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The Home option holds 'Predefined' (Report Manager style) reports that have been created by SSDT or by the user and saved as favorite reports:

A crosswalk of the Home Page options and their Classic counterparts is available below.  For a printable version of the crosswalk, click here.

USPS-R Home OptionsUSPS Classic ReportsDefinition
SSDT Account History ReportACCRPTLists stop date, Employee Number, Employee Name, Position paid, amount, charged, expenditure account and percent of amount charged to the account
SSDT Account History Report v2ACCRPTLists stop date, Employee number, position number, employee name, amount charged, chargeable calculations, expenditure account, subtotal of each account and Grand total of report.  Have the option to search by employee Number
SSDT Adjustment Journal Mass Load ExtractNew Report

If updates are needed, offsetting entries can be created.

SSDT Attendance Journal ReportABSRPT/ABS101Provides a listing of attendance and absence categories by employee, by date
SSDT Audit TrailAUDRPTProduces a report showing the change activity that occurred on the flies
SSDT Auditable EventsAUDRPTProduces a report showing the change activity that occurred on the flies
SSDT Birthday ReportBIRTHHIREProduces a report listing the employees name, birth, and hire date
SSDT Check STRS Advance ReportCHKSTRSProduces a report listing each employee's STRS Advance amounts paid
SSDT Compensation Journal Adjustments Mass Load ExtractNew Report

Ability to manual adjust compensation amounts and days worked

SSDT Employee Hired ReportNEWHIREProduces a report listing the employees name, birth, and hire date
SSDT Employee Terminated ReportNew ReportReport will show all employees with a Termination date or a Start and End Date can be entered to show specific dates
SSDT Employee Wages ReportNew Report

Report shows all employees Gross and New wages for the Month, Quarter, YTD and FYTD.

The wages are figured from what Posting Period is currently open

SSDT Future Pay Amount ReportFUTPAYReport that summarizes the information contained in Payroll Payments Future
SSDT INFOhio Patron ExtractNew ReportReport listing last and First Name, Address, Building IRN, Birth Date, Gender, Pos#, Number, Job Status and Contract Amount
SSDT New Contract Payroll AccountsNEWCNT/NEWPAYOffers the ability to select and sort records based on pay accounts
SSDT New Contract Summary ReportNEWCNT/REPORTSReport of data in New Contracts
SSDT Non Contract Compensation Mass Load ExtractNew ReportMass Load option for New Contracts - Non Contract Compensations
SSDT Outstanding Checks ReportCHKSTSThe Check Status Report lists the check number; check status and type; employee ID, deduction code, or vendor number (depending on the check type); name; issue date; period ending date; date voided; date reconciled; gross pay; and net pay
SSDT Payroll Account ReportPAYACCLists the employee name, position number, budget account number, rate type, rate and status
SSDT Payroll Item DetailDEDLSTProgram generates a listing of employees and Payroll Item information associated with employees
SSDT Payroll Item History ReportNew ReportList of employee per pay Payroll Item History
SSDT USPS Role ListingNew ReportList of Employee role's
SSDT User Listing AOS ExtractNew ReportExtract User Listing report AOS
SSDT USPSR User Listing ReportNew ReportUser listing report
SSDT Wage ReportWAGOBL/WAGEMPGenerates a report listing the district's current accrued wage obligations by employee (remove) or account code

Highest Check Number

Displays the Bank Account Number(s), Description and Highest Check Number last used.


A report can be Imported or Created under the Reports/Report Manager option.  Once the report is Saved, it will then show under the 'Reports/'Report Manager' option.  Place a check  under the Favorites to have this report show under the Home/Reports  Links Favorites:

Generate Saved Reports

 From the Home Menu, click on 'Show All Reports' to show all reports that are available.  Click on 'Show Only Favorites' to show only 'Favorite' reports that were saved.  Then selectnext to the report you would like to generate:

Report Options

For more detail on Report Generation Options and Dynamic Sort, please click here.


  • PDF (download)
  • Comma Separated Values
  • Tab Separated Values
  • Excel
  • View (html)
  • Plain Text
  • XML
  • Jasper Report Design
  • Excel-Data
  • Excel-FieldNames

 Page Size:

  • Letter
  • Legal
  • Halfletter
  • Note
  • Ledger


  • Portrait
  • Landscape

Name:  The Name of the report will be automatically entered but can be modified.

