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The System menu contains programs that control how processing is defined and done in the system and other options in ESS.

Role: District Manager or Admin role.

App Log

Used by SSDT and ITCs to debug issues, but it also stores Auditable Events and logging info that can be useful to ITC / users.  Click image-20240311-175049.png for more details.

  • Click image-20240311-175049.png for more details. When viewing any log files that contain a level of ‘ERROR’, if you need to download the full error message, please use the image-20241210-135019.png at the bottom of log to generate a text file of the complete error message. The text file will include the information in both the Message and Exception Detail fields.

Batch Job

This documentation is a work in progress and may be incomplete or subject to changes.

Displays ESS scheduled or a manually run batch job in grid format. Click on image-20240730-213737.png on a specific batch job for further information

Batch job include:

  • syncAbsencesJob: automatically scheduled to run every 15 minutes

  • syncEmployeesJob: automatically scheduled to run

  • leaveBalancesSyncJob: automatically scheduled to run nightly (3:00 AM) unless a manual sync has been performed under System>USPS Data Sync>Sync Leave Balances

  • positionSyncJob: automatically scheduled to sync nightly (3:00 AM) unless the manual sync has been performed under System>USPS Data Sync>Sync Positions

  • generatePeriodsJob: automatically scheduled to run depending on Automatic Period Generator set up under Timesheet Manager>Automatic Period Generator



Listed below are the options available under the Configuration menu. Please click here (for full Configuration menu options) or click on a link below for further information on that particular configuration menu option.

Date Codes

Used with existing Custom Date Codes in USPS’s Core>Date Codes (i.e. FBI check).


Create a Date Code

  1. Once a date code exists in USPS, the user can pull the USPS Date Code into ESS. Next, click ‘Continue’

  2. The Date Code and Description from USPS auto loads. The user can enter the following:


a. Expiration Terms in Days: Number of days the date code is valid

b. Days Before Expiration to Notify: Number of days prior to the expiration date that the employee will be notified

c. Notification Message: Message employee will receive in ESS based on days before it’s set to expire

d. Active checkbox: uncheck when users needs to disable date code notification.

Currently, ESS doesn’t have a way to notify users (via email, notification or at login) of an approaching deadline. This is a planned enhancement in CY2025.

Kiosk Load

Used to import data extracted from the Legacy Kiosk application.

Do not edit the legacy Kiosk spreadsheets prior to importing into ESS.* Editing them may corrupt the data thus causing the importer not to work.

Please refer to the Employee Self Service Import from Kiosk Guide for detailed information on how to import Kiosk data extracts.

Kiosk Load options include the ability to import:

  • Kiosk District Configuration

  • Kiosk Leave Type Configuration

  • Kiosk Users* - please refer to Employee Self Service Import from Kiosk guide for further information on editing the Kiosk User spreadsheet prior to importing into ESS

  • Kiosk User Time Preferences

  • Kiosk Leave Request Groups

  • Kiosk Leave Request Group Members

  • Kiosk Sub Categories

  • Kiosk Leave Request Workflows

  • Kiosk Leave Request Workflow Group Levels

  • Kiosk URLs


Please follow the steps in the Employee Self Service Import from Kiosk in the order provided. Review any error messages generated from each import as well as the error file generated. Please fix the errors on the generated error file (not the original CSV) and import the updated error file to fix any errors. Repeat until all errors have been resolved.

Mass Load

Used to mass load new information or mass update existing ESS data via a spreadsheet. Once the data is saved in the spreadsheet, the user can then mass load the data via the Mass Load option.

Currently, only User data can be mass loaded into ESS

Example of existing ESS User data in a spreadsheet

  • Upload File: Must be in CSV format.

  • Mass Load Option: Currently, only User data is allowed to be mass loaded into ESS.

  • Click Import to load the User data

  • A ‘loader-error.csv' file will be generated displaying any errors and the number of records loaded. Error messages will also be displayed on the screen in the ‘Message’ area.

User Import Criteria:

  • When loading user data, the field names on the spreadsheet must exactly match the Field names listed below.  The field names are not case sensitive.

  • When creating new records, the fields specified below as "Required" must be included in the spreadsheet.  All other fields are optional.  All date formats are accepted (i.e. mm-dd-yyyy, mm/dd/yyyy, mmddyyyy, etc).

  • When updating existing records, use the to extract the desired User data from the Users menu>Users grid. It will generate a CSV formatted file containing the filtered user data as well as automatically includes a ‘user_id' column that contains the existing user record’s UUID.  Leave the 'user_id' column in the spreadsheet as is and do not edit or remove the data in this column.  This field is needed when loading changes made to existing user record data.





