Payroll Payments are a list of Payroll Checks and Direct Deposits for employees that were paid. These can then be Voided, Un-voided and to Process Payments.
The Direct Deposits option are a list of Direct Deposits items.
Payroll Payment Checks are the list of just checks paid to the employees. These can be Re-issued. The Print Checks option is for creating the Output Form Files for printing and the Resequence Check option is for renumbering checks if damaged or entered in wrong. The 'Old Checks' can be Voided during this time.
Refund Payments are Refund of Deductions that were paid separately from a Regular Payroll. These can be Voided and Un-voided.
The Refund Payment Checks are the list of deduction checks refunded separately from an employee's regular payroll. These can be Re-issued. The Print Checks option is for creating the Output Form Files for printing and Resequence Check option is for renumbering checks if damaged or entered in wrong. The 'Old Checks' can be Voided during this time.
Payroll Payments
Under the Payroll Payments option, you can Void, Un-void and Print Payment Checks and Direct Deposits.
Highlighter view
Click anywhere on the employee's line to view:
To void a payroll Payment, select the Payment Number and click on update the USAS side by posting a receipt/reduction of expenditure to the accounts for the amounts of the void.
. After check is voided,Enter in the Void Date and click on
To Un-void a payment, select the Payment Number and click on
If employee has multiple Pay Distributions, a new screen will appear.
Select the Transactions to Un-void. Making sure the Payment Total and Selected payment Transaction Total equals. If not equal, an Error will occur:
Print Payment Checks and Direct Deposits
Select all Checks/Direct Deposits to print and click on
.or if wanting to reprint a single Check or Direct Deposit notice, check next to the employee and click on
.Processing: Checks
Direct Deposits
Output Format: XML (Export)
PDF (Print)
Sort By: Use the Dropdown option to select your sorting option
File Name: XML (Checks.xml) (DirectDeposits.xml)
PDF (Checks.pdf) (DirectDeposits.pdf)
Check Form: Only is an option for PDF format
Once all selections have been made, click on
or to cancel select .Example of a Direct Deposit .PDF
Example of a Direct Deposit .XML
Example of a Payroll Payments Check.pdf
Direct Deposits
The Direct Deposits option are a list of Direct Deposit items.
Print or ReSubmit Direct Deposits
To create an ACH ReSubmission file for one employee, click on
. From here you can Save or open the file:ACH_1000083_ReSubmission.txt:
To Rissue a Direct Deposit as a Check, select the employee and click on
Enter in Reissue date or leave blank for todays date and click on Confirm or Cancel to Exit
A Print Checks option will be created:
Select the employee and click on :
Enter in the Printing selections:
Print Selected Checks options:
Output Format: .XML (Export)
.PDF (Print)
File Name: Checks.xml
Click on to create printing file or Done to exit out.
Checks.xml example:
Check.pdf example:
Payroll Payment Checks
Have the options to Re-issue, Print and Resequence checks.
Re-issue Payroll Payments
Select the check to be Re-issued
The next available New Check Number will be used. The Old check will be voided at this time. Enter in the Reissue Date and Click on Confirm or Cancel to Exit:
Print Checks
Select Checks to be printed
Click on the 'Print Checks' option
Output Format: XML (Export)
PDF (Print)
File Name: XML (Checks.xml)
PDF (Checks.pdf)
Form: Only is an option for PDF format
Once all selections have been made, click on
or to cancel select .Example of a Payroll Payments Check .PDF
Example of the Payroll Payments Check .XML
Enter in Original Start Number of bad checks. This is a required field.
Enter in Original End Number of bad checks. This is a required field.
Enter in the New Start Number. This is a required field.
There is an option to
at the same time they are being Resequenced. If left unchecked, the bad checks will NOT be voided.Once all data has been entered, select
, or to Exit.Once all data has been verified, select
Report Creation
To create a report from the Grid, please click on the Report documentation link to find the How to Steps: Report