Differences from Classic USPS

Differences from Classic USPS

This page describes primary functionality differences between Classic USPS and USPS-R.  It does NOT attempt to describe changes which are just changes to the user interface.  See the relevant chapters for details on how each option functions.  To see the Crosswalk of the Payroll Menu and the Classic counterparts, click Here

Report Grids

One major new feature is the ability to generate reports directly from the grids. This means you can filter the grids to contain only the columns and filtered information you desire and generate a report directly from this information. Te reports can be in any of the supported formats including PDF, excel and CSV. Totalling is also included for numeric fields. We feel this is a very useful new feature and will ease the learning curve associated with learning the custom report creator since many simple reports can be generated directly from the available grids. You can also save these grid reports as custom reports for later recall and modification via the custom report creator. 

Enhanced Queries and Grids:

In USPS-R, most data types show up in customizable grids.  The user is able to select the fields that they want to appear in each grid, as well as the order of the columns.  Grid results are "lazy-loaded", meaning that you can scroll down through all of the data and it gets loaded as you go.  This means there is no limit on maximum records that can be returned, and no "page numbers" to deal with to see your results.  Clicking on a row in the grid brings up a highlight view of the record you are on.  

Users are also no longer limited on the fields that they can do queries on.  USPS-R users will be able to filter grid results directly via a "filter row".  In addition, there is also an advanced query that allows querying against virtually any field related to the type of data being queried. The advanced queries can be saved and recalled later, and will also be available as filters in the dynamic reports described below.

Dynamic Reporting Capabilities:

USPS-R contains very dynamic reporting capabilities which allow you to select data from nearly any data type, filter the data using basic or advanced query criteria, determine which columns to include on your report and the order of the columns, sort by any field, and do control breaks with totals.  You can output to a variety of outputs including text, pdf, excel, and csv format, along with other lesser known formats, and select between portrait or landscape views.  The report criteria can be saved and recalled later.

Custom Fields:

Custom Fields are fields that districts can create for themselves to hold a wide variety of data that was not available in Classic USPS.  They will be available in nearly all options, although this functionality will be phased in as user interfaces are rewritten.  Custom fields can be used anywhere a normal field is used, including in queries and reports.  They can also be enabled or disabled as desired by the district.  The district can specify whether each Custom Field should be included in the Basic Query options for reports, and whether it should be included as a column in the query results.

Custom Fields can be any of the following types:  Text, Code, Money, Number, Date, Date/Time, Web Address, Email, User, or Boolean (True/False).  With the "Code" type you can define your own list of codes with their definitions and these will be used to produce drop down boxes in the user interface.  In addition, there are special Custom Field types for Created Date/Time, Last Modified Date/Time, Created User, and Last Modified User which will automatically be updated by the system and can optionally be used to keep track of this information for any data type.

Some of the fields from Classic USPS have been turned into Custom Fields.  Since you can disable Custom Fields, this has the advantage of allowing districts to remove fields that they don't use or care about from their screens.  The fields from Classic USPS that have been turned into Custom Fields are:

  • All "User Defined" fields
  • All "Entered Date" and "Posted By User" fields (these are automatically updated for you by the system)

***Matt may need to add this information***

Benefit Accrual:

When benefit accrual is ran in USPS-R, leave will not be accrued for concealed employees.  Classic USPS will accrue leave for a concealed employee if the employee has an active or inactive position that is marked as eligible for the leave being accrued.  We believe this to be a bug in classic USPS.

The following fields are new or are named differently than in Classic:

Mass Change

For more information on the Mass Change option, please click here



Change Concealed Flag (SSDT)

This option allows the Mass Change of the Concealed employees flag to be checked or unchecked in the General section

Change Email Direct Deposit Flag (SSDT) 

This option allows the Mass Change of the employees Email Direct Deposit notice flag to be checked or unchecked in the General section

Clear Employee Long Term Illness (SSDT)

This option will clear the (EMIS) Long Term Illness days located in the State Reporting section

Core/Payroll Item


  • Option C - Employee or board amounts
Change Rate (SSDT)Updates Rate (Employee) and Employer Rate



Clear EMIS Contract Fields (SSDT)

This option allows the EMIS Related Information fields on CORE/POSITION to be converted to zeroes. The specific fields that it will update are:

  • Hours In The Day
  • Contract Amount
  • Contract Work Days
  • Full Time Equivalence


