A vendor is a person or company that the entity is purchasing goods or services from. The vendor record contains basic biographical information as well as 1099 and New Hire reporting information. The 1099 fields are based on the IRS guidelines. The 1099 ID# will display as ****** for any read-only or requisition only users. The New Hire Reporting flags are used for vendors that need to be reported to the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services.
The vendor number will be automatically assigned (using highest vendor # on file in USASDAT/USACON) to the next available number on file unless you override the auto assign by entering a desired vendor number. Vendor numbers 900000-999999 are reserved for memo vendors and tracked separately in USASDAT/USACON on the highest memo vendor # on file field. Only memo checks may be written to a vendor with a vendor number between 900000-999999. No printed check form is generated.
Check name and address fields are used if payment should be sent to a different name/location then the purchasing information.
A multi-vendor does not represent a real vendor but a place holder and is meant to be used for multi-vendor/blanket purchase orders. When invoicing a multi-vendor purchase order the user must change the vendor number to a valid USAS vendor (non multi-vendor). A vendor must always be a multi-vendor (or not multi-vendor). The system will not allow a user to change classifications once created.
The user has the ability to move from one vendor to another without leaving the query screen by clicking on the vendor number to display the record and using the next and previous buttons along the top and bottom of the display. The vendor list to scroll through using the next and previous buttons is dependent on the users latest vendor query. Along with moving from one record to another you can do so in a particular ‘lock mode’ such as edit. This will allow the user to keep editing vendors without having to press ‘edit’ again and again and also allow the user to bypass vendors that do not need edited by clicking on ‘next’. Once the user makes a change to a vendor record they will be required to ‘save’ or ‘undo’ before moving to the next. If the user makes a change and does not click on ‘save’ or ‘undo’ a box will appear stating that a change was made and the user has the option of continuing which will move to the next vendor without saving the changes or the user can cancel to continue editing the current vendor record and ‘save’ the changes before moving on. Any warnings that happen during a particular save will be displayed on the screen but will not prevent posting. Errors will be displayed and will require to be corrected before updating the record.
- From the Core menu select 'Vendor'
- Click on 'Create'
Enter in desired information into the vendor
Vendor name and number are required
- Click on Save to post the vendor to the system, click on Cancel to not post the vendor and return to the Vendor Query.
The vendor query allows you to search for existing vendors on the system. Click on the vendor number on any row of the query results to view, edit or delete a vendor.
Please refer to the Query chapter for more details on how to use the query capabilities of the software.
Click on the Edit button while viewing the record to edit the vendor information. Only fields that are allowed to be edited will be displayed
It is not recommended to delete old vendors since this might destroy an audit trail. If the vendor number is re-used, reports from prior fiscal years will not match current vendor information. We recommend changing the status from "active" to "inactive" instead. If you choose to delete vendors, it's important that you run the DELVEN program prior to deleting a vendor. The DELVEN program will list the vendors that have no activity against them.
Click on the Delete button while viewing the record to delete vendor information. A confirmation box will appear and you will be asked to confirm that you really do want to delete this vendor.