Payroll Processing
STRS Advance Not completed Error
Payrolls with July or later pay dates in the new fiscal year cannot be processed unless STRS Advance has been completed. An error will be given if trying to Initialize the first pay in July: ***Error - STRS Advance must be processed before running a payroll with pay date in July*** WILL NOT be able to proceed with payroll until STRS Advance is completed. If district has a STRS Merge file to complete later, this can be done in July open and posting period. The STRS Merge File created will be sent to FYE Reports for that FYE. Only the STRS Advance submission file has to be completed before the first pay in July.
Payroll Processing is the start of a payroll. The grid will show both Posted and In Progress Payrolls:
The Payroll Processing program is the first program to be run in the payroll processing sequence. It initializes all active status employee records for the pay groups and pay dates specified in the program
If creating a Special Pay, use pay date other than the Regular payroll. The reason being if you use the same pay date when processing retirement reports it will pull in the special pay as well as the regular payroll and if the regular payroll retirement processing has already taken place this could cause an issue.
Archived Payroll Item Configurations
If a Payroll Item configuration is archived, none of the payroll items will be pulled into the payroll (since payroll items are archived).
Archived Payroll items
If an employee's Payroll Item is archived, it will NOT be deducted from their pay.
Pre Initialization of New Payroll
- Posting Period Current- To set Posting Period to Open and Current go to CORE/POSTING PERIOD/CREATE. . Select the Calendar Month, enter in the Calendar Year, click the Current box and then click the Create button. Before payroll processing begins verify that
the current posting period is displayed in the upper right hand corner of your screen. OR
- Posting Period Open-If you wish to begin payroll processing for the next month, but do not want that processing month to be current yet. You can go to CORE/POSTING PERIOD/CREATE and select the Calendar Month, enter in the Calendar Year, click the Create button.
This will Open the next month Posting Period and allow you to begin the payroll process. The payroll that you are processing cannot be posted until the Posting Period is set to Current. You will need to go to CORE/POSTING PERIOD and click on the next to the Posting Period
you are processing for. You will want to verify in the upper right-hand corner of your screen that the current posting period is displayed. You can then the post the payroll.
Start Payroll Processing
- To begin a new Payroll, Click on the key.
You will see the following screen:
2. Enter a Payroll Description (this can be the date of the payroll or whatever you choose to name this payroll,)
3. Choose the Pay Plan from the drop down box
- Biweekly
- Semi-monthly
- Monthly
4. Chose the Pay Cycle from the drop down box
- First Pay of month
- Second Pay of a two pay month
- Second Pay of a three pay month
- Third Pay of the month
5. Using the pop up calendar choose or enter a date (XX/XX/XXXX) of your payroll Start Date.
6. Using the pop up calendar choose or enter a date (XX/XX/XXXX) of your payroll Stop Date.
7. Using the pop up calendar choose or enter a date (XX/XX/XXXX) of your payroll Pay Date. The Payroll Pay Date can be modified after the district Initializes the Payroll.
If you want to Suppress Voluntary Deductions in this payroll your will want to check the box
If you want to Ignore Direct Deposits, you will check the box
**Note** If employee has multiple Direct Deposits and they choose to Ignore Direct Deposit, all Direct Deposits will be combined on one check.
If this payroll is being run for a Special Pay you will check the box
8. The pay groups you want to be included in this payroll need to be selected from the 'Available Pay Group' box. To include a pay group that you want included in this payroll, click on the pay group and then click the button to move this pay group to the Selected Pay Groups by Date Range box on the right.
If a pay group needs to be added back to the 'Available Pay Groups' box, click that pay group in the 'Selected Pay Groups by Date Range' box and click the to move that pay group into the 'Available Pay Group' box.
The Save and Recall option allows the users to create and save certain Pay Groups for additional date ranges. The Most Recent would include the Pay Groups of the last Payroll created that was ran by the user. If the Pay Groups selection is no longer needed, click on delete the selection of Pay Groups. No Start and Stop Dates will be saved. to
The Add Date Range Selection option can be used to include multiple beginning and ending payroll dates for groups of employees as long as they all have the same pay date. Select the Option and supply different beginning and ending payroll dates and the applicable pay group for these dates. The pay date is the same in all cases. This option can be utilized to ensure retirement service days are counted correctly.
The Add Date Range Selection Option is also used to add missed pay groups to an existing payroll. Simply supply the missed pay groups in the appropriate fields by using :
A Severe error will be given if the 'Add Date Range Selection' is empty
9. You will then click the to initialize the payroll.
You will then see that the payroll is in progress and there will be a spinner in the Status field by each pay group that is processing. Once the pay group has processed there should be a green indicator button next to the pay group in the Status field. This indicates the pay group processed successfully. If a red indicator button is in the Status field this indicates that this pay group failed during processing. You can select to view the errors produced during this payroll.