ACCRPTSSDT Account History Report
ACCRPTSSDT Account History Report v2
New ReportSSDT Adjustment Journal Mass Load Extract
ABSRPT/ABS101SSDT Attendance Journal Report
AUDRPTSSDT Auditable Events
CHKSTRSSSDT Check STRS Advance Report

SSDT Compensation Journal Adjustments Mass Load Extract
BIRTHHIRESSDT Employee Hired Report
New ReportSSDT Employee Terminated Report
New ReportSSDT Employee Wages Report
FUTPAYSSDT Future Pay Amount Report

SSDT INFOhio Patron Extract
NEWCNT/NEWPAYSSDT New Contract Payroll Accounts
NEWCNT/REPORTSSDT New Contract Summary Report
New ReportSSDT Non Contract Compensation Mass Load Extract
CHKSTSSSDT Outstanding Checks Report



SSDT Payroll Account Report
DEDLSTSSDT Payroll Item Detail
New ReportSSDT Payroll Item History Report
New ReportSSDT USPSR User Listing Report


ACH Destination

Formerly ROUTSCN

Routing NumberRouting Number
Institution DescriptionDescription

ACH Source


ACH Transfer TypeTransfer Type
IDACH Transfer Code
ID DesignatorOrganization ID Designator
ID NumberOrganization ID Number
NameOrganization Name

Adjustments - New Feature to Redesign

The Adjustments option allows you to create, delete, and/or modify employees Payroll Items.

Formerly 001 FEDERAL record

  • Health Insurance

    • Difference from Classic - Employer Health Coverage - In Classic, this entry in the employees 001 Federal record (Emplr Hth) used to override the employee and employer amount, marked as 'Include as employer-sponsored health coverage?'  in DEDNAM.  

    • In Redesign - Health Insurance - The Adjustment for Health Insurance does NOT OVERRIDE the amount, it + or - the total amount calculated.

    • The amount in the 001 Federal record Emplr Hth field does NOT get imported as an adjustment in redesign as the adjustments in redesign are not treated as an override value.  If a value was manually entered in the Emplr Hth field in classic, a corresponding manual adjustment for Health Insurance would need to be added for the Federal item to adjust the value up or down to get the expected total value.
  • Moving Expense 

    • For Active Military Only

  • Taxable Benefits (N3)

    • Difference from Classic - If the Non-Cash Taxable Benefit Pay Type was NOT USED prior to the last pay of the calendar year, the Taxable Benefits (NC3) payment amount must be entered under the CORE/ADJUSTMENT JOURNAL in order for the Non-Cash Taxable Benefit amount to show correctly on the W2 form and to insure that the Quarter balances.  The W2 Report will automatically adjust the Federal, State, Medicare, OSDI and City, if applicable, the gross and taxable gross amounts. NOTE: The city is only adjusted when the Payroll Item Configuration setup for the city payroll item is checked to Tax Non Cash Earnings. In Classic, the total and taxable gross must be manually adjusted.   No manual adjustments are needed.

  • Fringe Benefits

  • Life Insurance (NC1)

    • Difference from Classic - If the Life Insurance Premium Pay Type was NOT USED prior to the last pay of the calendar year, the Life Insurance (NC1) payment amount must be entered under the CORE/ADJUSTMENT JOURNAL in order for the Life Insurance amount to show correctly on the W2 form and to insure that the Quarter balances.  The W2 Report will automatically adjust the Federal, State, Medicare, OSDI and City, if applicable, the total and taxable gross amounts.  NOTE: The city is only adjusted when the Payroll Item Configuration setup for the city payroll item is checked to Tax Non Cash Earnings. In Classic, the total and taxable gross must be manually adjusted.  No manual adjustments are needed.

  • Adoption Assistance (NC2)

    • Difference from Classic - If the Adoption Assistance Pay Type was NOT USED prior to the last pay of the calendar year, the Adoption Assistance (NC2) payment amount must be entered under the CORE/ADJUSTMENT JOURNAL in order for the Adoption Assistance amount to show correctly on the W2 form and to insure that the Quarter balances.  The W2 Report will automatically adjust the Medicare and City, if applicable, the total and taxable gross amounts.   NOTE: The city is only adjusted when the Payroll Item Configuration setup for the city payroll item is checked to Tax Non Cash Earnings. In Classic, the total and taxable gross must be manually adjusted.  No manual adjustments are needed. Withholding will still need to be dealt with either through a manual adjustment or some form of payroll error adjustment.  

