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For users with the appropriate OEDS access, there will be a Students option from the Grad, Early Warning System drop down menu of the navigation bar.



Districts will have the ability to use the various Find options.  The user may select combinations of options.  When doing so, if the Clear is not used, when the user returns to the same screen, their last used selection options will be populated as the default.  The Clear option may be used to clear all of the selection options.


Grade selection allows you to select students based on a specific grade 9 thru 12, 13 and 23. In addition there is an NA option that may be used for selecting students who have not had EWS data reported through at the current district as of yet and therefore there is no grade. Students that have been claimed thru SCM and not reported through SCR may be selected using the NA grade selection.

Using the Building IRN the data may be filtered to those students attending a specific building.    Enter in the building IRN you wish to select on.

Using the Resident Of selection, you can select students based on their resident district. 

Using the Admitted Since the students may be filtered based on their enrollment/admission date. 

May select based on students with a Total At Risk in a range from 0 - 9. If a From value is entered with an empty To value, it will result in a single value find rather than a range. For example, if 3 is entered in From and To is left empty, it will find those students with a total risk of 3. The same is true if a To value is entered and From is left empty, it results in a single value find rather than a range.

Sub Group

  • Has Disability

  • Disadvantaged

  • English Learner

  • Foster Placed

  • Homeless

State Attendance At Risk - when checked, only those students at risk for attendance will be returned.

State Behavior At Risk - when checked, only those students with behavior risk will be returned.

State Coursework At Risk - when checked, only those students at risk for coursework will be returned

Admitted From IRN - Enter the IRN of the district students could be admitted to your district from.  This would be a value reported to EMIS.

Received From IRN - Enter the IRN of the district students could be received from into your district.   This would be a value reported to EMIS.

Sent Reason selection allows filtering based on EMIS sent reason codes.

How Received allows selection based on EMIS how received codes.

Optional Local Risk Indicator Selections

Districts have the option to configure local indicators. Depending on on if they have enabled these, and which ones have been enabled, the local indicators will appear in Find/Filter box below the State At Risk checkboxes. This is an example of what the box may look like if the district enabled all of the possible local configurable indicators.



Using the Student Export button, the user has the ability to export all data for the students included in the current Find selections. From the File Output Format drop down, select comma separated (CSV) or TAB delimited format.  The resulting output file may be saved and imported into a spreadsheet.  When importing a TAB delimited or CSV file into a spreadsheet, be certain to select the appropriate delimiter.

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