If you would like to make adjustments to current year expendable figures via Budget Scenarios, SSDT has a step-by-step guide available to walk you through it.
Regenerate Budgeting Sheets
Within a budgeting scenario, each budget sheet contains a Regenerate option allowing you to make updates to your existing sheet. It will open a window where changes to the properties or filters can be made and applied. For example, you created an adjustments only scenario, creating a 'General' spreadsheet with all 001 expenditure accounts and realized it should have only contained 001 24xx accounts, use to update the filter and save your changes. It will override the previous sheets settings and any existing proposed amounts will be removed.
Entering Adjustments
You can enter adjustments on the updated budget sheet by using the ensuring the column header states PA-2022. The amount entered should be the new expendable amount. You can also download the budget sheet into EXCEL, enter the new figures and upload back into the scenario.
Once promoted, the new amount will appear in the proposed amounts grid
When applying and selecting 'Adjustment' type, the system will calculate the difference between the current expendable and the entered amount and will create an adjustment for the difference. In our example, if the current expendable is $27,500 but the new expendable is $28,500, a positive $1000 will be added to the FY and Month adjustment field. The initial budget will not be affected.