  • Dependent Care

  • Third Party pay

  • Vehicle Lease

  • Health Reimbursement

Formerly FTD, QTD and YTD fields on employees DEDSCN
  • Total Gross

  • Applicable Gross

  • Amount Withheld

  • Applicable Annuities (Classic Taxable Gross)

  • Board's Amount of payroll item

  • Earned Income Credit Amount

  • Additional Withholding Amount

  • Portion of FTD Board Amount that was earned as a rehired retiree

  • Portion of FTD Board Amount that was withheld as a rehired retiree

  • Portion of FTD Gross that was earned as a rehired retiree

  • ODJFS Total Gross

  • Board's Pickup Amount of Payroll Item

Formerly ATDSCN to adjust SERS and STRS days/hours, EMIS weeks, ODJFS weeks
ATDSCN - AD RESERS Retirement Days
ATDSCN - AD RESERS Retirement Hours
ATDSCN - AD RESTRS Retirement Days
ATDSCN - AD RHSTRS Retirement Hours

Formerly BENSCN to adjust Sick Advance Used days - CORE/Leave

BENSCN - Adjust Advance UsedAdvanced Sick Leave Used This item type is used to reset an employee's 'Advanced Units Used' on their CORE/Leaves screen


Formerly ATDSCN 

IDEmployee #
DateActivity Date

New 'Mass Add' option

Trans Type
Sub Category
Appt Type
Pay Date
Include Weekends
Start date
End date
Clear All Dates

Bank Account

Multiple bank accounts can be setup to have the option to print payroll and payee checks from.


New Feature


Used to create, update and delete Building and Department Codes

Compensations - Contract or Non-contract

Contracts are for employee's that have a specific amount that is to be paid to that person during a payroll period.

Non-Contracts would be an unknown total amount.  A non-contract would be considered as substitutes or part time employees and anyone who didn't have a contracted amount.  Employee's that would work an unknown amount of days or hours during a payroll period.  

Formerly JOBSCN

Employee IDEmployee Number
Job NumberPosition Number
Contract StartCompensation Start Date
Contract StopCompensation Stop Date
Job TypeSupplemental Tax Option
Daily rateUnit Amount
Amount DueAccrued Wages
AmountContract Amount
ObligationContract Obligation

#of pays

Pays In Contract
Equal PaysStretch Pay
Days WorkedContract Days Worked
Work daysContract Work Days
Hours per dayHours In Day

New Fields in Compensations

Override Unit Amount Calculation?
Override Pay Per Period Calculation?
Compensation Adjustments

Date Codes

Dates (UPSWEB)New FeatureDate Codes - District used fields to keep track of dates about an employee under the CORE/EMPLOYEE option.

EMIS Entry (created when New Employee record has been entered)

EMIS (USPSWeb)EMIS Employee Entry

EMIS Position Entry

EMIS Contractor (CJ)

In order for this option to be viewable, go to SYSTEM/MODULES/EMIS Contractor Module

Extract CJ Data

EMIS Contracted Service (CC)Extract CC Data


Formerly BIOSCN and DEMSCN

Employee IDNumber
State Assigned IDCredential ID (Certified)
State Assigned IDNon-Certificate Employee ID (ZID-Classified)
ZIPPostal Code
EmailPrimary Email
User Defined Fields-Date 1Payroll Date 1-Original Hire date if a rehiree for Census file
User Defined Fields-Date 2Payroll Date 2-Rehire Date for Census file

 New Fields in Employee on Redesign 

Other Email
Primary Email
Secondary Email

Job Calendar





Formerly BENSCN

Leaves - New

Formerly BENSCN

This option allows you to add, delete, and/or modify employee sick, vacation, personal leave and view current leave balances.


Formerly ATDSCN

Accum/monthAccum Per Month
Benefit unitLeave Unit
MaximumMax Leave Amount
Advance UsedAdvanced Units Used
Advance MaxMax Advance Leave
Accum/ServService Hours Accumulator

New Fields in Leaves on Redesign 

Accumulate Based On Hours (Sick Only)
Unapplied Usage
Unreported Accumulation
Unreported Usage

New 'Accumulations' option -

This is a new option under CORE/LEAVES.  Allows users to add leave accumulations per employee. 


