The Group Manager role will now have access to the following configurations in USPS-R by giving them the role: MODULE_CONFIG_ORGANIZATION Account Mapping Configuration Advanced Sick Leave Configuration Check Reprinting Configuration Check Void Message Configuration Deferred Absence Posting Configuration EMIS Reporting Configuration Employee Number Automatic Generation Configuration Employer Retirement Share Configuration ODJFS Configuration Overtime Object Code Configuration Payment Printing Configuration Payroll Account Default Setup Configuration STRS Advance Configuration Salary Notice Configuration Specific Account Search Limit Configuration Transaction Configuration W2 Configuration Workflows Configuration |
This option allows the user to enter in Configuration details for any installed modules. To install a Module first, go to Modules
The Account Mapping module allows you to determine how much detail you would like to keep for your benefit accounts. Currently, the account to which the employee's salary will be charged is used to create a benefit account. However, under EMIS reporting, benefit accounts are not required to be maintained with as much detail as the budget accounts. The district has the ability to indicate what dimensions should be carried forward when posting a benefit. For instance, if Use Operational Unit (OPU) is 'checked' , this means that when a benefit account is created on the system, this user would like the OPU that is to be charged for the employees pay to be carried through on all their benefit accounts.
The Special Cost Center (SCC) flag is referring to all special cost centers under 9000. If a SCC on the employee's account is 9000 or greater, the SCC will automatically be carried through for all the benefits.
The Advanced Sick Leave Configuration will allow districts to set up a time Period for the system to automatically reset Advance Sick leave to zero:
**The Advanced Units Used will reset automatically to zero based on the period selected. For example, if Fiscal is selected and July is your fiscal start, then on July 1 the Advanced Unit Used is reset to zero**
Field Definitions
Does the district want Sick Advance always available or available only once? Districts have two methods available to them if they wish to set up and track advance sick leave for employees who exhaust accumulated sick leave over time.
Options are:
Check thefield if always available, accumulations will decrease the 'Advance Units Used' in Leaves and will allow the employee to reuse the advance sick days during period selected.
Leave uncheckedif available once, accumulations will not affect the 'Advance Units Used' in Leaves and the employee is only allowed to use the sick advance days during period selected.
The Period Options are the date range the advanced will be counted:
Click on
This configuration option will default to Production with Notifications and Jobs enabled unless the APPLICATION_INSTANCE_TYPE is updated in the Docker Configuration. When configuring Non-Production instances (training/test) this can be used to prevent scheduled jobs or notifications from sending from both the live database and test database. Uncheck the corresponding check box to disable External Notifications or User Job Execution.
For additional information see the Redesign Technical Documentation page for How to Configure Non-Production Instances.
If testing, make sure is unchecked.
Instance Type | |
Production | Default production mode |
Support | Typically a temporary copy of a given districts production data for resolving support issues |
Training | A training instance typically contains anonymized data |
Demo | A Demo instance typically contains anonymized data |
Development | Reserved for use by the SSDT |
Allows user to make changes the user password configuration. NOTE: this will affect all users on the system.
Districts have the option to 'Print Full Check' under Payments>Payroll>Payroll Payment Checks. This will set the default on Payroll Payment Checks, when printing the Print Checks button on Payroll Payment Check
A Check Void Message can be added that will be printed at the bottom of the checks.
This feature allows for deferred posting of Attendance and Import records for absences that affect Sick, Vacation and Personal leave balances. Under Systems/Configuration contains a field to indicate if deferred posting is being used. To use the Deferred Absences Posting method, check . By not doing anything with the Deferred Absence Posting flag in SYSTEM/CONFIGURATION, the attendance absence transaction will cause the benefit balance to be updated when the attendance entry is entered.
This Deferred Absence posting option will have no effect on Accumulation entries. Any AC entries for sick, vacation and personal leave will cause the balance to be updated as the AC entry is posted to Attendance regardless of the deferred posting flag in Systems/Configurartion. This includes running Processing/Benefit Update and Projection to accumulate or reset leave information as well as posting AC entries manually through Attendance.
When the Deferred Absence Posting option has been checked, AB entries for SI, VA and PL may be entered at any time without affecting the current benefit balance in Leaves. The transactions are flagged as being unposted as they are entered into attendance. This allows attendance entries that affect a future pay period to be entered without affecting the leave balances on a current payroll.
Enter the Current EMIS Fiscal Year. This will need to be updated every Fiscal Year when the new FYXX Initial Staff/Course (L) window is opened. A warning message has been added to System/Configuration/EMIS Reporting Configuration when selecting Edit/Save from May 1 - Aug 31. This message should not appear if the system date is not within May 1 - Aug 31: Warning: Changing the EMIS Reporting Year between May 1st and August 31st will impact final staff/course reporting of EMIS data. Be certain your district has completed this reporting for the previous year before saving this change. The user can Save or Cancel. If the user Saves in the message, it will save all changes (including if there was a change to the EMIS Fiscal Year). |
The Reporting ID code entered in this field must match the ID that is being used within the Student Software on the Course records.
