Employee (Personnel)
 The Employees (Personnel) option contains personal information about the employee. Employees would need PERSONNEL_USER role to edit or view these records.
- Employee Name
- Address
- Dates
- Legal Name
- Race
The 'Include Concealed' option allows the district to include Concealed Employees on the grid.
Highlight Viewer
To use the 'Highlight Viewer', select the row in the grid to view. Â The 'Highlight Viewer' on the right hand side will appear:
Include Archived Employees (Personnel)
To view archived employees in the grid, click on .
Search/View Employee (Personnel)Â
The Employee (Personnel) Grid allows the user to search for existing employees. You can either enter in the Number or a few characters in any of the grid headings and all occurrences of that search will show up and then you can choose the item(s) you are wanting to view or edit. Example - First Name is one of my grid options. If I type in %San (% is use as a wildcard) in the First name field, all occurrences of anyone with San in the first name will appear. You can then click on the or click on the to edit the record or to delete the record. next to the Employee record you are searching for to view the data relating to this employee
The Advanced Search can be utilized by clicking on the  in the upper right side of the grid. To add more columns to your grid, click on the  in the upper right hand side of the grid and check marking the column header name.  To reorder of the columns, simply drag and drop them in the desired order.
Edit Employee (Personnel)
Only fields that are allowed to be edited will be displayed in White. Blue fields cannot be updated by the user.
- Search desired employee on grid
- Click on  to edit the employee
- Make desired changes
- Click
Report Creation
To create a report from the Grid, please click on the Report documentation link to find the How to Steps:Â Report