Leave Unit
Transaction Date



Pay Distributions

Formerly DEDSCN - Direct Deposit

Acct #Account Number
Deposit TypeDirect Deposit Type
Deposit AmountRate

New Fields in Payroll Distributions on Redesign

Payroll Distributions
Code 2
Money 1
Money 2
ACH Source
ACH Destination

Pay Distributions - New

Formerly DEDSCN - Direct Deposit

Pay Group

Formerly PGRPED

Pay GroupCode
Pay Group DescriptionDescription
Job CalendarJob Calendar Type


Formerly DEDNAM


Payroll Accounts

Formerly PAYSCN

IDEmployee (#xxxxxxxx)
JobPosition (#)
FndFuncObjSCCSubjOPUILJobExpenditure Acccount
Percent or fixedRate Type
Account statusStatus
Board dist. acct.Employer Distribution
Amount to chargeCharge Amount or Percent
Maximum to chargeMaximum

New Fields in Payroll Accounts on Redesign

Sort Order

Payroll Items 

Formerly DEDSCN

IDEmployee Number
Name (deduction)Configuration
Deduction TypeType
Fixed or PercentRate Type
Tax percentageRate Type

#. exemptions

Number Of Exemptions
ModifiedLast Modified Date
Ann AcctAccount Number 
Board's ShareEmployer Rate
Max deduct amtMax Amount 
Max deduct flagDeduct Max Start Date
Board Error adj.Employer Error Adjustments
ACH dep typeACH Direct Deposit Type
ACH AcctAch Account Number
ACH Routing #Ach Destination

 New Fields in Payroll Item on Redesign

Payroll Item
Specific Date

Redesign handles Medicare pickup by employer by using a 2.9% calculation for the Employer Rate on the 692 Payroll Item Record. This is different from classic as two records were required for Medicare pickup 692/694 or 693/695. 

Error Adjustments

Employer Error Adjustments 

Payroll Item Configuration/Payee 

 Formerly DEDNAM

Print Board AmtsPrint Employer Amount

 New Fields in Payroll Item Configuration on Redesign

Payroll Item Configuration
Show On Create Wizard

Position/Compensation/Payroll Accounts


JobPosition #
Position/TitlePosition Description
IDEmployee Number
Type of Appt.Appointment Type
Assign AreaAssignment Area
Building/Dept.Building Code
Building/Dept.Department Code
Work DaysContract Work Days
SickEligible For Sick Leave
PersonalEligible For Personal Leave
VacationEligible For Vacation Leave
EMIS Appt. TypeState Reporting Appointment Type
Job TypeSupplemental Type
Daily RateUnit Amount
Hourly RateUnit Amount
Amount to ChargeRate
Percent of FixedRate Type
Brd dist acct.Employer Distribution
Maximum to ChargeMaximum
Hire Date
The Start Date from POSSCN, is imported into the Hire Date field
Start/Stop DatesCalendar Start/Stop from JOBSCNImports the calendar Start/Stop dates from JOBSCN in Classic into Position Start/Stop Dates in Redesign

Posting Period

New in Redesign


Check Register

CHKSTARe-issue (Voids during the process)
CHKPRTPrint Checks
CHKSTA/RECONCILE/ReconcileReconcile (single checks or multiple)
CHKSTA/RECONCILE/Reverse ReconcileUnreconcile (Single checks or multiple)
PAYREC/RECONCILEAuto-Reconcile (bank file)

Payments - Manual

Formerly HANDCK


HANDCK/Board Check

HANDCK/Deduction Check

HANDCK/Electronic Transfer check

HANDCK/Group Deduction Check

Manual Payments

Create - Employee Check

Payee Check

Other Check



HANDCK to print checksManual Payment Checks


Print Checks


Payments - Payee





Payee Payment







Payee Payment Checks


Print Checks


PAYDEDPayee Electronic Transfers

List of ET

  • Reconcile
  • Unreconcile

Payments - Payroll






Payroll Payments



Print Payment Checks and Direct Deposit



Direct Deposits

Reissue (as check) or (resend as ACH file to bank)

List of Direct Deposits




Payroll Payment Checks


Print Checks


Payments - Refund

Formerly REFSCN

REFSCNRefund Payments





Refund Checks


Print Checks


Refund ACHReissue


Payroll Payments-Current


Pop Up Pay ReportPayroll Report

Payroll Payments-Future



Payroll Processing

In Progress




Initialize New Payroll (INICAL and CALCPAY)

Modify Payroll

Add Pay Group


Pay Report
DEDTOT.TXTShow total payroll Items at bottom of Pay ReportPay Report
Error Report-report for errors before posting of payroll

New FeaturePost Error Report-report for errors after payroll has been posted



Pay Item Detail Report

Classic - Taxable Gross

Redesign - Applicable Gross

Post Payroll

New FeatureDelete Payroll - will delete payroll but will move exceptions entered in Payroll Payments – Current to Payroll Payments - Future so not lost.