**Note** If a change is made to a Position or Compensation, it will not be reflected in the 'In Progress' payroll. Select 'Modify Payroll' to have this update included. But changes to Payroll Items should be reflected without 'Modifying Payroll".
The number of positions for each Pay Group are listed under '# Of Positions':
To return to all Payroll's in Progress, click on in the top left-hand corner. You can then click on the key to return to that specific payroll.
Multiple Simultaneous Payrolls in Districts
Multiple Simultaneous Payroll districts should just have to start 2 different payrolls. In redesign you can initialize a payroll, and then go back to the payroll screen and initialize another payroll while the first one is still in progress. The payrolls will be separate and can be posted/unposted separately. There is no configuration for MSP. Because multiple payrolls can be run, MSP is an option by default.
- Make sure different Pay Groups are selected for each MSP. Same Pay Groups cannot be selected
Paying Employee on Old and New Earnings on same pay
If employee is being paid off on the old contract and being paid on new contract on same pay, the 'Contract Change/Extension Source' will need to be removed on the New Contract compensation. This field will need to be reentered, only if the employee will need a Mid-Year Contract change during the school year.
To be considered for Payroll
For a Position to be considered for Payroll:
- Job Status Active
- Position archived = false
After that, all payroll validations are done on the Compensation for the employee
For Contract Compensations, there is a validation that checks the contract obligation and makes sure that it will not be exceeded by the pay amounts for the current pay.
- The validation does this math:
compensation Contract Obligation - (compensation Amount Paid + Contract Gross from pay amounts that are not adjustments) + compensation Amount Docked
- If the absolute value of this calculation results in an amount that is greater than the contract payoff rounding threshold that is on the Rounding Configuration, then the pay amounts for the compensation are removed from the payroll.
Employee Example, the calculation is:56,530.37 - (54,305.55 + 2227.50) + 0.00 = -2.68 Absolute value of -2.68 = 2.68 Contract Payoff Rounding Threshold on Rounding Configuration = 0.75 2.68 > 0.75 so pay amount is removed from the payroll
Compensation Stretch Pay NOT checked - If the Compensation does not have the Compensation>Stretch Pay checkbox marked, the system simply pays the number of workdays found on the Job Calendar assigned X the Unit Amount
Paying a Stretch Pay employee
For an employee to pull into payroll, the employee must have a Job calendar with Workdays, marked as ‘Stretch Pay’ and Pays in Contract
Non-Stretched Employee - Paying an employee on a Non-Contract with a DEF calendar
Employee must have a Unit Amount entered and must be entered manually into Future/Current
Modify Payroll
From here you can Modify the payroll by clicking on 'Modify Payroll':
If a change is made to a Position or Compensation record for a regular active position, it will not be reflected in the 'In Progress' payroll. Modify Payroll, select Pay Group the employee is in and click on 'Update Payroll'. 'Modify Payroll' takes the Pay groups you select, deletes them from the Payroll and then re-initializes them, so anything you did in Current would be wiped out. ** Selected pay groups will be re-initialized when payroll is updated **
Changes made to Payroll Items will be reflected without 'Modifying Payroll", just rerun 'Payroll Report'. If an error occurred on the Error Report, in order for it to be removed, modify the Pay Group the employee was associated with.
Any time you are unsure if you need to Update or not, it never hurts to run a Payroll Report first to see if the desired change took effect, and if it did, then you should be good to go.
Delete Payroll or Delete Payroll and Exceptions
or you can Delete the payroll by clicking on Delete Payroll or Delete Payroll and Exceptions.
-will delete payroll but will move exceptions entered in Payroll Payments – Current to Payroll Payments - Future so not lost. This will only pertain to entries added to employee's that already exist in payroll. New employee's added to current, will not be saved and moved to Future.
The pay amounts created by the system are NOT considered exceptions, so pay amounts created during initialization will not be saved to future pay amounts if the Payroll is deleted. When the payroll is re-initialized, these will be recreated, but if you modified pay amounts that were generated initially , those changes will be lost. If you add new pay amounts to an existing Position Pay or create a new Position Pay, these will be saved to future (when keeping exceptions). If an entry originally got pulled in from Future Pay, and it is modified, then this is still considered an exception and the changes made will be retained when re-initializing the payroll. To summarize- pay amounts that originated from a user action (future pay entry or adding new pay amounts or position pays) will be saved, but any changes to pay amounts that the system generated (by payroll initialization) will be lost.