If the EMIS ID is blank, which ID field should be reported to EMIS?
The EMIS ID is included in the employee data when an employee retrieval is performed for an EMIS collection. If there is a value entered in the employee EMIS ID field, then that is what we return to EMIS for the EMIS ID. If there is no EMIS ID entered on the employee record, then we use the EMIS Reporting ID found on the EMIS Reporting Configuration, to determine what is returned in the EMIS ID field during a collection. Here is how we determine the value:
If the Reporting ID is set to Credential ID
If a credential ID is entered for the employee, return the credential ID in the EMIS ID field
otherwise, if a Z-ID is entered for the employee, return the Z-ID in the EMIS ID field
otherwise, return the SSN in the EMIS ID field
EMIS will always use whatever is in the Employee/EMIS ID, to identify the employee. So, if a user enters the EMIS ID on screen, it would override any ID that was/would be set based upon the reporting ID on the EMIS Reporting Configuration.
if there is no Reporting ID set on the EMIS Reporting Configuration, it will return the Employee SSN in the EMIS ID field.
The Z Id Pre Fix is the prefix after Z IDs found in the OEDSPREFIX file: Example - ZE5101100, as assigned to your IRN by the Department of Education and Workforce. Please visit ODE website for a complete Staff ID Prefix Listing.
For both the Email Configuration and the Email Direct Deposit Notice Configuration, these configured values are not looked at until the scheduled Job runs. So, any changes to either configuration WILL take effect on any jobs that are already created/scheduled, but have not started running yet, including the Email DD Job.
**Note** In order for this Configuration to be available, go to System/Modules/Email Notification Services and click on the
Default Administrator Address - **Not being used at this time** Is potentially to be used for reporting outages or email replies from and administrator but this is not something that has been implemented at this time so the field is not currently in use. This can be left either as "root" or can be left blank and emails generated from the software (jobs) will come from the Default From Address. (The Default Administrator Address would be something like "
Default From Address - A true Email Address of the sender. This would be the default from email address used for things other than direct deposit notices. It is used for report bundle delivery email delivery.
Enable Start Tls - This is an email security protocol. Example- The box should be checked if the district has MS Exchange Office 365 with SMTP authentication enabled.
Password - The district would know the Password
Port - The district or ITC would know the Port number (The port is often, but not always 25)
Smtp Host - The smtp host will be something similar to ""
Username - The district would know the Username
Is used to show who sent the Email Direct Deposit Notices, the Subject and what the email should state. If any information was changed, prior to the scheduled date of DD notices in Job Scheduler, the DD Notice will show the new information:
The From Email will be the email address of the person sending the notifications.
The Subject line to be used for email notices.
The Body is the text to use for the body of the email notice
If 'Send Notification To All Addresses' is checked, it will send to all the emails entered. If unchecked, it will only send to the Primary email address. This is checked by default.
*If duplicate email addresses are entered in the Employee screen (Primary, Secondary or Other, only 1 will be sent*
The 'Edit Employee Number Automatic Generation' can be config to allow Employee ID defaulting. Once in place this file will cause employee id to be automatically assigned when an employee is added to CORE/EMPLOYEE. This default employee id is generated based the highest employee id currently on file and on the parameters defined in the 'Employee Number Automatic Generation'. If this file does not exist, the EMPLOYEE program will force the Employee ID to be entered, and not be the same as the SSN.
This option allows districts to exclude or include Employer Distribution Accounts.
This option shows what Month the school's Fiscal Year follows - 07/01/XXXX to 06/30/XXXX:
The Timestamp date will update every time a new Account Change Transition is found in USAS and synced with USPS:
Allows districts to submit their own ODJFS file to Employer Resource Information Center (ERIC)
Check 'District Will Submit Own File To ODJFS'
Enter a Transmitter Name *(Required)*
Enter a Transmitter Phone Number *(Required)*
Enter a Transmitter Phone Extension
Enter a Transmitter Email *(Required)*
Click on Save
If the OT Pay Type is used, the OBJ code of the account to charge is changed by the System/Configuration/Overtime Configuration OBJ code defined. It uses the first available Active account for the employee for that position.
When finding the overtime expenditure account, it takes the Position Appointment Type and Retirement System into consideration:
1. IF position appointment type = Classified
a. IF position retirement code = SERS OR STRS
i. THEN Overtime Config Classified
b. ELSE Overtime Config Classified Non-Contributing
2. ELSE IF position appointment type = Certificated
a. IF position retirement code = SERS OR STRS
i. THEN Overtime Config Certified
b. ELSE Overtime Config Certified Non-Contributing
These codes are defined by the Uniform School Accounting:
**118 - Overtime Non-Contributing: "Overtime" work performed by employees of the school district who do not contribute to the State Teachers Retirement System. Such employees are usually classified as retired employees, or temporary certificated teachers who waive membership in STRS pursuant to Retirement Board Resolution, effective July 1, 1975.
