Volume 5 Issue 5 - April 2022

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All Things Audit!

This edition of the newsletter features recent enhancements made to both USAS and USPS regarding additional audit reports available.

USPS Single-Object Audit Report

A new Audit Report button has been added to the following Core menu options:  

        ACH Source
        Attendance (available for both an Attendance and an Absence)
        Job Calendar
        Leaves (available for both Leaves and Accumulations)
        Pay Distributions
        Payroll Accounts
        Payroll Item
        Payroll Item Configuration

The user must selectfrom one of the above grids in order to see the button.  

NOTE: The Audit Report button is visible to users with the GROUP_MANAGER role or higher. However, a custom role may be created, including both the USPS_STANDARD and MODULE_AUDIT_VIEW permissions, in order to see the Audit Report button.

For example, after adding a new Direct Deposit to a Pay Distribution for an employee, the Audit Report button will appear:

Click on Audit Report and enter a start and stop date and click generate report.  

The report options page will include the start/stop date entered and the title on the report indicates it's a single object audit report for, in this example, pay distributions.

USPS Audit Report

The Audit Report, listed under the Reports menu, has many new objects added within the last few months to help with tracking district changes. They include:

  • ACH Source
  • Adjustment Journal
  • Attendance Journal
  • Check and Electronic Transaction
  • Compensation
  • Employee
  • Job Calendar
  • Leave Balance
  • Leaves
  • Pay Distributions
  • Payee
  • Payment
  • Payroll Accounts
  • Payroll Item
  • Payroll Item Configuration
  • Position

Other options available include:

  • Start and Stop Dates
  • Specific Users
  • Specific Employee
  • Operation
    • All
    • Added
    • Modified
    • Deleted
  • Sort Option
    • by Date
    • by Username

Audit Jobs in USxS-R for District & SOC1 Audits

To assist ITC's and Districts with submitting reports to the Auditor of State (AOS), two new Audit Jobs have been created.  The Audit Jobs can be set up to zip these requested files and securely send them via secure file transfer protocol (sftp).  In order to send sftp, the Application Configuration under the System>Configuration menu must be set to Production Instance Type with User Job Execution Enabled. 

The two new Audit Jobs are named the SOC1 Audit Job and the District Audit Job.  The zipped files will include the entity's IRN, fiscal year, and the time and date the file was created.   The Audit Jobs are created under the Utilities>Job Scheduler menu in both USAS-R and USPS-R and scheduled with a cron expression by the user.  Once created and scheduled, the next run date and time will be reflected in the Job Scheduler for each of the Audit Jobs.  When the Audit Jobs are executed, the files will be stored under the Utilities>File Archive menu and accessible under a new Audit Reports tab.  NOTE: The user must have the MODULE_FILE_AUDITREPORT permission in order to run the bundle.

The SOC1 Audit Job used by ITC's include the same reports for both USxS-R applications:  

  • SSDT User Listing AOS Extract
  • SSDT Authentication and Password Requirement Configuration Report
  • SSDT Default Breaking Detection and Evasion Rule Report

The USPS-R District Audit Job is part of the FYE closing checklist - Post Fiscal Year Closing steps.  It will generate the following reports for the previous fiscal year (FY22) based on the current period (FY23).

  • AOS Employee Report 
  • AOS Payment History Report 
  • AOS Payment Distribution Report

The USAS-R District Audit Job is part of the FYE closing checklist - Post Fiscal Year Closing steps.  It will generate the following reports for the previous fiscal year (FY22) based on the current period (FY23).

  • SSDT USAS Auditor Extract
  • SSDT USAS Auditor Extract - Transaction
  • SSDT USAS Auditor Extract - Vendor
  • SSDT Cash Summary
  • GAAP Extract

Useful links:

Did You Know?

Requisition Approval Workflow and Attachments

Requisitions in USAS-R can include attachments. However, did you know that the Requisition Approval Workflow module also allows users in the workflow group chain to view attachments on requisitions while approving requisitions?  As long as the user has permissions to approve requisitions, these attachments can be viewed.  The types of files that can be attached are not limited either.  You can attach a word document, a quote in a pdf format, a purpose & budget excel spreadsheet, and even a picture of your school’s logo in a .jpg format. These files can be attached when the user enters the requisition by locating the   button below the requisition items to either drop or select the files needed.  After the requisition is converted to a purchase order, these attachments will still be attached to the requisition for easy access or to view again. 

Although these attachments are currently only attached to the requisition, the requisitions that include attachments can easily be identified on the requisition grid utilizing the advanced query.  By setting up the advanced query so the (attachment’s) filename is not null (not empty),  the requisition grid will be populated with all requisitions that contain files attached once Apply Query is clicked.

You can also save the advanced query to use again by entering a name for your query and clicking Save Query.  In the future, you can then click on Load Saved Query, choose your query using the dropdown, and Apply Query to populate the requisition grid with requisitions that include attachments.    



Sites Live on Redesign


Total Wave 9 Sites


Participating ITCs


Total Districts Participating

Please view the Current List of Districts & Status to see a comprehensive list of school districts along with their ITC, implementation status and the wave they are scheduled to migrate from Classic to Redesign.

The following terminology is used to determine where in the implementation process the entity is currently at:

  • Implementing: The ITC is running test imports and balancing reports on the entity.  The district and ITC are working to schedule dates to begin dual processing and go live.

  • Paralleling: The entity is inputting all production transactions into both Classic and Redesign.

  • Live: The entity is using Redesign for production processing; no parallel processing is being performed;  Classic is available in 'read-only' mode.

Did You Know?

Spring Forecast Reminder

ODE's Five Year Forecast site provides links to five-year forecasts submitted to the Ohio Department of Education by various types of Local Education Agencies (LEAs). 

Choose a link (i.e. Traditional School Districts & JVSDs) and from there, select current and historical Five-Year Forecasts. Also provided are current notes and assumptions as well as a cash balance reports.  What a great tool!