The Account Mapping module controls how accounts are charged in Leave Projection and Board Distribution
Example: A teacher is paid through a grant. This grant allows pay for the teacher's salary. When a sick day is taken it will be charged to the sick leave account which corresponds to the salary account. This would not be correct as the grant should not have leave charged to it. Account mapping could be used in this case to charge all leave against the regular teacher's salary account.
Account Mapping is used to 'reroute' accounts that board amounts are being distributed to
- Any account dimension can be changed
- 2XX objects are for BRDDIS and BRDRET
Order of accounts in MAPPING is important
- More detail needs a lower number
- More detail is fewer wildcard entries
- Less detail needs a higher number
Used often for grant accounts
- Benefits sometimes can not be charged to these
Used often to consolidate benefit accounts
- Mapping can move multiple benefits accounts into one
Each account is only mapped once
Wildcards can be used
- Be careful of wildcards in the object codes due to various programs using the mapping entries
- Use 2XX objects for BRDDIS and BRDRET
Account on left is “from” account
- Object code has already been changed to 2XX code for board benefit before it gets to read the “from” account mapping entries
Account on right is “to” account
- Final account used for distribution
Adding mapping lines
Use modify, enter number one less where you want the entry inserted
For example:
- If you want to add a new order 14, enter as order 13
- Think of it as add after 13
Delete mapping lines
- Space over order number
- Remaining orders are renumbered upon accept
Mapping lines are not changed by USAS programs ACTCHG or FNDCHG
Implementation of mapping
- First see what BRDDIS/BRDRET are doing with accounts before mapping
- Determine what account the district wants the amounts charged to
- Add mapping lines to accomplish what districts want
Create a Mapping Account Entry
- From the Utilities menu select Account Mapping
- Click on
- Enter in the Original Account and the Mapped Account too
- Click on 'Save'
Edit Mapping Account Entry
- Select Account Mapping
- Go to Account that needs changing and enter in new Mapping Account number
- Click on 'Save'
Delete Mapping Account Entries
The 'Remove' Function is used to delete a Mapping Account Entry
- Click on the 'Remove option next to the desired account.
To 'Reorder' the sequence of the mapping accounts
- Click on the option at the end of the account row. Click and Drag to the new order line and click on 'Save'