New FeatureDelete Payroll and Exceptions - will delete payroll and exceptions(CURRENT) entered in Payroll Payments


Budget Distribution Report
Payroll Account Distribution Report


Process Payments (checks and Direct Deposits Notices)
Email Notices (in order to use this option, the 'Email Notifications' module must be installed in System>Modules. Also, in System>Configuration, Email Configuration and Email Direct Deposit Notice Configuration needs to setup)

New FeatureUn-Post Payroll



List of Posted Payrolls


Benefit Update and Projection

BENACCBenefit Update and Projection
Reset Personal Leave
Convert Personal Leave To Pay
Convert Personal Leave to Sick Leave
Part Time Sick Leave Accrual

New Contracts





New Contract Maintenance




NEWCNT/BUILDMass Copy Compensations
NEWCNT/IMPORTImport New Contracts
SALNOTICESalary Notices


Mid-year contracts create a brand new contract with no pays and starts the contract at that date.  Classic uses old contract for the new contract information (since old contract is going to be deleted as soon as the new contract is purged).

Payroll Item Refund

USPSCN/REFSCNPayroll Item Refund

Refund of Deduction payments from Classic ARE imported, but without the details of the deductions (payroll items) that were affected. The amounts related to that detail are accounted for so reports are correct.

Process Outstanding Payables





Payables by Payee

Payable Reports tab

Full Report

Summary Report




Payables by Pay Item Config

Payable Reports tab

Full Report

Summary Report




Payables by Payroll Item

Payable Reports tab

Full Report

Summary Report




Payables Detail

Payable Reports tab

Full Report

Summary Report

New FeaturePayables AdjustmentsAdjust payable amounts


NewReport BundlesReport Bundles are used to automatically generate reports by the system to be listed under Utilities/File Archive/Payroll Archive or to set up single or multiple reports to be emailed to a user at any time. 

Report ManagerPredefined SSDT template report definitions as well as user-created reports are displayed here; can Import and Create reports


Custom Report CreatorImport Reports from an outside source. Must be in .JSON format.



ACH Submission

HSA Submission

ACH Submission - It creates an ACH file which is uploaded to the bank for payroll

HSA Submission - It creates an HSA file which is uploaded to the bank  for HSA Payroll Items (HSA deductions)


AFFORD ReportWill assist in determining if an employee will exceed 30 hours per week or 130 hours per month and therefore, be classified as full-time under the Affordable Care Act (ACA).

Attendance Reports

  • ABS101
  • ABS103
  • Perfect Attendance Reports

Staff Absence No Activity Report

AUDRPTAudit ReportThis program tracks the old values and the new values entered in various USPS programs.
USPAUDITAuditor of State CSV ReportThis program extracts USPS check history information into specially formatted files for use by auditors. Auditors will use these files to assist in automating the audit process.
BENOBL/BENACTBenefit Obligation by AccountProvides information by Account about the dollar amount of benefit obligations a district would incur if employees were to use their entire sick, vacation, and personal balances.
BENOBL/BENEMPBenefit Obligation by EmployeeProvides information by Employee about the dollar amount of benefit obligations a district would incur if employees were to use their entire sick, vacation, and personal balances.
CENSUSCENSUS ReportThe CENSUS program will create a common census file per ING requirements
CHKSTRSCheck STRS AdvanceReport showing employee's STRS Advance Payments
CRDC-Civil Rights ReportCRDC ReportCivil Rights Data Collection Reports
Similar to PERDETEMIS ReportsOption produces a report listing data errors or invalid data prior to EMIS reporting.
ERNREGEmployee Earnings RegisterCan be ran for one and all Employees or Pay Groups receiving a pay check.
EMPMSTEmployee Master

Report that reflects the Core program data element fields.

