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Table of Contents


The Job Calendars Grid allows the user to search for existing Job Calendars. You can either enter in the Type or a few characters in any of the grid headings and all occurrences of that search will show up and then you can choose the item(s) you want to view or edit.   You can then click on the  next to the Employee record you are searching for to view the data relating to this Job Calendar or click on the  to edit the record or  to delete the record.

Delete Job Calendars

 A Calendar with days already tied to pay records cannot be deleted.  An Error will occur:

 Image RemovedImage Added

In order for a Job Calendar with no pay records tied to it to be deleted, the calendar must be blank - remove all no work days, holidays, calamity days, or make-up days from the calendar and then click on delete.

Include Archived

Option to hide unused Job Calendars


  • Fiscal Year
    • July through June of respective fiscal year
  • Calendar Year
    • January through December of respective calendar year
  • Quarter
    • 1st Quarter-January through March
    • 2nd Quarter- April  through June
    • 3rd Quarter-July through September
    • 4th Quarter-October through December
  • Month
    • Month currently displayed on screen
  • Custom Date Range
    • User can enter in the Custom Start Date and Custom Stop date to obtain the number of respective days for that time period.  (04012019, 04/01/2019 or Date Shortcuts can be used)
  • Date Shortcuts - you can use the beginning and ending characters to indicate the beginning and ending dates for the current applicable period.  Please note these aren't case-sensitive:
    • FiscaL

      F - 1st day of current fiscal start date 7/1/17

      L -  Last day of current fiscal end date 6/30/18

      MontH (based on current system date)

      M - 1st day of current month 4/1/18

      H - Last day of current month 4/30/18


      W -  15th day of current month 4/15/18

      K -  Saturday of current week 4/21/18

      PerioD (Posting Period)

      P - 1st day of next month 5/1/18

      D - Last day of next month 5/31/18


      Q - 1st day of current quarter 4/1/18

      U - Current date 4/18/18

      T - today

      +  Tomorrow's date 4/19/18

      -   Yesterday's date 4/17/18

The available Day options are:


To create a report from the Grid, please click on the Report documentation link to find the How to Steps: Report