Automatically populated when extracting existing ESS User data (via the User grid ‘Export Grid Items’ option)

Required field if updating existing ESS user data.  Otherwise, it is not required for new user imports. **Please see bulleted User Import Criteria above for more information on updating existing ESS User data.**


No maximum number of characters

Required. ESS Username


No maximum number of characters

Required: ESS User’s first name


No maximum number of characters

ESS User’s middle name


No maximum number of characters

Required. ESS User’s last name


No maximum number of characters

ESS User’s Suffix (i.e. Jr, PhD, etc)


If an employee of the district, must use the Employee’s Identification Number from USPS

USPS Employee Identification Number


No maximum number of characters

Employee Job Title


must use a valid email format

Required. Recommended to use employee’s Primary Email Address from USPS>Employee record


true or false

Enter true if user is using External Authentication (Active Directory). Otherwise leave blank and it will default to false.


true or false

Enter true if user account should be disabled.   Otherwise leave blank and it will default to false.


accepts ISO_LOCAL_DATE_TIME (yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss) format

EX: 2024-05-01T00:00:00 is May 1st, 2024 at midnight

If entered, date user's password will expire.  The user will be required to change the password after this date.  Does not affect externally authenticated users.


accepts ISO_LOCAL_DATE_TIME (yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss) format

EX: 2024-05-01T00:00:00 is May 1st, 2024 at midnight

If entered, date at which the user account will expire.  After this date, the user will be effectively disabled.  This affects both locally and externally authenticated users.


true or false

Leave blank to default to false for new account creation. Locked accounts are usually temporary situations caused by excessive login failures or other account status problems.  Set the 'enabled' flag to false to disable a user.  


true or false

Enter true if user is using Two-Factor Authentication.   Otherwise leave blank and it will default to false.


true or false

Enter true if the user should be synced to AESOP.


If multiple roles, separate each ESS role with a hyphen. Role names are case sensitive and must be in UPPERCASE.

NOTE: The USER role does not need to be included in the spreadsheet. The application will add the role by default to the user account.

NOTE: ADMIN role cannot be assigned via mass load.

Please refer to the ‘Roles’ table below for proper format on how role names are to be entered in the ‘Roles’ column

Example below of entering multiple ESS roles for a user.


After import, when viewing the user account in ESS, it will display as follows (automatically added User role by default)


Please reference the available roles table below when entering a role on your user spreadsheet. The role must be in UPPERCASE and match exactly to what is displayed in the ‘Role Name for User Import' column.

Role Name for User Import

Role Name displayed in User account in ESS




District Manager


Announcement Board Manager


Leave Manager


Leave Approval Workflow Manager


Leave Calendar by Building


Leave Calendar by Department Code


Leave Calendar by District Building


Leave Calendar by Pay Group


Leave Calendar for District Staff


Leave Request Approver


Leave Supervisor for Staff


Data Change Manager


Substitute Coordinator


Substitute Coordinator - Read Only


Substitute Coordinator by Building


Substitute Coordinator by Building - Read Only


Substitute Coordinator by Department Code


Substitute Coordinator by Pay Group


Timesheet Approver


Timesheet Manager


Timesheet Workflow Manager


Whitelist Manager


Custom Link Manager


Metrics API


The 'Organization' refers to district information such as district address and ID numbers that are unique to a district. Currently, the organization is not included on the Legacy Kiosk load imports. Districts will have to manually add their Organization information into ESS.


Test Connection

Testing the connection between ESS, USPS and Workflows is part of the post-installation procedures from the Employee Self Service Installation Guide.

The Test USPS Connection and Test Workflow Connection buttons are selected to notify the user whether or not ESS is properly connected to the district’s USPS and Workflows applications. If the connection is successful, the user will see "Connection Successful" messages. 


Test Email

May be used to send a test email to an ESS user to ensure email notifications work for their leave request submissions/approvals.

The System>Configuration>Email Configuration must be set up prior to using the Test Email option.

If a user wants to opt out of leave request emails and/or timesheets, in their User Profile, they may deselect the ‘Opt Out of…' options.

Enter the user’s email address in the To: field and click on ‘Send Email’ to send the test email.


USPS Data Sync

This option is available on an as-needed basis if, for some reason, the position or leave balance data from USPS needs refreshed. ESS is set up to always pull the most recent USPS Position and Leave Information upon log in. Please note that when syncing positions is selected, it will automatically sync employee data as well.


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