BRDDISEmployer Distributions

Generates a worksheet to provide you with dollar amounts for the distribution of board paid deductions to the proper USAS accounts

For this option to be visible under Reports and USAS Integration, go to SYSTEM/MODULES/EMPLOYER DISTRIBUTIONS MODULE


Employer Retirement Share

Distributes the board's retirement share by allocating amounts to non-general (non-001) fund accounts at a flat 14% rate of the current payroll items paid.

For this option to be visible under Reports and USAS Intergration, go to SYSTEM/MODULES/EMPLOYER RETIREMENT SHARE MODULE


Job Calendar ReportProduces a report showing job calendars which have been created.
BENRPTLeave Activity ReportThe Leave Activity Report provides a listing of accruals and absence categories by employee, by date applied date and then by activity date. It also includes the Beginning Balance, Length and Ending Balance of the activity by category.  
BENRPTLeave Balance ReportThe Leave Balance Report shows the balances of sick, vacation, and personal leave.
LEVPROLeave Projection ReportThis program creates a posting file from which absences may be charged to the proper leave accounts.


New Contract ReportGenerate a report outlining purged contract information
NEWHIREODFJS New Hire ReportTo assist in the reporting of new employees to the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services
ODJFSRPTODJFS ReportFor ODJFS reporting, the 'Paid Month 1', 'Paid Month 2', 'Paid Month 3' columns and their corresponding totals on the report and submission file may differ from Classic.  The difference is that Classic would, for each Employee, check if there were any Payrolls wherein the first Position was paid, it would check the Payroll date range to determine if it includes the 12th day of that month.  Redesign finds the Pay Group date range for each Position included in a Payroll and checks to see if any of these date ranges include the 12th day of the month.  This ultimately is more accurate and therefore may result in differences when compared to Classic.


Pay Amount Summary ReportProduces a report that summarizes the pay type, number of units, and the pay amount by job for each active employee in the pay period.
CHKSTSPayment Transaction Status ReportGenerates a report that lists the check number; check status and type; employee ID, deduction code, or vendor number (depending on the check type); name; issue date; period ending date; date voided; date reconciled; gross pay; and net pay.
QRTRPTQuarter Report

Generates a report of quarter-to-date figures for employees and provides information necessary to complete the IRS Form 941 Quarterly statement.

The gross for imported re-issued checks from classic will be included in the QTD Gross, YTD Gross, and FTD Gross fields on the quarter report for the quarter in which the check was re-issued.  This can cause the Gross totals to be higher on the USPS-R report by the gross on the re-issued check when compared to classic if the void occurred in a prior quarter.  Classic QRTRPT only included the gross for the checks in the quarter in which the voided check was initially paid.  This only affects imported re-issued checks because we can not identify them at the time of import as re-issued checks and therefore have no way of knowing that the gross would have already been included at the time the original check was issued.  Checks that are re-issued in USPS-R will be correctly reflected in the to-date gross totals on the report.

RPTSUMReporting Entity Count Summary Report

Generates a report that displays service days, ODJFS weeks, and/or EMIS attendance and absence days with the percentage of attendance for employees by selected time periods.

This report has several sort and selection options that provide you with the flexibility to generate the report for a wide range of employees or a specific group or individual. The option to include employees reportable to EMIS, not reportable, or both is also available.


Create a projection report or a new employee enrollment file to upload to the eSERS website.


SERS Per Pay Report

Creates a projection report to verify State Employees Retirement System (SERS) and will create a tape file used for submission of data to SERS (per pay).

SURCHGSERS Surcharge ReportCreates reports that will assist with the SERS surcharge calculations and GAAP reporting.

STRS Advance

Allows you to create Advance FYTD, Advance Position and Non Advanced reports. Also can create the tape file for the STRS annual report submission and creates a Merge Submission file with both Third party and Districts STRS Advance info
RETIRE/STRSMONTHSTRS Monthly ReportCreates a report for STRS balancing purposes
RETIRE/STRSHIRESTRS New Hire ReportCreates a projection report as well as an option to create a STRS New Hire submission file and submit it to STRS. 

Creates a projection report to verify State Employees Retirement System (STRS) as well as an option to create a STRS submission file and submit it to STRS. 

