Certain modules in the system can be turned on and off accordingly. To turn on a module you will click the next to the module you would like installed. To turn off a module you will click the next to the module you would like to uninstall.
Once selected, a green message box will appear at the top that informs the user that installation of the module may not take full effect until page is refreshed and gives them a link to manually refresh.
Installing a Module
- From the System menu select 'Modules'
- Click on the beside desired module
- A message will be displayed stating it has been installed but the change will not take full effect until the page is refreshed. You must click on the 'refresh page' link or the refresh button on the browser in order to completely install the module.
- The following Modules require a restart of the application once they are installed. The restart does not need to be done separately for each one.
- Windows Active Directory Service Authentication
- LDAP Directory Authentication
- Legacy Password Migration
Uninstalling a Module
- From the System menu select 'Modules'
- Click on the beside desired module
- A message will be displayed stating it has been uninstalled but the change will not take full effect until the page is refreshed.
Available Modules
EMIS Contractor Module
This module is used to setup the EMIS Contractor option on the EMIS Entry Screen.
To setup the EMIS Contractor Module option click the next to the EMIS Contractor Module. The following message will be displayed:
The EMIS Contractor option will now be displayed as a tab on the EMIS Entry Screen
Email Notification Services
This module is used to setup the Email Notification option on the Payroll Processing/Payroll Detail and Processing/New Contract/Salary Notices/Email Salary Notices.
To setup the Email Notification Module option click the next to the Module. The following message will be displayed:
This module needs to be turned on in order for email direct deposit notices to be sent.
Payroll Processing>Email Notices
The Email Notices option will now show under Payroll Processing after the payroll has been Posted:
Salary Notices Email
The Email Salary Notices button will be enabled in Salary Notices:
Employer Distributions Module
This module is used to setup the Employer Distributions option under Reports/Employer Distributions and USAS Integration/Employer Distributions Submission screens.
To setup the Employer Distributions Module option click the next to the Module. The following message will be displayed:
The Employer Distributions option will now show under:
Reports/Employer Distributions
USAS Integration (if they have the USAS Intergration module turned on also .
Employer Retirement Share Module
This module is used to setup the Employer Retirement Share option under Reports/Employer Retirement Share and USAS Integration/Employer Retirement Share Submission screens.
To setup the Employer Retirement Share Module option click the next to the Module. The following message will be displayed:
The Employer Retirement Share option will now show under
USAS Integration if they have the USAS Intergration module turned on also
File Archive Module and File Storage Management Module and File Storage Module
This module is used to setup the File Archive option under Utilities/File Archive and File Import. The File Storage and File Storage Management Modules are related to the File Import and File Archive capabilities, they can be turned on, but whether they are on or off is irrelevant. The "File Archive Module" being turned on is sufficient.
To setup the File Archive Module option click the next to the Module. The following message will be displayed:
The File Archive options will now show under Utilities:
- Payroll Archive - Payrolls from classic
- Pay Form Archive - Pay slips from classic
- W2 Archive - W2's from Classic
- Other - Legacy Reports
- Audit Reports - SOC1 Audit (FY 20XX) and District Audit (FY 20XX)
The File Archive Module turns on the File Import capability which will allow for W2s and Pay slips loading from ZIP files
File Transfer Notification Services (FTP, SFTP, FTPS)
To install the File Transfer Notification Services (FTP, SFTP, FTPS) module, click . The SFTP module is used when sending SFTP notifications. The one area we use it is with AoS Reporting Jobs. The only way a district could SFTP is if they were scheduling report / bundles. This model is used even if the Module Manager doesn't show it as installed. It is used if any part of the notification service is used and SFTP is required.
Http Notification Services
To install the Http Notification Services module, click . This module needs to be turned on in order for email direct deposit notices to be sent.
LDAP Directory Authentication
(Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) is a software protocol for enabling anyone to locate data about organizations, individuals and other resources such as files and devices in a network -- whether on the public internet or on a corporate intranet.
If an ITC wants the users to authenticate to an external LDAP service, this module would need to be installed and configured.
To install the LDAP Directory Authentication module, click . This module requires a restart of the application once it is installed.
To configure-Once the LDAP Directory Authentication is enabled, there is a config option called 'LDAP Directory Authentication' in the configuration view. This would need to be used to connect to the external service.
The ITC technical users would know what needs to be included in this setup.
Leave Projection Module
This module is used to setup the Leave Projection option under Reports/Leave Projection Report and USAS Integration/Leave Projection.
To setup the Leave Projection click the next to the Leave Projection Module. The following message will be displayed:
Report/Leave Projection Report
USAS Integration/Leave Projection Submission
Legacy Password Migration
To install the Legacy Password Migration module, click . This module requires a restart of the application once it is installed.
Mass Change Service
The Mass Change Service Module will set up the Mass Change button option within most of the Core Menu selections. A new button will appear when mass change module is active. The user has update access to the entity in question and also has the ADMIN_MASSCHANGE permission.
To setup the Mass Change Service Module option click the next to the Mass Change Module. The following message will be displayed:
Once the process has been installed you will then see the 'Mass Change' option next to the 'Create' button on most of the Core menu Selections:
Tax Estimator Module
To install the Tax Estimator, click on . The module will then be installed under Utilities.
Twitter Notification Services
USAS Integration Module
The USAS Integration Module will set up the USAS Integration option on the main menu.
To setup the USAS Integration Module option click the next to the USAS Integration Module. The following message will be displayed:
Once the process has been installed you will then see the USAS Integration option on the main menu.
Windows Active Directory Service Authentication
To setup the Windows Active Directory Service under Configuration, click on
next to the Windows Active Directory Service Authentication. This module requires a restart of the application once it is installed.The Configuration option, 'Windows Active Directory Service Authentication' will now be available.
Workflow Module
For detail documentation on Workflows Installation Guide, please click here.
In order to see the 'Workflows Configuration', under System/Modules, click on
next to the Workflow Module. This module requires to refresh the page.The Configuration option, 'Workflow Configuration' will now be available.
Go to System/Configuration and select 'Workflows Configuration':
Select 'Employee Onboarding' and refresh the page:
The 'Employee Onboarding' will now show under Workflows: