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SSDT Canned Reports
Classic Comparison
Account Payable ReportPAYABLGenerates a report listing all accounts payable
Account StatusACCSTSContains both budget and revenue activity on a single report
Audit ReportAUDITSProduces a report showing the 'audit trail' of transactions when adding, deleting, or making modifications while using the programs in USAS-R
Budget Summary ReportBUDSUMProduces a report of budget account information including expendable amount, actual expenditures, current encumbrances and unencumbered balances
Disbursement Detail ReportCHEKPYProduces a report of disbursements which have been processed.  
Financial Detail ReportFINDETProduces a detailed report of the transactions that make up the amounts in the cash accounts.  The report includes both receipt and expenditure data
Financial Summary by Fund ReportFUNDSUMMContains the general fund accounts listed by function or object and the remaining accounts are listed by fund totals only
Group Chain ReportN/AGenerates a report listing all Group Chains with the option to include Archived group chains.  
Purchase Order Detail ReportPODETLDetailed purchase order report containing information on individual purchase order items
Vendor New HireVENHIREContains independent contractors data meeting the Ohio New Hire reporting requirements
Revenues and Expenditures ReportFNDREVEXContains MTD and FYTD activity for each Fund/Fund-SCC with calculated difference between Revenue and Expenditures

Account Payable Report

The Account Payable Report generates a report listing all accounts payable. This report is particularly useful in determining all payable amounts as of the last day of the fiscal year (necessary for GAAP reporting).

The Account Payable Report field defaults to June 30 of the last fiscal year closed. You have the option of overriding the default date. This date, along with the received date entered in AP Invoice, and the payment date are then used in determining what items will be reported as payable amounts. Only items that have a received date prior to the date entered and a paid date after the date entered, or have not yet been paid, will be reported. For example when determining payable amounts as of the end of a fiscal year, the "Date" would be set to June 30, XXXX. The report would then display any items that have been invoiced with a received date prior to June 30 but have not yet been paid or the paid date is after June 30.

  • Date: defaults to June 30 of the last fiscal year closed.
  • Flag items as not encumbered as of this date?: If running the report for outstanding purchase orders after the end of a fiscal year and the report should show the actual amount which was encumbered as of June 30th then this should be left checked. Otherwise, uncheck this option. 
  • Include invoice date in selection?: Leaving this unchecked will cause the report to select items with received dates prior or equal to the user specified date. Checking this option will cause the report to select items with both received and invoice dates prior to the user specified date. 
  • Sort Options
  • Subtotal Options
  • Format: Select format for output report. Defaults to PDF.
  • Generate Report: Generates a current version of the report.

Account Status Report

The Account Status Report combines both budget and revenue activity on a single report. The report shows receipt, expenditure, purchase order, and invoice information.

The default date range is the current posting period.  The report can be run to include any posting period in the fiscal year ; however, the posting period(s) included in the date range must be created under Core. The Start/End Date fields currently select transactions by posting period so if a date within a period is selected, then all transactions related to that posting period will be included on the report. 


If the Start/Stop dates entered are 3/15/2021 to 4/15/2021 all qualifying transactions from the March 2021 and April 2021 posting periods will be included (3/1/2021 - 4/30/2021).

By default all accounts are selected but the user can narrow down accounts by utilizing the account dimensions or Account Filter. The account status report is sorted by full account, activity and subtotaled only by activity. It does not include accounts without transactions.

  • Save and Recall: Can be used to save report parameters and recall options later.
  • Start/Stop dates:  Select dates for output report if desired.  
  • Report Format: Select format for output report. Defaults to PDF.  
  • Include Cash Account(s): Filter to only include transactions charged to a specific Cash Account(s). 
  • Include Full Account Code(s): Filter to only include transactions charged to a specific detail Account Code(s). 
  • Exclude Full Account Code(s): Filter to exclude transactions charged to a specific detail Account Code(s).
  • Include other Account Code Parameters: Filters to only include transactions charged to accounts meeting the entered parameters. Wildcards cannot be utilized in these fields. For more complex sort options, an account filter can be used.
  • Filter: Select an account filter to include only transactions meeting those account parameters on the report.
  • Show Report Options: This option will include a cover page showing options chosen for generating the report.

