- To move interest from the payroll account to another account, possibly a USAS account
- Closed Bank account - Bank sent partial money back from a closed Direct Deposit account. Can either write a Check to the employee or back to the Payee (Bank).
Manual Payments
The Manual Payments option can be use to Create, Void and Un-void Payroll and Payee checks:
Under the Manual Payment Checks option, you can Re-issue, Print Checks and Resequence the Manual Payments that were created:
To Void & Re-issue a check, select the check or checks and click on Re-issue:
Select check(s) to be Resequenced
Select the Bank Account from the drop down box
Enter in a Void Date (Void date has to be after the check transaction date, the day the check was created)
Click on
Once validated, run Resequence Checks again and enter in same data and click on or to exit without saving:
Error/Warning messages
Error - Creating Manual Payment failed. Errors: Duplicate check number already posted, ensure check number is unique