The Add Pay Group Option appears after a payroll has been started. This option can be used to include multiple beginning and ending payroll dates for groups of employees as long as they all have the same pay date. Select the Option and supply different beginning and ending payroll dates and the applicable pay group for these dates. The pay date is the same in all cases. The Add Pay Group Option is also used to add missed pay groups to an existing payroll. Simply supply the missed pay groups in the appropriate fields:
To return to all Payroll's in Progress, click on in the top left hand corner. You can then click on the key to return to that specific payroll.
Pay Report
The Pay Report is to view employee earnings, deductions and accounts for the current payroll. It is used as a control sheet for payroll balancing purposes. The report also displays counts for various totals and a listing of any problems detected during the payroll process.
When you click on the Payroll Report Options are as follows:
The Save and Recall option allows the users to create and save certain reports for different report runs for each report option. The Default option is the original SSDT report and the Most Recent is the last report that was ran by the user. If the report is no longer needed, click on to delete the report. The Default reports cannot be deleted.
Payroll Report is the default file name for the Pay Report. This can be changed by entering a new file name in the Report Title field.
Click on the drop down box to select your Sort By options:
- Employee Number, etc
- Employee Name, etc
- Building, etc
- Check Distribution, etc
- Pay Group, Employee Name
- Pay Group, Employee Number
The Report Format offers several output options. Click on the drop down box to choose your report formatting option:
- PDF (download)
- Excel
- View (html)
- Plain Text
When generating the Payroll Report there is an option to Begin Each Employee on New Page? If you want each employee on a new page you will check the box
The Include Employer Payroll Item Amounts offers the option to print board paid Payroll Items. If not wanting to Include Employer Payroll Item Amounts, uncheck the box
The Show Only Report Totals option will only show the Report Summary of the Payroll Report. If you want only a report totals page click the box
Click on to create the Payroll Report. Once completed, click on to return to the Payroll Detail options
NCE New Contract earnings
**If an employee is being paid on both old earnings and new earnings on the same pay, a pay type of NCE New Contract earnings will show for the employee on the Pay Report**
Payroll Report Example
Life Insurance Premiums, Non-Cash Taxable Benefit, Non-taxable Reimbursement and Deferred Dock, will NOT be included in the Pay Group Totals on the Report
Exit out of your Pay Report then go back to the Payroll/Payroll Processing tab and click on the key next to your current payroll.
Error Report
The Error Report documents any errors encountered during the 'Initialize New Payroll' processing. For more information on errors/warnings/info messages, please click here.
Error Report Example
If a Retirement Code (STRS/SERS) is defined on the Position record and a Retirement Payroll Item is missing an error will be produced on the Error Report-
Pay Amount Summary Report
The Pay Amount Summary Report produces a report that summarizes the pay type, number of units, and the pay amount by job for each active employee in the pay period. The grand totals are listed by pay type as well as a contract total. The contract total includes all amounts with a pay type of 'Reg' (Regular), 'AC' (Accrued), 'DCK' (Dock), 'BCK' (Retro) and IRR (Irregular) Pays.
The All Pay Total should match the Total Gross - Non-taxable Reimbursement, on the Pay Report.
**NOTE** Deferred Dock amount will not be included in the Total Pay column but will show in the Other Pay column
**NOTE** LPE's will show in the Regular wages column
LPA's will show in the Accrued wages column
Field Definitions
- The default report file name is Pay Amount Summary Report. The text file name can be changed at the Report Title prompt.
- Select the Report Output Format from the dropdown box:
- PDF (Download)
- Excel-Date
- The option will create a Grand Totals page if checked.
- The option will start a new page for each employee if checks if checked.
- The Sort By option allows you to sort the report by:
- Employee Number
- Employee Name
- Pay Group
- Pay Group, Employee Number
- Pay Group, Employee Name
- Building/Department
- Building/Department, Employee Number
- Building/Department, Employee Name
- Building/Department, Pay Group
- Building/Department, Check Distribution
- Check Distribution
- Check Distribution, Employee Number
- Check Distribution, Employee Name
- Check the if wanting to print subtotals per employee:
- Check option to show the 'Available' Pay Groups. Click on the to select the Available pay groups to move to the Selected box to only print those selected pay groups. The report will show all the pay groups that are listed under Available, if left all under Available.
Pay Amount Summary Report example
Pay Item Detail Report
The Pay Item Detail Report is a detail report of employee paid Payroll Items.
