USAS v2024.0.0 Release Notes

USAS v2024.0.0 Release Notes




Jan 19, 2024 


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Build Date

Jan 18, 2024  10:14:31 AM



This release of USAS-R contains the following improvements detailed in the release notes below.  Please keep in mind these release notes only reflect the changes included in this release.  There are many other features of the software that were previously released that will not be reflected in these release notes.  General information about all of the features available in USAS-R can be found in our USAS-R Documentation.  There is a section in the documentation that also details the significant changes between USAS-R and Classic USAS. 

Important Highlights


  • The ability to modify a requisition without reopening the posting period associated with the requisition date.  This applies to fields found in the header of the requisition, but excludes the requisition number, requisition date and vendor.  The posting period must be open to modify item related information.

  • The ability to unvoid a disbursement.  This applies to all disbursement types (warrant, refund and payroll).  For void disbursements where the invoice was also deleted, the disbursement cannot be unvoided.  The same posting period rules apply to unvoiding as apply to voiding a disbursement.

  • Improvements to the visibility of read only fields to make them clearer to see.

  • Removal of the Federal Assistance Detail and Summary from Period H EMIS reporting per ODE.  The EMIS Extract no longer contains federal assistance summary and detail data.  The menu options for Federal Assistance Detail and Summary have been removed so this data will no longer be tracked in USAS.  Any existing (previously entered) data will remain in the database.  The template reports can still be run for prior years to pull reports on previously entered data.

    • Report bundles have not been updated to remove these reports at this time.  The FYE bundle will be modified before FYE to remove the unnecessary reports.


Issues included on this release

key summary type status resolution

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