WAGOBL/WAGACTWage Obligation By AccountThis program generates a report listing the district's current accrued wage obligations by account code.
WAGOBL/WAGEMPWage Obligation By EmployeeThis program generates a report listing the district's current accrued wage obligations by employee.
W2PROCW2 Reports

Program creates reports, form files, data files, and tape files used for reporting W2 wage information at calendar year end

Life Insurance and Taxable Benefit (Federal adjustments) do NOT need to have the Taxable and Total Gross Amount increased for Federal, Ohio, City, Medicare and OSDI, like Classic.


The YTD report program provides year-to-date totals and a benefit statement for all employees, pay groups, or individual employees. 





Custom Field Definition



USPS Identifiers-USPS PrivilegesRole



Workflows Integration




Account MappingThe Account Mapping module controls how accounts are charged in Leave Projection and Board Distribution


Attendance/ Absence ImportAllows data obtained from third party software to be imported into USPS-R.


Positive Pay

Automatic Payment Reconciliation

Pay Rec

Pay Rec Extract

New Feature

Change Password

If user knows their old password they can change their password using the 'change password' option under the Utilities Menu:

SafariCustom Grid CreatorOnly available to ITC users
PAYROLL CDFile Archive

Payroll Archive

Pay Form Archive

W2 Archive


New FeatureFile Import

Import Single Zip File

Import Multiple Zip Files

Import Classic Payroll CD Archives

SYS$BATCHJob Scheduler

List Reports and Direct Deposits scheduled to be ran or delivered at a later date and time

SYS$BATCHJob SchedulerList of Reports and Direct Deposits scheduled to be ran or delivered at a later date and time.


Mass Load

Absence/attendance Loading

Date Code Loading

Payroll Item Error Adjustments Loading

New Feature

Payroll Item Mismatch Utility

This is a new Utility program in the menu, visible to Admin and GM users by default.  This is a one-time fix utility that corrects two scenarios:  one is that Classic allowed these mismatches to occur and the other was a bug with Mass Load that was fixed with 6.32.0 that allowed users to add mismatched payroll items if used improperly.  The procedure is that they go to (Utilities > Payroll Item Mismatch Utility) and it will show them any payroll items that are mismatched.  If the district is not affected by this problem, the grid will be empty.  The grid also, by default, only shows mismatches related to non-archived employees. It is optional to fix the mismatches for archived employees as it may not affect reporting or processing, particularly if the mismatch was caused while still using Classic. 

Show logged in usersShow ProfileUser Profile will give detailed information about the user account currently logged into the USPS-R application.
TAXTABTax EstimatorThis program proves helpful to employees wanting to know the impact of tax related changes on their pay amount (e.g. changing exemptions or withholding amounts).
New FeatureW2 City OverridesThe W2 City Overrides allows districts to override different fields in the SSA EFW2 form file for different City tax requirements.

USAS Integration 

(For this option to be visible, go to SYSTEM/MODULES/USAS Integration Module)

New FeatureAccount SynchronizationSynchronize Accounts with USAS
BRDDISEmployer Distributions SubmissionFor this option to be visible under Reports and USAS Integration, go to SYSTEM/MODULES/EMPLOYER DISTRIBUTIONS MODULE


Employer Retirement Share SubmissionFor this option to be visible under Reports and USAS Intergration, go to SYSTEM/MODULES/EMPLOYER RETIREMENT SHARE MODULE
New FeatureExpenditure AccountsRead Only grid that allows filtering by account codes, descriptions, xref, and if an account is synced with USAS. 
AUTOPOST/LEAVELeave Projection SubmissionTo submit the Leave Projection Submission amounts to their appropriate USAS accounts
AUTOPOST/VOID OR UNVOIDPayroll Void/Unvoid Submission

VOID- To submit a voided check to USAS. The actual expended should decrease by the gross amount of the voided payment.  The balance should increase by the gross amount of the void.

UNVOID- To submit an unvoided check to USAS. The actual expended should increase by the gross amount of the unvoided payment.  The balance should decrease by the gross amount of the unvoid.


Payroll SubmissionThe PAYROLL SUBMISSION option is used to post payroll amounts to their appropriate USAS accounts.
New FeatureSecurity ConfigurationThis option allows the admin to configure a security key to allow USPS-R to communicate with USAS-R.  A similar configuration must be completed in the USAS-R system.

New Feature

Test ConnectionThis option will allow the admin to test the connection between USPS-R and USAS-R.
New FeatureUSAS Integration Advanced ConfigurationThis option allows the admin to configure a security key to allow USPS-R to communicate with USAS-R.  A similar configuration must be completed in the USAS-R system.

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