Any person or company that sells goods or services to your entity?????
Fields on the vendor Record
Vendor Address Information
Vendor Number - stores the number assigned to each vendor. Vendor numbers must be numeric and can contain up to six digits. The vendor number will be automatically assigned to the next available number on file unless you override the auto assign by entering a desired vendor number
Status - signifies if the vendor is an active or inactive vendor. If the Inactive status is selected, it will disallow requisitions and purchase orders from being processed against this vendor. The default status is Active.
Name - is the name of the vendor.
2nd Name - may be used as a second line for the vendor name.
Address - is the first line of the vendor's address
2nd Address - is a second line for the address
City - list the city where the vendor is located
State - is the state or province of the vendor's location. If the vendor has a U.S. address, the valid U.S. abbreviation of the state must be entered in this field.
Postal Code - is the zip or postal code for the vendor. If the country field is blank or a variant of U.S.A., then the cost must be a correctly formatted U.S. zip code (5 digits plus optional 4-digits). Oth-erwise, it can be a postal code for any country.
Country - allows for foreign vendors. If this field is blank or a variant of the U.S.A., then the state will be validated for a two digit state code, and the zip code must be correctly formatted.
Phone - is the vendor's phone number
Fax - is the fax number of the vendor
Check Address Information
Check Address Information fields are used if the vendor wants payments to be sent to an address other than their place of business.
1099 Information
1099 Type: If the vendor is not a 1099 vendor, the default type of non-1099 should be used. If the vendor is a 1099 vendor, click on the down arrow next the 1099 Type field to select from the following 1099 types:
Non-Employee Compensation
Other Income
Medical and Health Care
Royalty Payments
Attorney (Gross Proceeds)
ID# - is the vendor's Federal IRS identification number or social security number. The ID# will display ********* for any read-only or requisition-only users.
Override - If it's set to "Yes", the vendor should have a 1099 reported regardless of the Calendar Year-to-date amount. The default option is set to "No."
Other Information
Account Number - is an optional 20 character field which may contain the district's account number with the vendor
Last Activity Date - is the date of the most recent transaction type which references vendor. This field is non-modifiable.
Creation Date - is the date the vendor record was created. This field is non-modifiable.
Email Address - is the e-mail address of the vendor
Category - is an optional 2 character field which may be used to categorize this vendor
Minority Vendor - is an optional, which set to "Yes", indicates a minority vendor. The default option is set to "No."
Multi-Vendor Flag- if set to "Y" means that it does not represent a real vendor, but is meant to be used for Multi-Vendor/Blanket Purchase Orders. The default option is set to "No."
A vendor must always be a multi-vendor (or not multi-vendor). The system will not allow a user to change classifications once used.
Child Support Flag - ndicates if an outstanding child support order has been received for the vendor. If set to "Y", a warning indicating child support may need to be withheld will be displayed when pro-cessing purchase orders as well as invoices.
New Hire Reporting
New Hire Flag - is used for vendors that need to be reported to the Ohio Department of Job and Fam-ily Services. The "non-reportable" setting is the default setting. "Reported" indicates the vendor has been reported. "Reportable" indicates the vendor needs to be included in "New HIre" reporting.
Date Payments Begin - indicates the first day the vendor was paid
Last Reported Date - the last day the vendor was reported to the New Hire Reporting Center
Birth Date - indicates the date the person was born.
New Hire SSN/FEIN - indicates the social security number or the federal employee identifcation number of the new hire to be reported on the VENHIRE report. If left blank, the 1099 ID# will be re-ported. The New Hire SSN# will display ********* for any read-only or requisition-only users
Legnth of Time ( #of months) - the number of months the contract will be performing services
User Defined
User Money - is an optional numeric field for the district's own use
User Date - is an optional 8 character field for the district's own use. Format is MMDDYYYY
User Text - is an optional 30 character field for the district's own use
User Code 1 and User Code 2 - are optional 2 character fields for the district's own use.
Creating a New Vendor
- From the Core menu select 'Vendor'
- Click on 'Create' (hyperlink)
- Enter in desired information into the vendor
- this is what is the minimal requirement
- Click on Save (hyperlink) to post the vendor to the system, click on Cancel to not post the vendor and return to the Vendor Query.
