2020-01-15 USPS-R Completed Work Review

Releases Since Our Last Meeting

  • USPS-R 6.1.0 Release Notes

    • Bug Fixes

      • Fixed a bug in ODJFS report that was pulling the historical employee name for the report

      • Fixed a bug in Employee Direct Deposit that would fail if the job name was longer than 150 characters

      • Fixed a bug in Attendance View that would not allow the user to select a blank substitute if one was already selected

      • Fixed a bug in Payroll Item Detail Report that was causing odd formatting on the summary totals page 

    • Improvements

      • Payroll archive will now store submission files along with reports

      • Updated User Listing Report to match USAS version

    • New Features

      • State of Pennsylvania electronic submission file for 2019

      • State of Pennsylvania csv transmittal form for 2019

      • Contract compensations can now adjust pays paid field via Compensation Journals

  • USPS-R 6.1.1 Release Notes

    • Bug Fixes

      • The release of USPS-R 6.1.0 introduced a new feature to allow users to adjust the pays paid of a contract compensation. When we implemented the patch to do some behind the scenes calculations during startup to add journals for pays paid to each contract, we did not omit the New Contract Earnings pay types from our calculations. This has caused the pays paid to be inflated for a few districts. 

        • Side effects of this change have caused pay per periods to be off as the contract has to compensate for one less pay. This will only be an issue if the compensation do not use the pay per period override option.

      • This release of USPS-R has a new patch that will run at startup and create off setting compensation journal adjustments if the pays paid does not equal the value it should based on the history. If a district or ITC has already created offsetting records, the patch will not create new records for that compensation.

    • New Features

      • Add ability to mass load pays paid when loading Compensation Adjustments

  • USPS-R 6.2.0 Release Notes

    • Bug Fixes

      • Fixed a bug in the Employee Master Report that could result in an exception being displayed to the users

      • Fixed a bug in the Account Sync View that prevents polling when unnecessary

      • Fixed a bug in the AFFORD Report related to start / stop date filtering excluding pays that should be reported

      • Fixed a bug in the AFFORD Report to search for adjustment journals based on transaction date, not posting period

      • Fixed a bug in the Payroll Report to allow Pay Amount Subtotals more column width so the totals don't truncate

      • Fixed a bug in the Advanced Leave Calculations that was incorrectly including other leave transactions

      • Fixed a bug in Payroll Item Missed Error Adjustments to prevent the pay date from being set when created

      • Fixed a bug in HSA / ACH Submission that would cause exception or invalid report if there was no data to report

    • Improvements

      • Improved the performance of Payroll Unposting

      • Improved the performance of Payroll Posting when an error occurs

      • Improved the performance of Account Sync queries

      • Internal improvements to our query paging. Will be used in the future to lower memory usage

      • Internal changes to multiple reports to use the new query paging

    • New Features

      • Add the State of Ohio 2020 tax tables

  • USPS-R 6.3.0 Release Notes

    • Bug Fixes

      • Fixed a bug in the Payroll Item Refund ACH service that prevented user from creating an ACH file for a refunded item

    • New Features

      • Allow W2 reports to be included in report bundles / payroll archive

      • Added component to allow users to override sort and control breaks for template reports

      • Added new W-4 properties to Federal Tax Item

      • Added new W-4 properties to check / direct deposit XML files

      • Updated USPS-R for new 2020 Federal Tax calculations

      • Updated all necessary withholding tables for 2020

      • Updated Account History Report to take advantage of new dynamic sorting

    • Improvements

      • Revert previous change to Spring Batch processing timeout 

  • USPS-R 6.4.0 Release Notes

    • Bug Fixes

      • Fixed a bug preventing internal batch jobs from completing if the docker container is restarted while processing

      • Fixed a bug in the W2 report comparing the incorrect values from the Medicare / SS table to produce an incorrect error on the report

    • New Features

      • Added new properties to the Adjustment Journals to allow journals to be excluded from month, quarter, year, fiscal to date values

    • Improvements

      • Added tooltip to 'two like jobs' on the federal tax item

  • USPS-R 6.4.1 Release Notes

    • If an employee had both medicare pickup and their yearly medicare applicable gross exceeded $200,000 the software was incorrectly adding the additional .9% medicare withholding to a portion of these earnings in excess of $200,000.

      • Please note both of the above conditions would have to be true for an employee to be affected by this issue.

      • The W2 report would detected and flagged this if it occurred. 

      • If you believe you have an employee that could have been affected, but are unsure ITC staff can open tickets with the SSDT and we can assist in determining if they were impacted.

    • The federal withholding allowance was not correct for 2020 prior to this release. This amount was updated in the software based on a draft version of the IRS regulations, but this amount was changed prior to the final version of the regulations being released. A corresponding update was not made in the software until this release. Any payrolls processed after this release is installed will be correct. 

      • The federal withholding allowance is used in conjunction with an employee's claimed exemptions as part of the federal taxable gross calculation.

      • Since this amount was too low for 2020 prior to this release any 2020 payrolls processed before this release is installed would have resulted in a small federal over-withholding for 2020. 

  • USPS-R 6.4.2 Release Notes

    • Using the Custom Report Writer, users will be able to report MTD, QTD, FYTD, and YTD values for the following Payroll Item totals

      • Amount Withheld

      • Applicable Gross

      • Total Gross

      • Employer Amount

Upcoming Releases

  • USPS-R 6.5.0

    • Bug Fixes

      • Fixed a bug in the Payroll Report that was excluding error adjustments from the Summary Totals

      • Fixed a bug in Payroll Item Refund Service that incorrectly withheld Medicare

      • Fixed a bug in Payment Printing that excluded payroll item error adjustments in gross totals

      • Fixed a bug in Attendance Import combine like entries that would fail due to rounding

      • Fixed a bug in Employee Master Report where non currency columns had a '$' 

      • Fixed a bug in Job Calendar View that allowed users to enter 'Day Detail' of the component when in create mode

      • Fixed a bug in USPSR related to date formats

      • Fixed a bug in File Archive grid not showing file information keys

    • New Features

      • Added new Classic W-4 fields to the UDMS extracts 

      • Added new W-4 fields to the Payroll Item Importer

      • Updated ODJFS Taxable Wage Base figure from $9,500 to $9,000 for Q1 2020

    • Improvements

      • Significantly improve the performance of Payroll Posting

      • Significantly improve the performance of Payroll Validation

      • Significantly improve the performance of EMIS Soap Bridge retrieve positions call used by the Data Collector

      • Add Position Number to Adjustment Journal UI when a payroll item has a reference to position

      • Add new properties to Outstanding Checks Report

      • Update Outstanding Checks Report to query based on issued date

  • USPS-R 6.6.0

    • New Features

      • Allow districts to submit ODJFS