**148 - Overtime Non-Contributing: "Overtime" work performed by non-certificated employees of the school district who do not contribute to any retirement system.
Payroll Account Default Setup Configuration allows district to set the flags for the Employer Distribution and Leave Projection default values. These default values will be set whenever a payroll account is created. The payroll account Employer Distribution and Leave Projection default values can be changed/overridden in Payroll Accounts for an employee, but it will default based on the Configuration values set.
To have the default Employer Distribution and Leave Projection flag set as true in Payroll Accounts, click on next to each value.
To NOT have the Employer Distribution and Leave Projection flag checked (false) in Payroll Accounts, leave both boxes unchecked .
Allows you to set the Pay Account and Contract Pay Off Rounding Thresholds as well as the Unit Amount Decimal Positions-
Account Rounding Threshold - Enter what the allowable amount to be charged to pay accounts for rounding adjustments.
Contract Payoff Rounding Threshold - Enter the allowable threshold when paying off a contract obligation.
The Unit Amount Decimal Positions option sets the rate rounding preference for New Contract program. Also, effects Future and Current Rate amounts.
What is the current Advance Amount? This is a Non-modifiable field to ALL users, except 'admin' users.
If the Advance Mode option is checked, the district is in advance
**The STRS Advance flag on the compensations is set to false (space) when the compensation is paid for last time using a pay type of Last Pay Accrued or Last Pay Earnings. This will turn the flag off for all employees last pay in August/September time frame**
The Amount Paid Back will be updated every payroll, adding each payroll STRSAD amount. This is a non-modifiable field.
**The Amount Paid Back is a calculated value and it is calculated for the current year. The district has to December 31, 20XX of that year, to see the amount paid back from last year's advance period. Once it turns to the new year, it is calculating the amount paid back for the new year, which is 0.00, as no advance amounts have been paid yet for this year**
The Submission Timestamp will show the Date and Time of when the district ran the 'Submit Uploaded File to STRS' on Reports/STRS Advance Report. If the district had to be taken out of advance for corrections and re-uploaded new file, the date and time stamp will NOT be removed or changed from the original date of submission.
**Note**After the last pay, if the amount paid back is equal or greater than the advance amount, then the district will come out of advance and the advance flag on the configuration will be un-checked. When the advance flag on the configuration is unchecked, then the amount paid back will always display zero. If the amount paid back is less than the advance amount after the last pay, then the advance flag on the configuration will not be un-checked and the amount paid back will continue to show on the configuration. If wanting to see the total amount paid back, they can check the 'Advance Mode' box, refresh the screen or (close it and re-open) for the value to display and the Amount Paid Back will show. But they will want to remember to un-check that before they move onto their next payroll.
If Amount Paid Back is off, run the SSDT Check STRS Advance Report and compare this to their STRS Advance report to find the difference.
This option should be left checked (true) unless the district does not process STRS advance. An Error will be produced if trying to process a July Payroll before STRS Advance is completed. WILL NOT be able to proceed with payroll until STRS Advance is completed:
***Error - STRS Advance must be processed before running a payroll with pay date in July***
If they do not process STRS advance, then the option can be unchecked, and no error will be received for July payrolls.
This option should only be used if:
After any corrections have been filed with STRS for over withholding or under withholding and the district needs to be taken out of Advance, uncheck the STRS Advance Mode box . This will then set all advance figures in the STRS Advance Configuration to 0.00. You will also want to go to the Compensations grid, select all employees in the STRS Advance column =true. Click on
and import the attached file
Once imported, click on Execution Mode:
Verify the Contract Compensations total and then click on
The State Minimum Salary will be entered in this box. ($35,000 effective 10/03/2023)
The Url is the address where the submission File gets submitted to in (REPORTS/STRS Report)
The 'Base Withholding On Earnings' is used for districts that base their STRS on Earnings. This needs to be checked for these districts.
The 'Advance Amount' in the STRS Advance Configuration will be set to 0.00 when submission file is generated. This will prevent the district from generating the submission file (the button will be de-activated). Then after 1 payroll is processed, the district will come out of advance because advance amount of 0 will equal amount paid back of 0.
Is used to show who sent the Email Salary Notices, the Subject and what the email should state:
The From Email will be the email address of the person sending the notifications.
The Subject line to be used for Email Salary Notice
The Body is the text to use for the body of the Email Salary Notice
The Send Notification To All Addresses allows the districts to choose whether to send to all or only the primary email address. This is checked by default. If there are duplicate email addresses in the Employee grid, it will only send out 1 email.
The Exclude Employee Number From Emailed Salary Notice is to exclude the Employee Number from the Notice. This is checked by default.
The Default Salary Notice Form drop down, will show any Custom Forms created by the district to use for Salary Notice printing. To use the default custom form, leave blank.
Default is set for it to be checked to 'Limit Account Search'.
This configuration affects both current and future pay amounts in searching for a specific pay account.
In current and future, user can override the pay accounts showing, by choosing to select to "Include All Accounts" and unselect it to only include accts with object code 1xx.
This option will allow the district to track the highest transaction number used instead of the system using the highest number retrieved from the database. This will be helpful in eliminating gaps in transaction numbers. When a ceiling is entered, when searching for the next available check number, numbers greater then or equal to the configuration will be ignored. This will help when a district has a Manual check with a huge gap in their check numbers. This number is shared between bank accounts.
District has the following check numbers appearing in Payments/Check Register
If you go to process checks the next check number would be 20541. The Transaction Configuration allows the user to enter in a ceiling and then that Highest Check number will be ignored. So if you enter 20540 in Transaction Configuration when you process your checks the starting check number would be 1004.
**NOTE** When the 'USAS Integration Module' is installed (under SYSTEM/Modules), the USAS Configure information will be automatically filled in.
To Schedule USAS Account Sync Nightly, check . This job will then show under UTILITIES/JOB SCHEDULER:
To help build a time for the Account Sync to run at night, go to or Using either program, can help generate the Cron format to be entered in the Cron Expression box
Example 1: I want the Account Sync to run at 2:00 am Daily. Click on . The format is:
Example 2: I want the Account Sync to run at 2:00 am Weekly, but only M,T,W,TH,F. Click on Generate Cron Expression. This Cron Format will need to be updated on the Cron Expression field
Districts will have the option to include only the last 4 digits of the employee's SSN on their W2 forms and XML, by checking
Districts have the option to create and submit their W2 Submission file to:
To set up your district for submission, enter in the highlighted data that is needed for submission. If Submitter Name and Address is different than the Contact Information, leave the box
unchecked and enter the Submitter's Information. Otherwise, if checked, if will automatically fill in with the Company Information.On Page 4 of the 'Specifications for Filing Forms W-2 Electronically' (EFW2) - Your existing BSO User ID and password is no longer used to access BSO employer services. You must use a Social Security online account,, or credential to gain access to the BSO application. For more information, click here. All submitters must obtain a BSO User Identification (ID) through our registration process (see Section 5) and must enter that BSO User ID in the RA (Submitter) Record:
Specifications for Filing Forms W-2 Electronically (EFW2) For Tax Year 2023
Company Name must not be blank.
Company Location Address - enter a secondary address if needed or leave blank.
Company Delivery Address must not be blank.
Company City must not be blank.
Company State - must match 2-digit state abbreviation. Valid states are OH, KY, IN, PA, WV, and MI
Company Zip Code must not be blank.
Contact Phone Number - may only contain numbers and/or dashes. Example 419-555-2222 or 4195552222
Contact Email Address -
Contact Name must not be blank.
Submitter EIN must not be blank
Submitter User ID must not be blank.
Submitter Name must not be blank.
Submitter Location Address - enter a secondary address if needed or leave blank.
Submitter Delivery Address must not be blank.
Submitter City must not be blank.
Submitter State must not be blank.
Submitter Zip Code must not be blank.
If checked, the new property of 'W2 Digital Delivery' and two fields, 'Digital Only W2' and 'Digital W2 Agreement Timestamp' will show on the Employees screen under Pay Totals. The employee will then select in ESS to receive a digital copy of their W2. The 'Digital Only W2' box will be checked, and a date will be entered in the 'Digital W2 Agreement Timestamp' box.
Employees marked to receive their W2 Digitally, will NOT be included on the SSA Forms or XML file and will not receive a printed physical copy of their W2 Form.
Note - Digital W2 Agreement Timestamp will be updated once ESS option is available.
A new Sort Option, 'Digital Only W2', will be added to the 'Output Type', under W2 Reports>W2 Reports and Submissions>W2 Report Options>Reports and Submission. When this Sort Option is selected, ALL employees receiving a W2 will be listed and sorted by the following:
If unchecked, ALL Employees will get a printed physical copy of their W2 form, and no 'W2 Digital Delivery' option will show under Employee.
*NOTE ** In order for this option to be available, please click Here for detail instructions on installation the Workflow Module.
To turn on the 'Employee Onboarding' option, click on Workflows Configuration and select the .
Once selected, refresh the page by clicking on 'here':
The 'Employee Onboarding' will then show as a menu item under Workflows:
To be able to see this configuration, go to Modules/Windows Active Directory Service Authentication and click on
For further instructions on this setup, please click /wiki/spaces/rtd/pages/2752939.