yet been paid. This field stores the accrued wages. It is important that this field is correct for mid-year contract changes and using the POF (pay off of accrued) in Payroll Payments. Only those employees who are on stretch pay will have amounts in the Accrued Wages field. This field is non-modifiable. (Accrued Wages is a calculated field - Amount Earned minus Amount Paid. The Accrued Wage field can be modified by changing the earned amount)
The Amount Earned is the contract amount earned by the employee. The calculation is as follows:
This amount is updated with each payroll that the job is processed. - The Amount Earned = Unit Amount x Contract Days Worked x Hours
The Amount Paid which has been paid to the employee through the payroll system. It does not include accrued wages.
The Amount Docked field contains a running total of wages which are docked on the job.
Salary Schedule - Only for Contract Compensations
Salary Schedule Column refers to which column the employee is in on the salary schedule. Numeric only
Salary Schedule ID is the schedule type for the salary schedule the employee is associated with. The ID can be between 1 and 6 characters in length. Alpha and Numeric
Salary Schedule Step is the salary schedule step that the employee is on. Numeric only
State Reporting
Is this employee information to be Reported to EMIS?
- Check if the employee information should be reported to EMIS. The Full Time Equivalence, Contract Amount, Contract Work Days, and Hours In The Day fields on the Position record can then be used to report this information in the data submission.
- Leave unchecked if the employee information should NOT be reported to EMIS
Local Contract Code is the Job Number for the employee's EMIS Contracted Service (CC) job. Example: 001.
When a SIF collection is performed on the staff data, the Local Contract Code and an alpha character will show in the local contract code as a reference to the compensation the CK record is for. In redesign, each compensation that is reportable to EMIS is reported separately within the position collection. So, the local contract code gets set to the position number the compensation is for, followed by an alpha character. This was setup inside the USPS EMIS SOAP bridge that is used to gather the data from redesign when a collection is done. The local contract code that is assigned to a compensation can also be viewed in redesign on the compensation screen under the State Reporting section. The local contract code field is displayed and shows the code that was assigned during the collection.
If there are 2 reportable compensations for the same position the local contract codes would be 1a and 1b.
Historical Context
Calendar Start Date is the day on which the system will start counting information from the calendar. This is a required field for ODJFS reporting and EMIS Position reporting
Calendar Stop Date is the day on which the system will stop counting information from the calendar. The system uses this date when calculating ODJFS weeks, EMIS days, and service credit.
- The calendar start date should be updated on a new compensation, so that workdays from the calendars are accurately found and counted for retirement purposes. The retirement service will use a separate date range, also, in addition to the calendar dates, fiscal year, for example, that will prevent days from being counted beyond the calendar dates, if they are not accurate. Calendar dates on the compensations should be updated with each compensation created.
- **NOTE** - EMIS Staff Collection uses the Calendar Dates to count Absences for the employee for the FY**
Contract Change/Extension Type - The type of contract extension or contract change by which this Compensation replaced the old Compensation:
- Mid-contract with no retro
- Mid-contract with retro spread over remaining pays
- Mid-contract with lump sum retro
- New contract
Contract Change/Extension Source is the Compensation that was replaced by a contract extension or contract change. This is how compensations are linked so when one pays off, the other will have new contract earnings.
Paying Employee on Old and New Earnings on same pay
If employee is being paid off on the old contract and being paid on new contract on same pay, the 'Contract Change/Extension Source' will need to be removed on the New Contract compensation. This field will need to be reentered, only if the employee will need a Mid-Year Contract change during the school year.
Pay Group
Pay Group Code is a non-modifiable field showing the employees Pay Group Code for the Compensation. If the Pay group needs changed, go the employees Position and update the Pay group. You will then have to modify the compensation for this employee and Save to see the changes to the Pay Group and Description.
Pay Group Description is a non-modifiable field showing the Description of the Employees Pay Group Code. This can be modified by going to the employee's Position.
Compensation Adjustments- Ability to manually adjust compensation Amounts and Days Worked:
Click on Create and enter in the data to be updated. This will add or subtract to your figures:
Amount Paid
Amount Earned (Accrued Wages is a calculated field - Earned minus Paid. The Accrued Wage field can be modified by changing the earned amount)
Amount Docked
Days Worked (Contract Only)
Transaction Date is stamped as the system date and cannot be change.