The default Report Title is 'Payroll Item Detail Report' or enter in your own report title name
Report Output Format:
- PDF (download)
- Excel-Data
- Comma Separated Values
The Sort By options are:
- Employee Name
- Employer Number
Check if wanting to start a new page for each Payroll Item?
From the Select Payroll Items box, select the Available Payroll Items to the Selected box. If wanting to select all Payroll Items, just leave items in the Available and click on Generate Report
Pay Item Detail Report example
**NOTE** The Applicable Gross column is the Taxable Gross and the Gross Wages is the Total Gross **
**NOTE** Total SERS/STRS Pick-up includes error adjustments entered
Pay Item Summary Report
Output Format:
- PDF (download)
- Excel-Data
- Comma Separated Values
Payroll Item Summary Report example
Budget Distribution Report
Two Report Format options are available:
- PDF (download)
- Comma Separated Values
Select a 'Report Sort by Option' from the dropdown box:
Example of Budget Distribution Report.PDF
Example of Budget Distribution Report.CSV
Pay Account Distribution Report
A preview of the Pay Account Distribution Report can be ran before posting payroll. Click on:
Two Report Format options are available:
- PDF (download)
- Comma Separated Values
Select a 'Report Sort by Option' from the dropdown box:
Example of Payroll Account Distribution Detail Projection Report.PDF
Example of Payroll Account Distribution Detail Report.CSV
Leave Report
A Leave Report can be run before posting payroll. Click on . The report will list the Sick/Vacation/Personal leave usage and balance for employees that are in the payroll.
If the deferred absence posting is activated on the configuration, only absences that have not already been applied to the balance and have an activity date that falls on or before the payroll stop date, will be included in the usage.
Field Definitions:
The option, allows the users to create and save certain reports for different report runs for each report option. The Default option is the original SSDT report and the Most Recent is the last report that was ran by the user. If the report is no longer needed, click on to delete the report. The Default reports cannot be deleted.
Report Title: The default is "Payroll Leave Report" but can be modified. **Required Field**
The Sort By options are: **Required Field**
- Employee Number **Default**
- Employer Name
Click on
Example of Payroll Leave Report
Post Payroll
For Kiosk Districts, A PDF will be auto generated from pay history and returned to the kiosk for any payroll ran in redesign. The pay slip for a given payroll will be available in the kiosk when the pay date of the payroll is equal to or before the current date. The PDF for a payroll will be available in the kiosk starting on the pay date.
Once payroll is ready to be Posted, click on the button:
Click on Post to continue with posting of payroll or Cancel to stop the posting of payroll and revert back to the Payroll Detail.
- If another employee in district tries to post the same payroll at the same time, the user will get a Message stating:
Once selected to Post payroll, the Posting Status at the left hand corner will complete in a few seconds.
There are reports and options that are created during the Posting Payroll process:
- Un-Post Payroll
- Process Payments
- Email Notices
- Pay Report
- Error Report
- Post Error Report - (if any errors)
- Pay Item Detail Report
- Pay Item Summary Report
- Budget Distribution Report
- Payroll Account Distribution Report
- Leave Report
Posted Pay Report
NCE New Contract earnings
**If an employee is being paid on both old earnings and new earnings on the same pay, a pay type of NCE New Contract earnings will show for the employee on the Pay Report**
Payroll Post Error Report
Only will get this report if there is an error after posting.
Pay Item Detail Report
The Pay Item Detail Report is a detail report of employee paid Payroll Items.
Payroll Item Detail Report
Pay Item Summary Report
Output Format:
- PDF (download)
- Excel-Data
- Comma Separated Values
Payroll Item Summary Report example
Budget Distribution Report
- Budget Distribution Report is the default filename for the report. This can be changed by entering a new file name in the Report Title field.
Two Report Format options are available:
- PDF (download)
- Comma Separated Values
- Select a 'Report Sort by Option' from the dropdown box:
- Enter an USAS Check Number
- Enter an USAS Vendor Number
Once all selected, click on .
Example of Budget Distribution Report.PDF
Example of Budget Distribution Report.CSV
Payroll Account Distribution Report
Two Report Format options are available:
- PDF (download)
- Comma Separated Values
- Select a 'Report Sort by Option' from the dropdown box:
Example of Payroll Account Distribution Report.PDF
Example of Payroll Account Distribution Detail Report.CSV
Leave Report
A post Leave Report can be ran after posting payroll. Click on . The report will list the Sick/Vacation/Personal leave usage and balance for employees that are in the payroll.
If the deferred absence posting is activated on the configuration, only absences that have not already been applied to the balance and have an activity date that falls on or before the payroll stop date, will be included in the usage.