In addition to the standard Report Parameter selection, this report also includes the ability to update the Sort Options.  For more information on how to use these options, see the Reports Manager section for the Dynamic Sort - Sort Options. 

Snapshot of the report in pdf format.

Audit Report

A report showing additions, deletions and modifications to transactions with the ability to sort by username and date as well as to use control and page breaks.

Classic Comparison: AUDITS

  • Save and Recall: Can be used to save report parameters and recall options later
  • Start/Stop dates: Required to select dates for output report.  
  • Select Operation:  Select transaction operation(s) to be included on report: 
    • Create - Will show transactions that have been created.
    • Update - Will show transactions that have been modified.
    • Delete - Will show transactions that have been deleted.
  • Select Objects:  Select objects to sort on or leave blank to select all objects.
  • Select Specific Users:  Select specific user or leave blank to select all users.
  • Format: Select format for output report. Defaults to PDF but Comma Separated Values format is available.

 Objects to be Audited
Included Target Types
Purchase Order

PurchaseOrder, PurchaseOrderItem, and PurchaseOrderCharge

InvoiceInvoice, InvoicePOItem, and Source
VendorVendorLocation, MergedVendor
InvoiceInvocieItem and InvoicePOItem

DisbursementItem, DisbursementRefundItem, DisbursementInvoiceItem,


PurchaseOrderPurchaseOrderItem, PurchaseOrderCharge
RequisitionRequisitionItem, RequisitionCharge, FileStore

Budget Summary Report

Summary report for one, several, or all of the budget accounts. It includes the expendable amount, actual expenditures, current encumbrances, unencumbered balance, and percentage expended/encumbered.

Classic Comparison: BUDSUM

  • Save and Recall: Can be used to save report parameters and recall options later.
  • Format: Select format for output report. Defaults to PDF.
  • Include Cash Account(s): Filter to only include transactions charged to a specific Cash Account(s). 
  • Include Full Account Code(s): Filter to only include transactions charged to a specific detail Account Code(s). 
  • Exclude Full Account Code(s): Filter to exclude transactions charged to a specific detail Account Code(s). 
  • Include other Account Code Parameters: Filters to only include transactions charged to accounts meeting the entered parameters. Wildcards cannot be utilized in these fields. For more complex sort options, an account filter can be used.
  • Filter: Select an account filter to include only transactions meeting those account parameters on the report.
  • Total As of Period: The period specified will be used to determine the period the totals will be calculated for.
  • Show Report Options: This option will include a cover page showing options chosen for generating the report.
  • Summary Report: Produces a report containing only the header, footer, subtotal, and total information.
  • Include only Active accounts?: Check to include only active accounts; leave unchecked to include both active and inactive.
  • Exclude Accounts with zero amounts?: Check to include only accounts where all relevant MTD, YTD, and FYTD amounts are zero; leave unchecked to include all accounts.

In addition to the standard Report Parameter selection, this report also includes the ability to update the Sort Options. For more information on how to use these options, see the Reports Manager section for the Dynamic Sort - Sort Options. 

Snapshot of the report:

Disbursement Detail Report

A report listing disbursements (checks) which have been processed.  The report can produce a summary or a detailed report. The report can include various types of checks, including Accounts Payable, Refund and Payroll, and allows for various check statuses to be chosen (reconciled, voided or outstanding.)

  • Save and Recall: Can be used to save report parameters and recall options later.
  • Format: Select format for output report. Defaults to PDF.
  • Show Options: This option will include a cover page showing options chosen for generating the report.
  • Summary Report: Produces a report containing only the header, footer, subtotal, and total information.
  • Select Disbursement Types:  Accounts Payable, Refund, and Payroll can be selected to be included in the report.
  • Transaction Start & End Date: Will determine the date range for transactions included on the report.  By default, all are selected.
  • Starting & Ending Check #:  A range of check numbers can be selected if desired.
  • Disbursement Statuses:  Outstanding, Reconciled, and Void can be selected to be included in the report.  By default, all are selected.
  • Vendor #(s):  Select a vendor number(s) if desired.
  • Filter: Select an account filter to include only transactions meeting those account parameters on the report.

In addition to the standard Report Parameter selection, this report also includes the ability to update the Sort Options.  For more information on how to use these options, see the Reports Manager section for the Dynamic Sort - Sort Options. 

