Account Mapping is used to 'reroute' accounts that board amounts are being distributed to:
- Any account dimension can be changed
- 2XX objects are for BRDDIS and BRDRET
- Order of accounts in MAPPING is important
- More detail needs a lower number
- More detail is fewer wildcard entries
- Less detail needs a higher number
Used often for grant accounts
- Benefits sometimes can not be charged to these
Used often to consolidate benefit accounts
- Mapping can move multiple benefits accounts into one
Each account is only mapped once
Wildcards can be used
- Be careful of wildcards in the object codes due to various programs using the mapping entries
- Use 2XX objects for BRDDIS and BRDRET
Account on left is “from” account
- Object code has already been changed to 2XX code for board benefit before it gets to read the “from” account mapping entries
Account on right is “to” account
- Final account used for distribution
Adding mapping lines
Use modify, enter number one less where you want the entry inserted; for example:
- If you want to add a new order 14, enter as order 13
- Think of it as add after 13
Delete mapping lines
- Space over order number
- Remaining orders are renumbered upon accept
Mapping lines are not changed by USAS programs ACTCHG or FNDCHG
Implementation of mapping
- First see what BRDDIS/BRDRET are doing with accounts before mapping
- Determine what account the district wants the amounts charged to
- Add mapping lines to accomplish what districts want