Contract Compensation Journal:
Non Contract Compensation Journal:
Click on Save to save the update:
Click on to create the New Compensation, click on cancel to not create the Compensation.
Audit Report option
After creating and saving a Compensation record, or to see any changes that were made to a Compensation record, there is a option to run an Audit Report directly.
from the Compensation record.
User must be in VIEW mode in order to see the Audit Report button. On the Compensation record--Click on the button.
Click on the button.
Enter a Start Date and Stop Date and click on the button.
The report heading on this single object audit report will include the start/stop date on the Title Page and the title on the report will be USPS Audit Report - (Compensation)
Print Screen Contract and Non Contract Compensation record option.
After creating and/or modifying and saving a Compensation record, by clicking on , this will produce a report of the employee's compensation data:
Contract Compensation
Compensation Print Screen Example
Non Contract Compensation
Salary Notice
Selecting one employee
Salary Notices can be generated or emailed from the compensation view. If you click on of a contract compensation (this includes legacy compensations) you will see a Salary Notices button. This will allow generating or emailing the salary notice for the compensation. Click on .
Selecting Multiple Employees
Salary Notices can be created for multiple employees by selecting them in the grid and clicking on :
The Output File Name is defaulted to Salary Notices but can be changed. *Required Field
The Statement Date will default to today's date but can be modified. This date is used to print on the Salary Notices and is not used for any kind of filtering *Required Field
Sort Option- From the drop-down option, choose the way you want the Salary Notices to be sorted *Required Field
- Employee Number (Default Option)
- Employee Name
Enter in the School Year for the Salary Notices Example: 2022-2023. This is used to print on the Salary Notices and is not used for any king of filtering.
Check to include district information on salary notices when using the default form. This option can also be used on custom forms that are setup to use it. Custom forms may also be setup to always include district information. When using a custom salary notice form, please be aware of the district fields the form is setup to use. This information is directly pulled from Core/Organization when selecting Default:
Select the Salary Notice Form from the drop down option: Default or Custom Forms
- Districts will have the option to create a custom Salary Notice for their district. To setup a custom form, you will need to download salaryNoticeTemplate.docx and modify it. After updating the form, go to Report Manager and click Create Form. In Report Name, enter the name of the custom form. Select New Contract under Entity Type. Upload your custom form using the Select Form button. Save the custom form. Now when you generate salary notices from compensations or new contract, you will be able to select the default form or your custom form you created:
- On the Salary Notice Configuration, there is an option to set the default salary notice form. If you select your custom form, then when you go to compensation or new contract it will be selected by default, but you still have the option to change it. Please click here for more information on setting a Custom Salary Notice as default under Configuration/Salary Notice Configuration.
Once all information is selected, click on to create a pdf Salary Notice.
Example of the Default Salary Notice
Districts will also have the option to Email Salary Notices directly to their employee's. Click to schedule a Date and time to send email notices:
To Send the scheduled Salary Notices, click on
When scheduling the emails, the scheduled job will show under Utilities->Job Scheduler. The name will start with New Contract (or Compensation if scheduled from the compensation view). If you bring up the highlight viewer for a completed job, it will show the employees who were to receive emails and if the email was successful or failed.
Refer to the Mass Load documentation.
Edit Compensation
- Select the Employee to Edit
- Click on next to the Compensation to be modified
- Enter in the correct data
- Click on to save the changes made or select to not save changes.
**NOTE** After the new Compensation has been created and saved, when editing the compensation, a new button has been added, . If changing the contract, the Calculate button will calculate values for Unit Amount and Pay Per Period when clicked. It will also calculate contract workdays, if no value is entered in contract workdays and the compensation has Start/Stop dates entered. If clicking on just , no calculations will take place.
Mass Change
For more detail information on the Mass Change option, please click on the Mass Change documentation link to find the How to Steps: Mass Change
Report Creation
To create a report from the Grid, please click on the Report documentation link to find the How to Steps: Report