Volume 2 Issue 10 - April 2019

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Budgeting in the Redesign

Since 'budgeting season' is in full-bloom, we want to outline how to create your proposed amounts and how to apply them as initial estimates for the next year. To view a demonstration of the Budgeting process, please click here to see a recent 'Fridays with Fiscal' demonstration given to ITC Fiscal Support staff.  For a more detailed step-by-step guide, please click here.

The Budgeting Process contains two programs:

  • Scenarios: Allows for the creation of a budget scenario via spreadsheets which are then promoted to proposed amounts.
  • Proposed Amounts: Once promoted, the budget and revenue amounts are displayed in the proposed amounts grid to allow for further changes.  Once ready, they will be applied as initial budget and revenue estimates as either temporary or permanent appropriations.


The creation of a single scenario is sufficient.  Special circumstances may require more than one scenario based on different assumptions.  For example, you may wish to create a scenario for "Assuming Levy Passes" and another "Assuming Levy Fails".   

NOTE: Once a scenario is promoted, any successive scenario that is promoted will overwrite a prior scenario's amounts. For example, you create a scenario for HS budget amounts and promote it. You then promote another scenario containing Elementary Budget amounts. The HS budget amounts will be removed and the elementary budget amounts will be uploaded. So instead of creating separate scenarios, we recommend creating separate worksheets within the same scenario.

Each scenario consists of one or more budgeting spreadsheets.   A district may choose to use a single spreadsheet containing all accounts, or create separate sheets for different management areas.  For example, you may create a sheet for the high school, each elementary building and athletics.  Each principal or supervisor could work on their own portion of the budget.  Once the budgets are completed they can be loaded back into the system. 

Create New Budgeting Spreadsheets within the scenario

Click on 'Create' to create a spreadsheet within the budgeting scenario customizing the properties and filtering (specific account codes) you want included on your spreadsheet.  Save the spreadsheet and it will appear under the 'Budgeting Sheets' grid on the Scenario.

Scenario Grid

You can then access the spreadsheet using one or more of the following options in order to add proposed amounts:

  • Click onto edit an existing spreadsheet  (must use the existing PA-XXXX column to enter your proposed amounts)
    • you can add (insert) or delete rows in your spreadsheet
    • You can use formulas to enter your proposed amounts
  • If you prefer to enter proposed amounts and/or make changes to your spreadsheet via Excel, click on  to download the spreadsheet into Excel.  Once the spreadsheet is completed and saved, click on  to import the spreadsheet back into the scenario
  • Click on  to delete an existing spreadsheet you no longer want.
Upload Budgeting Spreadsheets into the scenario

Use the Upload button to upload outside spreadsheets into your scenario.  These spreadsheets may contain proposed amounts.

Promote a Scenario

Once a scenario is completed, it can be "promoted" to the proposed amounts field on the budget and revenue accounts.  Promote includes all spreadsheets in the scenario

Proposed Amounts

Once a Scenario has been promoted, the accounts with associated amounts will appear under 'Proposed Amounts' under the Budgeting menu (below) as well as the Next Year Proposed Amount field under the Expenditure and Revenue tabs of the Accounts option under Core.

The grid contains separate tabs for existing 'Proposed Budgets' and 'Proposed Anticipated Revenues' amounts based on the fiscal year selected.  You can:

  • Create a proposed amount in order to add it to the existing grid
  • View a proposed amount
  • Edit a proposed amount
  • Delete a proposed amount
Applying Proposed Amounts

Once all of the proposed amounts have been entered for a fiscal year, 'Apply' is used to apply all accounts as initial budget and initial revenue figures.  Apply can be performed before you are in next fiscal year processing.  The initial budget and initial revenue amounts will not be recognized or displayed until your current period is in the next fiscal year.

Transaction Types Include:

  • Temporary: when checking 'full year', it implies the temporary initial budgets hold true for the entire year.  If 'full year' is not checked, it implies the temporary initial budgets could change during the fiscal year (i.e. Levy passes/fails)
  • Permanent: implies these are permanent initial budgets.  Full year is checked automatically. 
  • Adjustment: when selected, it adjusts the existing budget amounts via additions/deductions.   The initial figures are not touched.  The 'Update the GAAP Original Estimate' amounts box defaults to being checked but you have the option to uncheck it.
  • Effective Date: automatically defaults to the first day of the fiscal year selected when selecting temporary or permanent transaction types.  When selecting Adjustment transactions type,  you have the option of entering an effective date.  The adjustment will not become effective until you are in that processing period.

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Did You Know?

USPS-R Job Calendars 

Allow for the creation, copying and mass changing of calendars. There is a Day Count Totals feature giving you totals for specific time periods as well as a custom date range option.  Job Calendars are necessary before new contracts are created for an upcoming contract year. Click here for more information about Job calendars



Sites Live on Redesign


Total Wave 3 Sites


Participating ITCs


Total Districts Participating

Click here for more information on Wave participants and their current status

Redesign at OASBO

Just a reminder for those of you who have registered for the Redesign session set for April 23rd (prior to OASBO), the day will be divided into three sections:

  • 9:30-12:00: USPS-R Tips/Tricks and Reports
  • 1:00-3:30: USAS-R Tips/Tricks and Reports
  • 3:30-4:15: Panel Discussion with Wave participants

The sessions will provide helpful hints. effective shortcuts, and report creation and usage techniques.  The Panel Discussion includes treasurers and their staff who are currently on the Redesign.  They will be discussing their experience with the migration and software.

The session will be held in Room C172 of the Columbus Convention Center.  We have reached maximum capacity for the session so we are no longer taking registrations.  We want to thank everyone who has registered for the session!  See you then!

Did You Know?

Redesign's Five Year Forecast

The Five Year Forecast program is located under the PERIODIC menu.  It allows the user to extract forecast data for the fiscal year that is current. 

There are two options available

  • CSV option similar to Classic's USASFF CSV file.
  • EXCEL option. When the EXCEL spreadsheet opens, it is automatically uploaded it into the SSDT's Five Year Forecast spreadsheet!  Talk about a time saver!!

For more information about the Five Year Forecast options, click here.