Snapshot of the report 

Financial Detail Report

A Detailed report of the transactions that make up the amounts in the cash accounts.  The report includes both receipt and expenditure data.   Allow users to enter a date range to generate the report. 

  • Save and Recall: Can be used to save report parameters and recall options later

Report Link

The Report Direct Link is available for this report and can be utilized to generate a Financial Detail Spreadsheet with a Running Fund Balance.  Format Type HTML-Table should be used for this option. For a walkthrough of how to create the Financial Detail Spreadsheet with Running Fund Balance, please click here.

  • Start & End Date: Required fields. Will determine the date range for transactions included on the report. 

Date Range Selected

If the Start/End Dates are consistent with the Current Fiscal Year, the Beginning Cash Balance will be included on the report. When generated for custom date ranges (ex. Monthly) the report will not include the Initial Cash Balance. To run a report for a previous Fiscal Year with the Initial Balance, the Current Period should be changed to a period within that fiscal year. 

  • Format: Select format for output report. Defaults to PDF.
  • Include Cash Account(s): Filter to only include transactions charged to a specific Cash Account(s) 
  • Include Full Account Code(s): Filter to only include transactions charged to a specific detail Account Code(s)
  • Exclude Full Account Code(s): Filter to exclude transactions charged to a specific detail Account Code(s)
  • Include other Account Code Parameters: Filters to only include transactions charged to accounts meeting the entered parameters. Wildcards cannot be utilized in these fields. For more complex sort options, an account filter can be used
  • Total As of Period: The period specified will be used to determine the period the Ending Cash Balances will be calculated for.
  • Filter: Select an account filter to include only transactions meeting those account parameters on the report.
  • Show Report Options: This option will include a cover page showing options chosen for generating the report.
  • Summary Report: Produces a report containing only the header, footer, subtotal, and total information.

In addition to the standard Report Parameter selection, this report also includes the ability to update the Sort Options. For more information on how to use these options, see the Reports Manager section for the Dynamic Sort - Sort Options. 

Snapshot of the report with Initial Cash Balance:

Financial Summary by Fund Report

A summarized financial report using one print line for each cash balance record, sorted by Fund. This report contains the general fund accounts listed by function or object and the remaining accounts are listed by fund totals only. Displays Fund, Function, Description, Appropriation, Expended, % Expended, Encumbered, Balance. The July 1 Cash Balance, Total MTD receipts and Current Cash Balance (all funds) are displayed at the end of the report.

  • Categorize Fund by: This option applies specifically to the General fund accounts. The General fund can be summarized by either Function or Object codes.
  • Exclude Zero Amount Accounts: This option will exclude accounts where amounts in all columns would be zero.
  • Show Report Options:This option will include a cover page showing options chosen for generating the report.
  • Format: Select format for output report. Defaults to PDF.
  • Submit: Generate Report

Snapshot Categorized by Function:

Snapshot Categorized by Object:

Group Chain Report

Detailed canned report showing the Group Chain and the Group Name(s) included in the Group Chain.


  • Select and drag Available Group Chains from the left to right or leave blank to include all Chains not archived.   To deselect, drag from right to left.
  • Checkmark  to include Group Chains that have been archived.  

Sample Pdf

Purchase Order Detail Report

Detailed purchase order report containing information on individual purchase order items

  • Save and Recall: Can be used to save report parameters and recall options later

Report Link

The Report Direct Link is available for this report and can be utilized to generate a Financial Detail Spreadsheet with a Running Fund Balance.  Format Type HTML-Table should be used for this option. For a walkthrough of how to create the Financial Detail Spreadsheet with Running Fund Balance, please click here.

  • Invoiceable: If True is selected, only Purchase Orders with a current Invoiceable status will be selected. If False is selected, only Purchase orders that are Not Invoiceable will be selected. Leave blank to include all Purchase Orders.
  • Amended: If True is selected, only Purchase Orders that have been Amended will be selected. If False is selected, only Purchase orders that have not been Amended will be selected. Leave blank to include all Purchase Orders.
  • Starting/Ending Purchase Order #: Will determine the transaction number range for transactions included on the report.
  • Transaction Start & End Date: Will determine the date range for transactions included on the report. 
  • Created Start & End Date: Will determine the created date range for transactions included on the report.
  • Vendor #(s): Enter a Vendor number or multiple Vendor numbers separated by a comma to select only Purchase Orders for a specific Vendor(s).
  • Full Account Code(s): Filter to only include transactions charged to a specific detail Account Code(s)
  • Filter: Select an account filter to include only transactions meeting those account parameters on the report
  • Format: Select format for output report. Defaults to PDF.
  • Show Report Options: This option will include a cover page showing options chosen for generating the report
  • Summary Report: Produces a report containing only the header, footer, subtotal, and total information.

