Configuration Settings

Listed below are the available configuration settings for the inventory application.

Only users with INV_ADMIN role have access to the Configuration menu.

ADS Config

This ADS configuration allows the enabling of external authentication (active directory service) in Inventory.   This option will support up to three ADS domains.  If multiple ADS domains are configured, each one is attempted in order. 

The 'enabled' box on the ADS Configuration domain must be checked and the user's account in SYSTEM>User must have the 'external authentication' box checked as well in order to use ADS.  Users that don't have the 'External Authentication'  box checked will authenticate locally. 

For example, consider the user "miller" in a domain "".   If the "ADS Domain" field is left blank, then the user must specify the fully qualified name of "" when logging in and the username field in user's account must contain "".  However, if the "ADS Domain" field contains "", then the user can login without specifying the domain, and the profile username is simply "miller".

For this reason, when configuring multiple domains, it is strongly recommended that only one domain specify an "ADS Domain".  The others should be blank to force the user to specify the fully qualified name to prevent collisions.  If a default is provided for more than one domain, and a user "miller" exists in both domains, they will share the same profile in the application.

More Information on ADS Configuration 

Please refer to the 'Configure' section of the Configuring Windows ADS and LDAPS Authentication for more information.

Password Config

Allows ADMIN user to make changes to user password configuration. NOTE: this will affect all users in the application.

  • alter the minimum length of a password and optionally require mixed case and/or numeric values as part of the password

  • alter password expiration.  Sets the number of days between required password changes.  Default value is 90 days.  If set to zero, passwords will not automatically expire. 

  • Pre-Expired Password:  If a user's password is changed by an administrator, should the password be immediately expired?  This will require the user to change the password on the next login.  Does not affect users who hold the 'ADMINISTRATORS' role.

Email Config

Must be configured along with the Core>Configuration 'Fiscal Year Report Bundle Email Address' field in order to email the Inventory FYE report bundle.

  • Default Administrator Address is not being used at this time.  It is potentially to be used for reporting outages or email replies from and administrator but this is not something that has been implemented at this time so the field is not currently in use. This can be left either as "root" or can be left blank and emails generated from the software (jobs) will come from the Default From Address.  (The Default Administrator Address would be something like "

  • Default From Address is a valid Email Address of the sender. It will be used when sending emails from the application.

  • Enable Start TLS is an email security protocol. For example, the box should be checked if the district has MS Exchange Office 365 with SMTP authentication enabled. 

  • The SMTP Host and Port information must also be entered for emails to be sent. Generally, the Port and SMTP Host information would be known by the ITC.


When the Inventory FYE Report Bundle is triggered, the ability to view the job can be found here.  Other jobs (i.e. scheduler cleanup job) can also be viewed.  Once all reports for the FYE Inventory report bundle are generated, zipped and the emailed, the status will show 'completed'.  Click 'refresh' on the job scheduler grid to view the most up-to-date status.

Migration Import

This is a mass load option for non-migrating districts only allowing ITC staff to import data for districts starting on Inventory without the fiscal year restrictions that apply to the System>Import options, thus allowing prior year items to be imported into the application.   Please refer to the Non-Migration Procedures for more information on how to create an inventory instance and application set up for a non-migrating district.   Only ADMIN role users (ITC Staff) are able to import using the Migration Import option.   Also if there are any Core codes listed in the spreadsheet that do not currently existing under Core, they will be automatically created.   The code descriptions will state 'User Imported' by default and will need to be updated later.

Field Definitions

  • Upload File: Only CSV (comma separate value) formatted files may be used to import data.

  • Select Import Type: You may only select one import type at a time. Detailed formats for each import type are listed under the System>Import chapterAvailable import types include:

    • Item: Creates an Item which is stored under Transactions>Item.   NOTE: For GAAP districts, please ensure the beginning_balance column is included on the spreadsheet. 

    • Acquisition:  Creates an acquisition which is stored under Transactions>Acquisitions.  Please refer to mass importing items with multiple acquisitions for more information.    

    • Disposition: Creates a disposition which is stored under Transactions>Disposition. Please refer to mass importing items with associated dispositions for more information. 

  • Create Acquisition Records:  Only available if selecting the 'Item' import type.  It will create an associated acquisition record for each item on the CSV file. 

Separate item type imports (files) should be used if necessary, one for items where only one acquisition is created; and, one for items where multiple acquisitions against each item must be created.  For items that have multiple acquisition transactions,  the 'Create Acquisition Records' box must be unchecked.  Please refer to importing items with multiple acquisitions for more information.

  • Recalculate Original Cost for Imported Items:  Recalculate the item's original cost based on the total of the acquisition amounts.

Mass importing items with one acquisition

It will create one item record and one associated acquisition record. 

  • Create your CSV file using the proper format detailed in the System>Import documentation under 'Item' import type

  • Upload the file into the System>Configuration>Migration Import option 

  • Select Item Import Type

  • Check the 'Create Acquisition Records' box.

  • Click 'Import' and review the resulting report as well as the items and their associated acquisitions under Transactions.

Mass importing items with multiple acquisitions

It will create the associated multiple acquisition records first and then the associated item record.

  • Create your item CSV file using the proper format detailed in the System>Import documentation under 'Item' import type for the item records

  • Create your acquisition CSV file using the proper format detailed in the System>Import documentation under 'Acquisition' import type for the related acquisition records

  • Upload the acquisition CSV file FIRST into Migration Import option.  This will ensure the acquisitions 'update Original Cost' field won't interfere with the Item's original cost when loading the Item spreadsheet.

  • Select Acquisition Import Type

  • Click Import

  • Next, upload the item CSV file into the Migration import option.

  • Select Item Import Type

  • Uncheck 'Create Acquisition Records'

  • Click 'Import'

  • Review the resulting reports as well as the items and their associated acquisitions under Transactions.

Mass importing items with associated dispositions

It will create one item record (with a disposed of status) and one associated acquisition record first and then the associated disposition transaction record.  

  • Create your item CSV file using the proper format detailed in the System>Import documentation under 'Item' import type for the item records.  NOTE: Please ensure the status column is marked with a "D" for disposed of.  

  • Create your disposition CSV file using the proper format detailed in the System>Import documentation under 'Disposition' import type for the related disposition records

  • Upload the item CSV file FIRST into Migration Import option.  

  • Select Item Import Type

  • Ensure the 'create acquisition records' is checked to create the related acquisition record

  • Click Import

  • Next, upload the disposition CSV file into the Migration import option.

  • Select Disposition Import Type

  • Click 'Import'

  • Review the resulting reports as well as the items, their associated acquisitions and associated disposition under Transactions