Creates a Report and Forms from the W2C Records
Fields Definitions:
- The Save and Recall option allows the users to create and save certain reports for different report runs for each report option. The Default option is the original report and the Most Recent is the last report that was ran by the user. If the report is no longer needed, click on to delete the report. The Default reports cannot be deleted.
- Report Title: The default is 'W2C Report' but can be modified.
- Sort Options
- Employee SSN
- Employee Name
- Building/Department and Employee Name
- Building/Department, Pay Group, and Employee Name
- Pay Group
- Zip Code and Employee SSN
- Zip Code and Employee Name
- Check Distribution and Employee Name
- Output Type
- Report - Generate a detail report of changes
- Forms - Generates a printable W2C Form
- When the user clicks on the job will start and will get the following message:
- Report - Generate a detail report of changes
- Submission - Generates a Submission File for submitting W2C.
- Enter the 'Wage File Identifier' (WFID) on the notice sent by the SSA
- Submission - Generates a Submission File for submitting W2C.
- Check 'Start Employee on New Page?' to page break on each employee (only for Report option)
- Year: Select reporting Year from available choices from the drop-down box **Required**
- Specific Employees: Select Employee from dropdown box and click on Add (Leave empty to select all Employees)
Example of W2C Report
Example of W2C Forms.pdf
(can be found under W2C Form Output Files)
Example of W2C.TXT
Report Bundles
Districts have the option to create a Report Bundle for W2C Report, click here for instructions.