The Leave Report button will not be displayed for a posted payroll.
Field Definitions:
The option, allows the users to create and save certain reports for different report runs for each report option. The Default option is the original SSDT report and the Most Recent is the last report that was ran by the user. If the report is no longer needed, click on to delete the report. The Default reports cannot be deleted.
Report Title: The default is "Payroll Leave Report" but can be modified. **Required Field**
The Sort By options are: **Required Field**
- Employee Number **Default**
- Employer Name
Click on
Post Leave Report example
Un-Post Payroll
If the payroll is not correct, there is an option to Un-Post the payroll. Once the payroll is corrected, click Post Payroll and then click Post. Click here for my detail instructions to Un-Post Payroll.
- To see if the district can Un-post payroll, go to Payroll>Payroll Processing, select the payroll to view. If payroll is still available to Un-post, the tab below will still be highlighted:
- If Payroll is no longer available to be Un-posted, the tab will not be highlighted
In order for the 'Un-Post Payroll' option to be available, the following will all need to be true:
- The HSA submission file has not been processed. When the payroll is posted, HSA Payroll Item amounts are placed in the Outstanding Payables. Once the HSA submission file is created, these HSA amounts are removed from the Outstanding Payables.
- Reports>ACH Submission>HSA Submission>Generate Submission File
- The Outstanding Payables have not been processed.
- Processing>Processing Outstanding Payables
- The payroll's pay date has to be in the Current posting period.
- Go to Core>Posting Period and verify the month and calendar year are highlighted in green OR verify the banner in the upper right-hand corner is displaying the month and calendar year. Otherwise, an error will occur.
- A future payroll cannot be Initialized. The payroll will have a Status of In Progress.
If a payroll is unposted, all payment information is deleted. The Process Payments and Email Notices will need to be run again. A different range of number will be used. There is also no guarantee that reposting a payroll will result in the same check number sequence.
Process Payments
A Bank Account needs to be added first under Core/Bank Account before processing payments can continue.
If trying to print Direct Deposits and they are NOT printing here.
You can do either of the following to print a direct deposit:
- Go to Employee and un-check the Email Direct Deposit flag
OR - Go to Payments/Payroll and on the Payroll Payments tab, you can select what Direct Deposit check you want to print and then Print Payment Checks and Direct Deposits.
The Process Payments option creates the employee's Checks or Direct Deposit printing files and also assigns a Check or Direct Deposit Number
Select the Processing of the Payments:
- Checks
- Direct Deposits
Output Format:
- XML (Export) Default (If the Application Configuration is enabled for User Job Execution, then stating XML, it will go to File Archive/Payroll under Payroll Payment Detail for both .XML and .PDF files)
- PDF (Print)
Bank Account: **is used when assigning check numbers**
- Default Bank Account
Click on the drop-down box to select your Sort By options: (District (Department Code) is not being used in the sorting options, this is a bug):
- Employee ID
- Employee ID, Building
- Employee ID, Building, Check Distribution
- Employee ID, Check Distribution
- Employee ID, Check Distribution, Building
- Employee Last Name
- Employee Last Name, Building
- Employee Last Name, Building, Check Distribution
- Employee Last Name, Check Distribution
- Employee Last Name, Check Distribution, Building
- Building
- Building, Employee Last Name
- Building, Employee Last Name, Check Distribution
- Building, Check Distribution
- Building, Check Distribution, Employee ID
- Building, Check Distribution, Employee Last Name
- Building, Employee ID
- Building, Employee ID, Check Distribution
- Check Distribution
- Check Distribution, Employee Last Name
- Check Distribution, Employee Last Name, Building
- Check Distribution, Employee ID
- Check Distribution, Employee ID, Building
- Check Distribution, Building
- Check Distribution, Building, Employee Last Name
- Check Distribution, Building, Employee ID
Select to print all Direct Deposits, whether they are email or not. (Will only appear if Direct Deposits are selected in the processing option).
Leave unchecked to only print employees who do not have the Email option selected in the employee record.
Leave Starting Check Number blank to automatically increment highest current number.
Have an option to add a Memo to print on all DD notices and Check stubs
The File Name will automatically fill in according to what Process and Output Format has been selected:
- Checks
- Checks.xml
- Checks.pdf
- Check Form - Default or Custom Form
- Direct Deposits
- DirectDeposits.xml
- DirectDeposits.pdf
Direct Deposit Form - Default or Custom Form
The beginning Direct Deposit number in the redesign is set at 100000.
Once all is entered, click on to process the payments or click on Done to exit out.