Query Vendors
The Query option under the Vendors menu allows you to search for vendors that have been posted to the USAS system. It is necessary to first query a vendor in order to do any of the following:
- View the details of an existing vendor
- Make modifications to an existing vendor
- Delete an existing vendor
There is an indication above the query, indicating which fields work with wildcards
To search for a vendor, select the Query option. The following options are available:
- Search - you are able to search by "name" or by the "sounds like" options. If you know the name you can enter it. If you are unsure, choose the "sounds like option" and type in what the vendor name sounds like, and this option will pull all vendors that sound the same. You may use asterisks '' as a wildcard to find vendors containing a value. For example, enter '*office' in Search would select re-cords with 'office' anywhere in the vendor name.
- Starting/Ending Vendor # - enter beginning and/or ending vendor number to select a range of vendors
- Address - enter the vendor street address to select vendors by vendor address. You may use asterisks '' as a wildcard to find vendors containing a specific street address value. For example, enter '*main' in Address would select vendors with 'main' anywhere in the street address
- City - enter the vendor city to select vendors by city. You may use asterisks '' as a wildcard to find vendors containing a specific city. For example, enter '*Sampleville' in City would select vendors in the city of Sampleville.
- State - enter the State to select vendors by a specific State. The state field will only accept the two-characters code for the state (i.e. OH for "Ohio")
- Zip - enter the Zip code to select vendors by a specific Zip Code.
- Phone - enter a Phone Number to select a vendor by phone number.
- Category - enter the 2-character Category code to select vendors by a specific Category.
- Starting/Ending Last Activity Date -enter beginning and/or ending last activity date to select a range of vendors within the LAD range.
- Starting/Ending Fiscal YTD Total - enter the beginning and/or ending Fiscal YTD total dollar amount to select vendors within that range
- Starting/Ending YTD Total - enter the beginning and/or ending calendar YTD total dollar amount to select vendors within that range
- Status - to select vendors by Active, Inactive status or Both
- Maximum Vendors Displayed - you have the option of displaying up to 250 vendors per query. The default number returned is 50.
Vendor Query also has an expand/collapse button in the upper right hand corner. If the query screen is taking up to much space you can collapse the query by clicking on the collapse button.
Once the vendors have been queried, it will display the list of the vendors queried with other summary type information as shown below:
- Number - displays the vendor number used in creating the vendor. Click on the vendor number to view the details of the vendor, as well as to modify or delete the vendor.
- Name - displays the vendor name used in creating the vendor. You may also click on the vendor name to view the details of the vendor, as well as to modify or delete the vendor.
- Phone - displays the phone number entered when creating the vendor.
- Address - displays the vendor street address entered when creating the vendor. You may also click on the vendor address to view the details of the vendor, as well as to modify or delete the vendor.
- City - displays the city entered when creating the vendor.
- State - displays the abbreviated state code entered when creating the vendor.
- Zip - displays up to the 9 digit zip code entered when creating the vendor.
Modifying Vendors
Vendors that have been previously posted to USAS may be modified through the USASWEB applica-tion. In order to modify a vendor, it must first be queried by selecting the "Query" option under the main Vendor menu. Please refer to the "Query Vendors" section for help on selecting vendors to be queried. Once the vendors has been queried, it is selected by clicking on the vendor number, name or address.
Click on the Modify button located under the Vendor Details menu. Once you have selected to modify, you may modify all of the fields except for the vendor number. Once you make the changes to the vendor, click on Accept to accept and post the changes made or click on Cancel to leave the vendor as is.
Deleting a Vendor
The Delete function may be used to delete a vendor.
It is not recommended to delete old vendors since this might destroy an audit trail. If the vendor number is re-used, reports from prior fiscal years will not match current vendor information. We recommend changing the status from "active" to "inactive" instead.If you choose to delete vendors, it's important that you run the DELVEN program prior to deleting a vendor. The DELVEN program will list the vendors that have no activity against them.
In order to delete a vendor, the vendor must be queried using the "Query" option located under the main Vendors menu. Please refer to the "Query Vendors" section for help on selecting vendors to be queried. Once the vendor has been queried, it is selected by clicking on the vendor number, name or address. The vendor details will be displayed in your browser. Click on Delete to delete the vendor.
A pop-up window will be displayed confirming that you want to delete the vendor. Click on OK to delete the vendor.