Payroll Balancing Issues

Payroll Balancing Issues

Things to check when having Balancing  Issues


1.) Check first to verify the transactions to USAS from payroll all appear to be correct.

2.) Go to Reports/AUDIT TRAIL and run the report (make sure to enter in start and stop dates under the QUERY OPTION) to see if there possibly was an error adjustment for exactly the amount you are off by. Possibly for board paid Medicare or retirement that may not have been moved to the bank.

3.) Check the AUDIT TRAIL report looking for any UserAdjustmentPayablesLedger changes that may have been made in Outstanding Payables to reduce or increase a Payee check.

4.) Go to Payments/Check Register. On the grid under Transaction Type search for Deduction Checks under the Issued date use dates of the month you are balancing (1/1/20..1/31/20) and under Check Status of  search for Void.

5.) Check on your call ins to Federal and State and compare the amounts taken out of your clearance account with the Payee Payment Detail/Payables Payment Report found in the Payroll Archive.

6.) Go to Reports/Payment Transaction Status Report and generate reports for Payment Transaction Type- Deduction Checks, Electronic Transfers and Group Deduction Checks (must be processed separately)   Compare the dollar amounts on the deduction checks with the Payables Payment Report total for each Payroll Item.

7.) Have the district fax their bank statement to you (just the primary pages)

8.) Take the Pay Report total gross + Payables Payment Report (Board Paid Medicare 692 & 693 and Board Paid  FICA 694 & 695) add these together. The total should match that of the electronic deposit transfers to the bank.

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