Expenditure Accounts

Expenditure Accounts

Here is a very simple Read Only grid that allows filtering by account codes, descriptions, xref, and if a account is synced with USAS. This grid was designed to be lightweight and it doesn't support all the features 'normal' grids do. The reason this view was added was to quickly see internal expenditure accounts that are /aren't synced with USAS.

How an account is marked as Active per USAS

To be Active, the following is checked... per USAS:

  • Expenditure Account active flag
  • Expenditure Account date range active for today
  • Budget active flag
  • Budget date range active for today
  • Cash Account active flag
  • Cash Account date range active for today
  • Appropriation active flag
    • There could be expenditure accounts (for instance) will have 001-2690-113, 001-2690-142, and 001-2690-141 but all of these will be rolled up to a more general Appropriation account of 001-2600-100.  Look at Start and Stop dates. 
  • Appropriation date range active for today

If any of these are false, USAS will mark the expenditure account as Inactive (false) in the message they send to USPS

**If an account was deleted in USAS, USPS Integration/Expenditure Accounts will always state as ACITVE account, even after Account Synchronization**

Synced With USAS

The 'Synced with USAS' field shows all accounts unless you filter by True or False as shown.  If the account does not exist in USAS-R, the 'Synced with USAS' field will indicate FALSE. 

Filtering of the Grid

The filter works differently than in most places in USPS.  For example, if you filter object code with a 2, it displays object codes of 261, 281, 432, 512 (basically if any part of the account code segment has that number in it, it will include it in the filter).  If you want it to be more specific, than you could filter by 281 and it would include only those with 281 in the object.  This only applies to numeric fields. 

Searching Xref Codes can be done by adding %210%  OR %210  OR just typing in a few numbers

Searching by Description can be done by entering in EXACTLY (in upper or Lower case letters) like it shows in the grid:  GENERAL REGULAR INSTRUCTION RETIREMENT - CERTIFICATED or general regular instruction retirement - certificated

Entering %SUPPLEMENTAL, (Upper or Lower case) will bring up all Descriptions with %SUPPLEMENTAL in it

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