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Employer Distributions Account Charging
The charging of board paid benefits to the appropriate benefit accounts is very simple. However, understanding how the system arrives at its final account of the charging process can often times be a stumper. Let's step through all the factors the system uses in the charging process.
First, keep in mind Employer Distributions uses payroll history when generating its information so the payroll(s) you are wanting to be included will need to be posted in order for the report/submission file to be accurate.
Certificated object codes:
Non-Certificated object codes:
Payroll Account = 024 2944 119 9917 000000 211 00 000
2. Substitute the appropriate object code based on the Core>Payroll Item Configuration>Object Codes. In this example, the original salary account's object code was 119, or certified.
Payroll Account = 024 2944 119 9917 000000 211 00 000 now becomes 024 2944 249 9917 000000 221 00 000
3. Should all account dimensions be carried forward? To check, go to System>Configuration>Account Mapping Configuration.
Payroll Account = 024 2944 249 9917 000000 221 00 000 now becomes 024 2944 249 9917 000000 000 00 000
4. Is the account mapped to another account for charging? To check, go to Utilities>Account Mapping. Remember, once an account matches an account listed on the Original Account (left side), it is mapped to the Mapped Account (right side).
Payroll Account = 024 2944 249 9917 000000 000 00 000 now becomes 001 2944 249 0000 000000 000 00 000
Don't Forget About the 'Use Only Employer Distribution' Checkbox!
When running Employer Distribution Report and/or Employer Distribution Submission, there is a checkbox called 'Use Only Employer Distribution Accounts.' By default this checkbox is marked. When the system looks back at the payroll history to capture the salary accounts charged, how the 'Use Only Employer Distribution Accounts' checkbox is used in conjunction with how the 'Employer Distribution' checkbox was flagged on the Pay Account.
Other Important Factors to Consider:
With the start of the fiscal year, now is the perfect time to review the accounts your board paid benefits are being charged to. Remember, wildcards (*), can be used in Account Mapping to eliminate the need for each individual account to be entered on a separate line. Wildcards can be considered for grant accounts (to eliminate the need to update Account Mapping year after year) as well as the ability to charge 'all' benefits in a single line (medicare, health insurance, dental insurance, vision insurance, etc.).
Remember to always start with the Reports>Employer Distributions option. The report can be run as many times as necessary until it's accurate.
Always run the Reports>Employer Distribution Reports and the USAS Integration>Employer Distribution Submission with the exact same options.
If you adopted your Temporary Appropriations on or before July 1st, you may now be getting ready to finalize the budget by adopting your permanent appropriations. In order to determine if these appropriations were actually applied in the USAS application as temporaries or permanents, let's first download the report definitions from the Public USAS Reports Library to help us.
After downloading these report definitions and importing them into the USAS Report Manager grid, you can generate these reports to view the changes made to the account's initial estimates when the proposed amounts were applied in USAS. By viewing the report's ‘TYPE’ column, you can determine the type of transaction that was applied. The report will show whether these amounts were applied as initial temporary (full year or not full year) or the permanent transaction types.
Let's look at the options when applying the proposed amounts in USAS as well as how the above report definitions can help determine the applied budget/revenue transaction types.
Now that the Type of transaction has been determined, if no changes to the Temporary amounts are needed, it is up to the user to decide if they want to apply these amounts as Permanent amounts in the application. The Initial amounts will not change on the account, but can show on certain reports that include the TYPE like the report above.
You may wonder what happens if there are adjustments already posted to the accounts before you apply your Permanent amounts? Whether these adjustments were posted under the Core<Accounts or the Proposed Amounts grid with the transaction type of Adjustment, adjustments do not affect the initial figures. (NOTE: Adjustments are not included on the Budget Transactions Initial Estimates report). Adjustment amounts update additions/deductions on the account which, in turn, updates the FYTD expendable/receivable amounts. When applying Adjustments via the Proposed Grid, you must select the effective date for these adjustments and the Update the GAAP Original Estimate Amounts is unchecked by default. If the GAAP amounts should be overwritten on the accounts with the new expendable/receivable amount, check the box. The GAAP Original Budget will stay the same but the GAAP revised budget on the GAAP extract option in USAS will reflect the adjustment.
Therefore, using the above example, the Temporary Initial and GAAP Initial was $10,000 for the full year, replaced with the Permanent amount of $12,000, and included an adjustment of $500 which leaves $12,500 as the expendable amount on the account. (Current Expendable Amount = Initial $12,000 + $500 positive adjustment)
Useful links:
Do you need a little guidance on what to do in USPS to help with your Initial Staff and Course (L) collection? SSDT has an updated checklist in our documentation that covers everything you need to know before submitting your initial collection for the first time. And even better, we recorded a session we did with ITC staff to review the checklist, digging deep into some of the steps. Check it out!
Balancing STRS Tips Even though the STRS advance is behind us for the year, if you would like to ensure your reported STRS amount on the annual submission file matched what was withheld from your employees and sent to STRS over the summer pay, please refer to the 'Wrapping up STRS Advance for another Fiscal Year' from the September 2022 newsletter. It contains a few quick steps that can be taken to ensure those amounts balance! |
Tips on Archiving an employee
USPS-R has the capability of archiving (concealing) an employee by going to the Core>Employee record and checking the Employee Archived box under the General section. When an employee is archived, this will “hide” the employee from view on the following Core screen options:
The employee and the associated position/compensations will not be included when a collection is processed for EMIS reporting purposes. Marking the employee as archived will prevent every record from being in the collection. The employee and the associated position/compensations will also not be included when an EMIS collection is processed for reporting purposes. Currently, there is the capability to archive specific Compensation records associated with an employee in order to allow the Employee record to remain unarchived and therefore reportable.
An archived employee will also not pull into the Payroll Processing nor can it be added through Adjustments.
Currently, there is the capability to archive specific Compensation records associated with an employee and allow the Employee record to remain unarchived. NOTE: If the Compensation is to be reported to EMIS for the fiscal year, it must NOT be archived until after the EMIS fiscal year reporting has been completed.
The user can still view the archived employee on the grid by check marking |
FY24 Five Year Forecast - Period P Ohio Revised Code requires the initial Five Year Forecast to be submitted electronically through the EMIS Data Collector by November 30, 2023. As of September 1, 2023 this FY24 initial collection for Period P is now open and will remain open until November 30, 2023 for these submissions. More details provided in the EMIS Release Notes. FY24 Initial Staff and Course - Period L The Initial Staff and Course Collection opened September 7th. The collection is required for all EMIS reporting entities. Please refer to the EMIS Release Notes for further details. |