Creating Custom Forms
Custom forms can be imported into USPS-R to be used for printing PDF forms like direct deposits and salary notices. To create a custom form, users would create their own Word template and upload it to the Report Manager.
Customize Template Form in Word
A custom form can be created using merge fields in a Word Template document.
Templates for USPS-R transactions:
Several template forms can be found in the Public Shared Reports Library>Custom Form Templates section. Click here for a list of available downloadable forms.
Create Forms in Report Manager
This is done from the Reports>Report Manager view, using the Create Form option:
Report Name - Will be what users see when they select the form to use for printing
Description - Will be visible in the Reports Manager grid (optional)
Tag - A user defined way to categorize reports. Can be utilized to filter records within the grid (optional)
Entity Type - Select the Entity type that corresponds with the Form that is being added
Payee - CheckPaymentDetail
Payroll Direct Deposits - PaymentDetailPayrollDirectDeposit
Payroll Checks - PaymentDetailPayrollCheck
Salary Notices - NewContract
Filename - Click Select Form and select the custom form file from your computer
Click on to Save the Form or Cancel to exit. Once saved, the custom form will show in the Reports Manager grid.
If non-Admin user need to use this form for printing, use the share icon to grant access to other USPS Roles.
Use Custom Forms When Printing PDF Forms
When printing direct deposits and salary Notices, users will have an option to select the form to be used from a drop down list. The drop down option will appear after selecting "PDF."
Example of Printing Direct Deposits with a Custom Form:
Example of Printing Salary Notices with a Custom Form:
How to Customize a Form
When editing the template forms in Word, "fields" are used with the USPS property names. For official documentation on how to use fields in Microsoft Word, please refer to the Microsoft Support/Documentation.
Word Formatting Tips
The template form is set up in a table format to keep everything in its proper spot. Before you begin customizing your forms, you can display borders and/or markups (hidden formatting) on the Word form in order to see the placement of the fields better.
To display markups:
Go to File>Options>Display, and checkmark 'Show all formatting marks.' Click OK. This will display the 'hidden formatting' markups on the form.
NOTE: Markups will not appear on the printed or emailed form. If you wish to turn off markups in Word, uncheck the 'Show all formatting marks' under File>Options>Display.
To display borders:
Go to Home>Select>Select All (Ctrl+A) to select the entire form.
Next, go to Home and click on the dropdown to the right of the borders option
and select 'All Borders.'
. This will display borders on the form.
NOTE: You must remove the borders before saving changes to the Word document or else the borders will appear on the printed/emailed form.
Adding a Field
Insert the merge field(s).
Place your cursor where you'd like the new field to be placed.
Go to Insert>Quick Parts>Field. When the pop-up box appears, select MergeField. In the Field Name, enter the appropriate field name.
i.e. ${d.amount}
Click OK.
Save the changes made to the form.
Editing a Field
Right-click on the field and select Edit Field.
Edit Field name value.
Click OK.
Save the changes made to the form.
If creating one salary notice, <<[/#list]>> can be at the bottom of the document as the last field.
If creating multiple salary notices at once and the generated notices are not advancing to the next page properly, ensure <<[/#list]>> is at the very top of the next page.
To insert a logo (image), go to Insert>pictures. Ensure the logo is inserted after the first field of the form, «[#list modelObjects! as row]», and is positioned as ‘in line with text’ so Word recognizes it as part of the document.
Adding the Memo line to Custom Forms
To add the Memo line on Custom Forms, use ${(o.memo)!}
Crosswalk of Check/Direct Deposit Notification XML
The property names are case-sensitive and should be entered as listed below. For a printable version, please click .
Available Salary Notice Fields
Description | Field Name | Merge Field Name |
Employee Number | employeeNumber | ${(row.employeeNumber)!} |
First Name | firstName | ${(row.firstName)!} |
Middle Name | middleName | ${(row.middleName)!} |
Last Name | lastName | ${(row.lastName)!} |
Street 1 | street1 | ${(row.street1)!} |
Street 2 | street2 | ${(row.street2)!} |
City | city | ${(!} |
State | state | ${(row.state)!} |
Zip | zip | ${(row.zipCode)!} |
Position Number | positionNumber | ${(row.positionNumber)!} |
Position Description | positionDescription | ${(row.positionDescription)!} |
Compensation Label | compensationLabel | ${(row.compensationLabel)!} |
Contract Amount | contractAmount | ${(row.contractAmount?string(",##0.00"))!} |
Contract Work Days | contractWorkDays | ${(row.contractWorkDays)!} |
Number Of Pays | numberOfPays | ${(row.numberOfPays)!} |
Compensation Start Date | compensationStartDate | ${(row.compensationStartDate)!} |
Hours In Day | hoursInDay | ${(row.hoursInDay)!} |
Pay Plan | payPlan | ${(row.payPlan)!} |
Pay Per Period | payPerPeriod | ${(row.payPerPeriod?string(",##0.00"))!} |
Appointment Type | appointmentType | ${(row.appointmentType)!} |
School Year | schoolYear | ${(row.schoolYear)!} |
Statement Date | statementDate | ${(row.statementDate)!} |
District Name | districtName | ${(row.districtName)!} |
District Street | districtStreet | ${(row.districtStreet)!} |
District City | districtCity | ${(row.districtCity)!} |
District State | districtState | ${(row.districtState)!} |
District Zip | districtZip | ${(row.districtZip)!} |
Include District Info On Notice | includeDistrictInfoOnNotice | ${(row.includeDistrictInfoOnNotice)!} |
Name For Notice | nameForNotice | ${(row.nameForNotice)!} |
Salary Scheduled Id | salaryScheduleId | ${(row.salaryScheduleId)!} |
Salary Schedule Column | salaryScheduleColumn | ${(row.salaryScheduleColumn)!} |
Salary Schedule Step | salaryScheduleStep | ${(row.salaryScheduleStep)!} |
Rate | rate | ${(row.rate?string(",##0.00#"))!} ${(row.rate?string(",##0.00"))!} | 3-digit rounding 2-digit rounding |
Rate Type | rateType | ${(row.rateType)!} |
District Years | districtExperience | ${(row.districtExperience)!} |
Building Years | buildingExperience | ${(row.buildingExperience)!} |
Accred Dist Years | accredDistrictExperience | ${(row.accredDistrictExperience)!} |
Military Years | militaryExperience | ${(row.militaryExperience)!} |
Trade Years | tradeExperience | ${(row.tradeExperience)!} |
Retire System Years | retireSystemExperience | ${(row.retireSystemExperience)!} |
Ohio Public Years | ohioPublicExperience | ${(row.ohioPublicExperience)!} |
Ohio Private Years | ohioPrivateExperience | ${(row.ohioPrivateExperience)!} |
Non Ohio Public Years | nonOhioPublicExperience | ${(row.nonOhioPublicExperience)!} |
Non Ohio Private Years | nonOhioPrivateExperience | ${(row.nonOhioPrivateExperience)!} |
Purchased Years | purchasedExperience | ${(row.purchasedExperience)!} |
Authorized Years | authorizedExperience | ${(row.authorizedExperience)!} |
Total Years | totalExperience | ${(row.totalExperience)!} |
Principal Years | principalExperience | ${(row.principalExperience)!} |
Degree Type | degreeType | ${(row.degreeType)!} |
Degree Type Desc | degreeTypeDescription | ${(row.degreeTypeDescription)!} |
Creating ‘Custom Forms’ video
For more information on creating custom forms, click here to be taken to the FWF: Custom Forms recording.