USAS v2024.11.1 Hotfix Release Notes

USAS v2024.11.1 Hotfix Release Notes




Jul 18, 2024 


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Build Date

Jul 18, 2024  12:46:53 AM



This is the first hotfix release for version 2024.11.0.

Important Highlights

This hotfix corrects the following problems

  1. The reporting of federal expenditures when a prior year advance is repaid in the current fiscal year.  This problem was isolated to districts who repaid a prior year advance in the current fiscal year.

  2. The creation of test pending transactions in SUPPORT instances.  We were previously creating test pending transaction data in instances with an Application Configuration type of SUPPORT.  We are no longer creating test data in instances of type SUPPORT.


For all ITCs that host districts locally, we recommend that you log into the production USxS instances for your districts and confirm the Application Configuration type is set properly.  The Application Configuration is found under the System menu.  The Instance Type should be set to PRODUCTION.  If the district's live application configuration is not currently set to Production, please update it to ensure it reflects the Production instance type.  In USAS, if the instance type is set to Development, Support or Test you will see 4 test transactions in the Pending Transaction grid.  These TEST pending transactions do not impact the district's financials, but should be Rejected.  The transactions look like this:



Issues included on this release

key summary type status resolution

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