Sample XML Files for Printing

Sample XML Files for Printing

This page provides some samples for XML print files from the USXS-R (USAS-R and USPS-R) redesign projects, for use by 3rd party printing vendors or other interested parties.  We have also included samples of the associated PDF files, for comparison purposes.  The PDF versions of checks are formatted for printing on pre-printed laser checks, while other documents are formatted for printing on blank paper.

If you would like further information or additional examples posted, please contact us via email at ssdt-feedback@nwoca.org

USAS-R Printing

The XML files for Purchase Orders, Requisitions, Receipts, and Refunds are nearly identical to those from Classic USAS.  However you will see some minor differences, for instance properties with null values will usually not appear in the USAS-R XML files, while they do appear in Classic.

XML files for Checks are new for USAS-R (Classic USAS can not produce print output files for checks) and are in a little different type of XML format.  In particular, note that account code information is related to each item using internal cross-referencing.  USAS-R also has a concept of "Custom Fields", which you will see in the XML.  The specific custom fields in the XML will vary from district to district.  Note:  the district can choose to rename both the display name and the property name on the custom fields.  If you're using custom fields, you can rely on the "xxxxFieldDefinition ID" to be the same for each district as it's hard coded in our system and will not change.


*6/9/2016 Version 2 updates - updated to add invoice date to xml file (does not affect printed checks)

*Accounts Payable Disbursements XML (version 2) - file containing 3 accounts payable checks

*Accounts Payable Disbursements PDF (version 2) - associated PDF file with same 3 accounts payable checks

Accounts Payable Disbursement with ACH fields XML - file containing one accounts payable check; associated vendor has ACH information

Refund Disbursements XML - file containing 2 refund checks

Refund Disbursements PDF - associated PDF file with same 2 refund checks

*Mixed Disbursements XML (version 2) - contains accounts payable and refund checks

Mixed Disbursements PDF - associated PDF file with accounts payable and refund checks

Payroll Disbursements XML - file containing payroll checks

Purchase Orders

Purchase Orders XML - file containing 3 purchase orders

Purchase Orders PDF - associated PDF file with same 3 purchase orders

Purchase Order with multiple Budget accounts - a file containing a purchase order with an item charged to 2 different accounts


Receipts XML - file containing 3 receipts

Receipts PDF - associated PDF file with same 3 receipts

Refunds XML - file containing 2 refunds, one without a check and one with an associated check

Refunds PDF - associated PDF file with same 2 refunds

Accounts Receivable 

Billing XML - file containing 2 billings

Billing PDF - associated PDF file with same 2 billings

Payment Receipt XML - file containing 2 payment receipts

Payment Receipt PDF - associated PDF file with same 2 payment receipts

1099s (updated 11/2/2020)

Sample XML files generated by Redesign districts.  There are currently no PDF formats available.

USPS-R Printing


Checks XML - file containing xml layout of payroll checks (updated 5/20/2022)

Checks PDF - associated payroll check PDF file

Direct Deposit Notices

Direct Deposits XML - file containing xml layout of payroll direct deposit notices (updated 5/20/2022)

Direct Deposits PDF - associated direct deposit PDF file


W2 Form XML - file containing xml layout of W2s (updated 1/5/2021)

W2 Form PDF - sample W2 PDF file

Payee Payments (Deduction Checks)

Deduction Checks XML - file containing xml layout for payee payments

Deduction Checks PDF - associated payee payments PDF file

Payroll Item Refund Checks (Refunds processed through the Payroll Item Refund View)

Payroll Item Refund XML - file containing xml layout for refund payments (updated 12/18/2019)

Payroll Item Refund PDF - associated refund payments PDF file (updated 12/18/2019)