Zone Settings

Zone Settings

Zone Settings may be specified at the global agent level as well as overridden for each zone group or zone. They include:

SIF Registration

This node allows you to access Registration, Messaging Mode, and SIF Version for a specific zone. You can also select the check box to use defaults, in which case the zone defaults to the settings established under Global Agent Settings.

Figure 19. Zone Settings > SIF Registration

SIF Data Objects

Use this node to view SIF Data Objects that the agent collects and to change the object's settings (for example, whether or not it will be published).

Figure 20. Zone Settings > SIF Data Objects

SIF Codes

This node can be used to add, delete, and change the values of the SIF Codes used by the agent.

Figure 21. Zone Settings > SIF Codes


Each Agent can configure the district for which the USAS or USPS service will report data.
In the default zone settings dialog, selecting "District" brings up the district settings.

Adding a District

To add a district to the zone, type in the District's SETUPENV code (SECTION=xxxxxxx code from OECN$SETUP.INI) or IRN, then click "Add". 
If a district has more than one entry in the OECN$SETUP.INI file, it is important to use the SETUPENV code for which the OECN$DTA logical is defined to the appropriate district files.
For additional details on setting up a district, refer to EMIS SIF Agent Integration

Removing a District

To remove a district, select the district and click "Remove".

Figure 22. Zone Settings > District