Summary Report:  The 'Summary Report' list grand totals

Show Report Options:   The program has the ability to create an options page for each report that is generated detailing how the program was run. The creation of the page is controlled by checking .   A printed record of the various sort and selection options and dates chosen can be helpful when researching problems.  By selecting this option, the Posting Period you're currently in, will show in the top left of each page:

Query Parameters

Start and End Date

Date Shortcuts

Enter in a Start and Stop date as 00/00/0000 or Date Shortcuts can be used:

Date short cuts that have been implemented in the redesign:

  • YeaR (Calendar)
    • Y - Jan 1 of current calendar year
    • R - Dec 31 of current calendar year
  • FiscaL
    • F - July 1 of current fiscal year
    • L - June 30 of current fiscal year
  • MontH (based on current system date)
    • M - first of current month
    • H - last day of current month
  • WeeK
    • W - Sunday
    • K - Saturday
  • PerioD (Posting Period)
    • P - first day of current posting period
    • D - last day of current posting period
  • QUarter
    • Q - first day of quarter
    • U - last day of quarter
  • T - today
  • + tomorrow
  • - yesterday
  • Posting Period start date and today
    • p
    • t


  • should be able to support mmdd - assume the current period's calendar year
  • case insensitive
  • you can use these shortcuts in combination with actual dates
    • to get the month of November using between operator:  11/01/2014, h
      • assumption is November is the current month

Job Scheduler

To schedule a job,  click on .  For more detail instructions on creating a job to run, go to Job Scheduler:

The Save and Recall option

The option, allows the users to create and save certain reports  for different report runs for each report option.  The Default option is the original SSDT report and the Most Recent is the last report that was ran by the user.  If the report is no longer needed, click on to delete the report.  The Default reports cannot be deleted.  

Download Report option

The "Report Generation" dialog now has a "link" icon which is enabled for any saved report parameters. Clicking the link shows a dialog containing a direct hyperlink to execute the report. The link may be bookmarked, sent via email, placed on a web page, etc.

Enter in name of the report and click on  to be saved:

Once the report has been saved, click on Show Report Link  to create the Report Direct Link:

The Report Direct Link can be used to copy the web address to execute the report directly or to create a bookmark, etc..  You can check or not check on the include parameters option:

Right click on the hyperlink to Save the link address or directly click on it to create the report immediately:

Creating an Excel Spreadsheet

It can also be used in Excel as a "Web Query" to pull data directly from the application without downloading the output. In this case, one of the HTML (Table or FieldName) output formats should be selected. When used in Excel, these output formats can be understood and formatted as a sheet. A web query in Excel this way can be refreshed on demand making it a replacement for embedded Safari-ODBC queries supported by Classic.

By default, the link references a saved set of parameters by name. If the saved parameters are changed and saved, the changes will affect future invocations of the link. Alternatively, the "Include parameters" checkbox can be used to include all of the current parameters in the URL. In the latter case, the URL parameters will override the saved values.

Select report to generate and click on Report Link:

Right click and copy link address:

Bring up Excel and go to Data tab and choose From Web.  Paste in your Web Address:

and click on Go.  Sign into the instance you got the link from and all the data will appear in your New Web Query screen:

To select all your data to import, click on the yellow arrow at the top left hand corner and click on :

The data imported into Excel:

Save the report to be used again for updating.

To update your spreadsheet with new data, open the spreadsheet in excel and click on the Data Tab and Refresh All option.  Enter in your credentials:

The new data will merge with your current spreadsheet:

To schedule SSDT reports to send by FTP

To schedule a report to send by FTP, a secure FTP should be used. Using as an example, the report: SSDT INFOhio Patron Extract under the Home option:

Select the report:

The Name can be changed to what Filename you want it to be.  Then click on the Schedule Button :

Put in the desired Cron Expression (see or for assistance if needed) and the output location.  Below will put it in the default location you are dropped into.  You can add a subdirectory after it if desired:

In USPS ... Utilities -> Job Scheduler to see status/results.  Use More to add additional columns of information:

SSDT Account History Report

The Account History Report pulls from the object, Historical Employee Account

No charge % calculated for Fixed Accounts. 

Can only be created in .PDF

Query Parameters

Start Date default is p (beginning of posting period)
Stop Date default is t (today)

Example of SSDT Account History Report

SSDT Account History Report v2.0

The Account History Report v2.0 pulls from the object, Historical Pay Account.  Lists all Active, Inactive and Max historical pay account data (currently-does not pull specific misc. account data) for specific dates entered on setup parameters. Click Here for a .json report that can be used to pull all of the Specific Miscellaneous data needed that SSDT Account History Report v2- does not give you.

No charge % calculated for Fixed Accounts. 

Report can be created using .PDF, .CSV and .EXCEL

**Note** When entering Employee Numbers, there cannot be a space between the employee's numbers. Example: acct1, acct2, acct3

Custom Report Creator

Example of SSDT Account History Report v2.0

SSDT Adjustment Journal Mass Load Extract

Will create an Excel spreadsheet, showing all adjustment journal entries:

SSDT Attendance Journal Report


Start Date

End Date

Job Status (Active, Inactive, Deceased, Terminated)

Appointment Type (Certificated, Classifies)

Type (Attendance, Absence)

Example of SSDT Attendance Journal Report

SSDT Audit Trail

(To be able to run Audit Trail, the MODULE_AUDIT must be granted)

Username: Enter a Username of the employee to be included on the report search. This is a required field.

Report for a specific posting period (blank means current period).

SSDT Auditable Events

Example of SSDT Auditable Events Report

SSDT Birthday Report

Enter in a Building Code

Example of SSDT Birthday Report

SSDT Check STRS Advance Report

Report showing employee STRS advance payments.

The report will sort by name (last, first, MI), payroll item stop date and payroll item code.

Example of SSDT Check STRS Advance Report

SSDT Compensation Journal Adjustments Mass Load Extract

Example of SSDT Compensation Journal Adjustments Mass Load Extract

SSDT Employee Hired Report

The report uses the Position Hire Date for each employee's position, archive or non-archived positions.

Example of SSDT Employee Hired Report

SSDT Employee Terminated Report

The employee Termination Report will show all employees with a Termination date or a Start and End Date can be entered to show specific dates:

Example of SSDT Employee Terminated Report 

SSDT Employee Wages Report

The Employee Wages Report shows all employees Gross and Net wages for the Month, Quarter, YTD and FYTD.  The wages are figured from what Posting Period is currently open. 

Example of SSDT Employee Wages Report

SSDT Future Pay Amount Report

**NOTE** Regular pay accounts will not be seen on the report**

Enter in the Beginning Effective Date for the current payroll

Enter in the Ending Effective Date for the current payroll

Enter in the Pay Groups, if needed or leave blank for all Pay Groups.

**Note** If only wanting a Future Pay Report to show just the current payroll Future entries, create the report using excel or csv and remove all future Effective dates**

Example of SSDT Future Pay Amount Report

SSDT INFOhio Patron Extract

Includes Active and Inactive Employee's

On the INFOhio report, if you go to Reports/Reports Manager and click on the detail view of the report and select the Configure Filters tab, there are filters setup for the compensation stop date that say it must be after the first date of the current month, or be null (empty) for the compensation to be included in the report. The contract compensations that are not included must have a stop date that is prior to September 1st so they are being filtered off of the report. The filter can be modified if these compensations need to be on the report. Otherwise, when the new contracts are activated, they should be included on the report.

Example of a SSDT INFOhio Patron Extract spreadsheet

SSDT New Contract Payroll Accounts

Example of SSDT New Contract Payroll Accounts Report

(The SSDT New Contract Payroll Account Report now includes the pay account for the new contract (if entered in New Contract) or if not entered in New Contract it will use the payroll account(s) in the Payroll Accounts grid for the employee)

The report will only show Pay Accounts for New Contracts that are Active payroll accounts. **Active payroll accounts are when the payroll account status is Active or Maximum Amount in Effect.  The Maximum pay amount must have it's maximum > 0 and the historical amount paid to this account is less than the maximum amount.  The charge/percent amount is not = 0 and the current date of running the report is between the pay account start and stop date **

SSDT New Contract Summary Report

Example of SSDT New Contract Summary Report

SSDT Non Contract Compensation Mass Load Extract


Example of SSDT Non Contract Compensation Mass Load Extract

SSDT Outstanding Checks Report

When generating the report, use a date range to limit the checks that are returned. The system looks at the Transaction Date of the Payroll.  If no date range is entered, all checks with a status of Paid are returned:


Example of SSDT Outstanding Checks Report

SSDT Payroll Account Report

Enter in the Query Parameters as needed:

  • Fund
  • Function
  • Object
  • SCC
  • Subject
  • Operational Unit
  • Instructional Level
  • Job

Example of SSDT Payroll Account Report

SSDT Payroll Item Detail

Specific Configuration Code:  (for Payroll Item Detail report)

The Payroll Item Detail report can be generated for only Specific Configuration Codes by entering them on the provided lines:

Example of SSDT Payroll Item Detail Report

SSDT Payroll Item History Report

Enter the beginning and Ending Date of the payroll you are wanting to view.

Example of SSDT Payroll Item History Report

SSDT USPS Role Listing

Query Options:

Include the following Role(s):

  • Enter any Role or multiple by using a coma with not no space 

Example of SSDT USPS Role Listing

SSDT User Listing AOS Extract

Query Options:

  • Enabled? (true/false)
    • True for enabled users
    • False for disabled users

Example of SSDT User Listing report AOS Extract .pdf

Example of SSDT User Listing AOS Report Extract 

SSDT User Listing Report

Query Options

To Exclude Roles from the report, just type in the role, separated by a comma

Can search for users that are Enabled? 

  • True for Enabled Users 
  • False for Disabled Users
  • Leave blank for a complete list of User roles

Sort Options

  • Report should include "Enabled" and "Locked" properties for each user

Example of SSDT User Listing Report

SSDT Wage Report

Example of SSDT Wage Report 

  • No labels