- Go to Transactions/ Receipts
- Click on +Create
- Enter Details:
- Receipt # (System will auto assign if left bank)
- Date (System will auto assign if left bank)
- Received From
- Description
- Click on the + to enter line item details
- Description
- Type (RC or RX)
- Amount (If a negative amount be sure to preceed the amount with -)
- Account (When entering an account, partial codes can narrow the search (i.e. 001-11-)
- Enter additional Items by either:
- Clicking on the + at the bottom left to enter another item
- Clicking the to duplicate the previous line
- Click the + within the receipt to add an item between already entered items
- Use the up and down arrows to change the order of the items entered
- Delete an item by clicking the x within the receipt
- Click on Save
- Click the X in the upper right corner of the work screen to close the window
- Go to Transactions/ Receipts
- Enter filters in grid rows to find the receipt to edit
- Click on the to edit the receipt
- Modify current info or click + to add additional items
- Click SAVE
- Click the X in the upper right corner of the screen to close the window
- Go to Transactions/ Receipts
- Enter filters in grid rows to find the receipt to clone
- Click on the "eye" to view the receipt you want to clone
- Click on the "clone" button on the top left of the window
- Enter new receipt number
- Make any necessary changes
- Click on SAVE
- Click the X in the upper right corner of the cloned receipt to close the window
- Click the X in the upper right corner of the original receipt to close the window
Receipts can be printed in a batch or one at a time
Create a Refund
- Go to Transactions/Refunds
- Click on +Create
- Enter Details:
- Refund # (System will auto assign if left blank)
- Date (System will auto assign if left blank)
- Refunded to
- Description
- If a Refund Check is needed: Checkmark 'Create check'
- Enter Check Date (system will auto assign if left blank)
- Enter the vendor
- Click on the + to enter line item details:
- Amount
- Description
- Account
- Amount
- Click on Save to post the refund (and possible disbursement) to the system.
- To assign a check number to the refund disbursement, go to Transactions/Disbursements
- Query grid for Refund to issue check number to
- Click on the check box at the beginning of the row to choose the refund
- Click Generate Print File
- Enter Details:
- Check # or let auto assign
- Choose Sort Options
- Choose output type
- Click Generate
Edit a Refund
NOTE: Refunds with an associated check cannot be reversed
Existing refunds from an open posting period may be modified. Only fields that are allowed to be edited will be displayed.
- Go to Transactions/Refunds
- Enter filters in grid row to find the refund to edit
- Click on to edit the refund.
- Modify current info or click on + to add additional items
- Click SAVE
Clone a Refund
- Go to Transactions/Refunds
- Enter filters in grid row to find the refund to clone
- Query for the refund to be cloned
- Click on to view the refund you want to clone
- Click CLONE
- Edit all necessary information to create new refund
- Click SAVE