Purchase Order
A purchase order is a document authorizing a seller to deliver goods, with payment to be made at a later date. Monies are encumbered when a purchase order is created.
Create Purchase Order
- From the Transaction menu select 'Purchase Orders'
- Click on Create
Enter desired information into the purchase order
Purchase Orders by default do not require a vendor number. No vendor means the user hasn't assigned one yet or that it will be used as a 'multi-vendor' purchase order (non-vendor specific). Multi-vendors are no longer used
- click on the
- The only appears beside the account code dimensions if the user has the ability to create accounts
to add line items - if it is desired to charge an item to multiple accounts click on Charging an Item to Multiple Accounts or .
- click on the
- Click on Validate
- Click on Post to post the purchase order to the system, click on Cancel to not post the purchase order and return to the Purchase Order Query, click on Save Draft to save the purchase order outside of the system for later use.
Query Purchase Order
Purchase Order Query allows the user to search for purchase orders that have been posted on the system.
Edit Purchase Order
New Purchase Orders from an open posting period may be modified. Only fields that are allowed to be edited will be displayed.
- Query for desired purchase order
- Click on the purchase order number in the query results
- Click on Modify
- Make desired changes
- Click on Validate
- Click on Post to post the purchase order to the system, click on Cancel to not post the purchase order and return to the Purchase Order Query.
Clone Purchase Order
The clone function may be used to copy all of the information from an existing purchase order into a new purchase order while allowing changes to be made. A new purchase order number must be supplied.
- Query for desired purchase order
- Click on the purchase order in the query results
- Click on Clone
- enter in new PO number and date
- make additional changes if needed
- Click on Validate
- Click on Post to post the purchase order to the system, click on Cancel to not post the purchase order and return to the Purchase Order Query.
Save Draft/Load Purchase Order
Saving and Loading features are an excellent way for users to save a draft copy of a transaction in order to use it at a later date. Save Draft saves all information entered on the current record to the user's computer without posting it to USAS. Load Draft is used to load a copy of the saved record into USAS.
Print Purchase Order
The Print function may be used to submit a copy of a posted purchase order in a desired output format. Users have the ability to print a single purchase order or a batch of purchase orders at one time.
Delete Purchase Orders
By default the system will not allow any purchase order to be deleted. However this is a bundled, non-mandatory rule, meaning it may be disabled under the Rules interface. If the rule is disabled only purchase orders that do not have any other information tied to it such as an invoice, check, etc may be deleted.
- Query for desired purchase order
- Click on the purchase order number in the query results
- Click on Delete.
- Confirm you want to delete Yes or No.
More Information on Purchase Order Options
Charging an Item to Multiple Accounts
USASWEB/Purchase Order will allow one item to be charged to more than one account. The line item will be divided, displaying the separate account codes on the screen; however, the line item will be combined into a single item on the printed purchase order
There are two ways of combining items:
- Splitting the Quantity: involves splitting the quantity of a particular item among several different account codes. The price must be the same for each item, and you must enter the quantity desired that will be split up among different account codes before clicking on the qty icon.
Splitting the Price: involves splitting the price of a particular item among several different account codes. The quantity must always be one, and you may enter the total price desired that will be split up among different account codes before or after clicking on the price icon.< >
If the total price is greater than 9,999,999.99 it MUST be entered into the pop up rather than the original item screen |
The collapse button
rolls all of the split items up into the first account code, so you only see one account code, which is how the purchase order will look when printed. The first account code entered is called the "combined item" meaning the line item the rest of items are being rolled up into when collapsed. The line items underneath the combined line item are called "split items."When a split price or quantity is collapsed it will show an "S" in the # field to represent split items, and when it is expanded it will show all of the lines with its own item number.