Processing Exiting and Rehired Employees
If an employee leaves the district the following processes should be performed (still has days to work/to be paid):
____1- In Core/Employee record- enter in a Termination Date
____2- In Core/EMIS Entry or Core/Position- add a Separation Date and Separation Reason.
____3- In Core/Position- enter in a Stop Date
____4-In Core/Compensation- enter in a Stop Date for the contract and a Calendar Stop Date.
____5- After Final Pay go to Core/Position and change Status to the appropriate Status choice.
____6- Do not archive employee until final reporting window for EMIS has been reported for that Fiscal Year.
____7- In Core/Payroll Items- enter in Stop Dates for all of the employees Payroll Items.
If an employee returns to the district or retires and rehires mid year and comes back the following processes should be performed:
____1- In Core/Employee record -enter in the rehire date in the Payroll Date 2 field. (This is used for Census rehire date reporting)
____2- In Core/Employee- uncheck the New Hire Reported ODJFS box. Make sure that the ODJFS Reportable box is checked and also enter in the ODJFS Hire Date (rehired date)
____3-In Core/Position -Create a new Position record for this employee as a rehired employee. Enter in the New 'Hire Date'.
____4- In Core/Compensation -create a new compensation that will reflect what the employee should be compensated as a returning/rehired employee.
____5- In Core/Payroll Items- remove any Payroll Item Stop dates and a new start date can also be entered if desired.
____6. If a rehired retiree on the 400/450 record check the Rehired Retiree box and enter in the Rehired Date.
____7. Run ODJFS New Hire to report the employee to ODJFS
____8. Run the SERS/STRS New Hire Report to report the employee to the appropriate reporting entity.