2020-01-15 USAS New Issue Review and Prioritization

Prioritization Items to Discuss

Items from the floor?

  1. Forgotten password link (Michelle Buss, NOACSC)

    1. Strategic Solutions has a forgotten password link for users and they really like it and want to see it implemented in the Redesign. 

      1. Currently there is no way for a user to reset their own password if they have forgotten it and no notification from the application that the password is about to expire.

    2. NOACSC uses local user accounts within the SSDT applications

    3. Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
       has been updated to reflect the increased desire for this option to be implemented.

    4. NWOCA: our users would like to see this done as well because the users aren't notified when the password is about to expire and then they can't change it themselves.

    5. Priority: committee decided this is not a huge priority but would be a nice feature to add in the next year.

  2. Ability to disable user accounts (Vickie Browning-Prowitt, Lisbon Exempted Village Schools)

    1. Use case: rouge user account needs to be disabled after hours.  Treasurer would like to be able to disable user accounts.

      1. Current work around is to grant access to someone at the district to be able to change the user's password until the user account can be disabled. 

    2. Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
       has been updated to reflect the increased desire for this option to be implemented.

  3. Ability to post transactions via spreadsheets (Deb Dinnen, MVECA)

    1. MVECA districts are heavy users of posting via Classic's Autopost/spreadsheets

      1. districts are pushing back on migrating until this is available

      2. use for board distributions, want to post all transactions in expenditure process and receipts; Classic can do this.

      3. Sandra Griscom: used to post foundation payments (twice a month).  Having to post the individual transactions is more cumbersome than via spreadsheet.

        1. NWOCA: are districts processing receipts?  Why aren't they using the existing clone feature?

          1. POs can be cloned as well.  The limit of 99 items on the PO does not exist in Redesign.

      4. districts are posting huge spreadsheets for medical insurance, modifying a few cells on the spreadsheet and posting.

        1. This is where the clone option would be useful.  They can pull up the last PO, clone it, modify what's necessary and save without having to re-enter the entire PO.

    2. Priority?

      1. NWOCA: low, our districts not using spreadsheets to post transactions, they use the clone option.

      2. NOACCS: agrees with NWOCA

      3. LACA: would like to see this implemented

      4. Sandra: feels the priority should be higher, other software packages can do this, don't want state software to be behind

      5. NWOCA: where workflows on the roadmap?  Does not want posting via spreadsheet before workflows.

        1. Marc explained the time frame for data gathering and implementation of code that would allow us to begin adding this to the UI.

      6. Biaggio: how many districts are we talking about (that want the post via spreadsheet option)?  People are waiting for Inventory to be implemented, would this impact that timeline.  SSDT: No.

        1. ITCs requesting the feature commented they would let us know how many districts are asking for it.

      7. MVECA: USPSR has the ability to load via spreadsheet, it's missing from USAS.

      8. Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
         This epic includes separate Jira issues to implement posting reqs, pos, invoices and refunds.  Not currently an issue to post disbursements.

      9. Amanda: will it suffice to just get the req or po imported via spreadsheet?  Will it add enough value to get the start of the expenditure process done?

        1. MVECA: yes, all but disbursements.

        2. What about just the requisition?  Then use the UI to finish the process.  Is the request about having spreadsheets or having to the steps in the process?

        3. MVECA: at minimum would need receipts and requisitions

    3. ITCs with Districts who don't want to migrate without the spreadsheet feature have districts in the current and next wave

      1. receptive to the clone option until spreadsheet can be implemented

      2. at minimum need receipts and POs

      3. will check with their districts to get an actual count

  4. Creating transactions from the Proration Utility (Vickie Browning-Prowitt, Lisbon Exempted Village Schools)

    1. Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
      has been updated to reflect the increased desire for this option to be implemented.

    2. How often is workers comp being paid?  Yearly

    3. This option could be used for other things as well.  Really like this feature and would like to use it to post transactions.

    4. Priority: low

All Issues Created Since Nov 20, 2019Â