In addition to the standard Report Parameter selection, this report also includes the ability to update the Sort Options. For more information on how to use these options, see the Reports Manager section for the Dynamic Sort - Sort Options. 

Snapshot of report:

Vendor New Hire

The Vendor New Hire program allows for reporting of independent contractors to the Ohio New Hire reporting center.  Requirements and specifications can be found here:  The program will create a report listing all vendors with payments of at least $2,500.00 for the calendar year based off the reported date entered.  Vendors must have the "Report Status" field set to 'reportable' under the 'New Hire' section of the vendor record in order for the Vendor New Hire report to include them.  Other Vendor fields that may be filled in include:

  • ID#
  • Birth Date
  • Begin Date
  • Months

The report generated may be used to submit data to the New Hire Reporting Center.  An outline of the proposed processing for Vendor New Hire reporting is available here.

The data pulls the calendar year data based on the current period. If your current period is January 2019 but you want a report of CY2018's data, you must temporarily change the current period to December 2018.

  • Reported Date:This date is populated on the vendor's 'Last Reported Date' field  when the actual option runs
  • Projection Report: When checked, it will generate the report but it does not update the 'reported' flag or 'last reported date' fields on the vendor record 
  • Calculate date payments begin (if blank): When checked, it will calculate the date payments began using the payment information from the current calendar year's disbursements.  It will not auto populate the beginning payment date on the vendor's 'begin date' field.  If unchecked, it will look for the 'begin date' field on the vendor record.  If blank, it will generate an error on the report.  
  • Available Vendors, Force Vendors to be included and Remove Selected:  From 'Available Vendors', you may select a particular vendor you want included on the report in order to force the vendor to be included on the report  Use the 'remove selected' to remove any from the list.  After you have selected all vendors to be included, check the 'Force Vendors' box in order to include them on the report.
  • Show Report Options: This option will include a cover page showing options chosen for generating the report.

  • Format: Select format for output report. Defaults to PDF.

  • Generate Report: Generates a current version of the report.

Revenues and Expenditures Report

The Revenue and Expenditure report displays month-to-date and fiscal year-to-date activity by Cash Account (FUND-SCC) or Fund (accounts with SCC 0000-8999 will roll up  into the 0000 SCC for that fund).  The report subtotals on Object for Expenditure accounts and shows the difference between Revenue and Expenditures for each Cash Account or Fund. Each Object level includes the description of the Appropriation level Object. The report also contains the annual budget, encumbrances, and unencumbered balance figures.

  • Report By: Select to subtotal report by Cash Account or Fund.
  • Include Fund-SCC(s): Use to filter report to show specific Fund-SCC(s). When entering multiple Fund-SCCs use commas (no space) to separate.
  • Collapse Revenue
    • Y: collapse account to 4-digit receipt code level
    • N: do not collapse accounts
    • A: Collapse accounts to 2-digit receipt code level
  • Collapse Expenditure
    • Y: collapse account to object code level
    • N: do not collapse accounts
    • A: collapse all accounts to 1-digit object code level
  • Collapse Salary/Benefit
    • Checked: collapse all salary to single line and all benefit accounts to single line
    • Unchecked: do not collapse salary/benefit accounts
  • Track PTD Amounts
    • Checked: Include PTD amounts on the report
    • Unchecked: Excludes PTD amounts on the report
  • Exclude Zero Amount Accounts
    • Checked: Report will exclude accounts that have no activity within the Fiscal Year
    • Unchecked: Report will include all accounts 
  • Filter Name: filter the report based on an existing Account Filter
  • Show Report Options: This option will include a cover page showing options chosen for generating the report.

  • Format: Select format for output report. Defaults to PDF.

  • Report for a specific posting period (leaving it blank will default to the current period)

  • No labels