Volume 5 Issue 6 - May 2022

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Mass Inactivate Accounts

Cleaning up accounts from prior fiscal years? Closing a building code? The best way to go about mass updating account codes to make them inactive may vary depending on the situation, user preference, or grouping of accounts. So let's talk about the options!

Inactivate All Accounts Linked to a Cash Account

The first option allows you to make all accounts, budget & revenue, inactive if the cash account is inactive. This option would be most ideal for situations where you will no longer be using a certain Fund-SCC and any accounts related to that Fund-SCC. You might use this when closing Cash Accounts with fiscal year specific Special Cost Centers or for general account clean up. In Redesign, simply making a Cash Account inactive will prevent the underlying accounts from being used on transactions. USAS-R will automatically filter out any accounts with an inactive Cash Account when showing account options for entering Requisitions, Purchase Orders, Receipts, etc. However, you may also want to change the underlying accounts to an "inactive" status if your district is one that uses the Active Only filter on grids or reports. Once the Cash Account is inactive, the underlying accounts can't be used on transactions. This extra step adds the ability for them to also not be seen on grids/reports (by using filters).

SSDT has built a Mass Change definition that can be imported in and run for all your accounts to automatically update the account status fields. Mass Change is a more complex feature available in Redesign, so you'll want to work with your ITC for this. There is some setup required to make this available. Details can be found in the Wiki link provided below. Once that setup is complete, the pre-defined Mass Change can be imported into your system and used to run against your account grids to mass inactivate qualifying accounts.

The Mass Change will look at any accounts where the Cash Account is inactive and then change the Active status on that record to also be inactive which will allow you to filter those from your account grid and account summary reports. 

Click here for more information on Mass Change and to download this Mass Change Definition.

Inactivate All Accounts Linked to a Specific Account Parameter

The next option allows you to update all accounts to inactive that meet a certain parameter. The records would be selected by using the column filters on the account grid so this could be a large group of accounts or a very specific range. This option would be most ideal for situations where all accounts that should be made inactive have part of the account code in common. For example, you might want to mass inactivate all accounts for a building that will no longer be in use. All of those codes may have the same OPU for that building.

This mass update option also utilizes the Mass Change option. As mentioned in the previous section, Mass Change is a more complex option in the Redesign so you will want to work with your ITC to use this option. 

The first step is for a user with Maintenance level access to create a Mass Change Definition to change the "Active" property to "false." This can be created on each of the Account tabs. In order to save this, enter a Definition Name and click This will make the definition available for users with Execution access.

Next, a user with at least Execution level access can process the change. Once viewing the Account grid, enter the appropriate filters to narrow down the accounts that show in the grid. For example, let's say you want to inactivate all accounts associated with the OPU 101 for the building associated with that code. The goal is to filter this grid so that only the accounts that should be changed are showing. Once the grid results have been narrowed down, select the Mass Change definition that was created to change the Active property to "false" from the Choose Option drop down and then click to apply the change

Pay close attention to the NOTE  section at the top of the Mass Change window and make sure that the accounts have been narrowed down to just those accounts that should be changed. Mass Change does not have an "undo" option.

Click here for more information on Mass Change.

Inactivate Accounts with a Spreadsheet

The last option is to import a spreadsheet using the Mass Load feature to update the active status on just those accounts contained in the spreadsheet. This option would be best to use when updating an assortment of accounts that do not necessarily have a specific field in common.

First, generate a spreadsheet of accounts. The easiest way to do this is directly from the Account Grid. Navigate to either the Expenditure or Revenue grid. It may be easier to work with a smaller spreadsheet so the grid filters can be used to narrow down the accounts. Make sure that all fields related to the account code dimensions (Fund, Function, Object, etc.) and the Active status column are on the grid.

Once the grid is filtered, use the option on the top right of the grid to generate the grid to a report.  Change the Format to Excel-FieldNames. In the spreadsheet, change the "active" column to FALSE for any accounts that should be changed to inactive. Once the updates are complete, save the file as a CSV format. 

The Mass Load option can be found under the Utilities menu in USAS-R. Use this page to select the CSV file with the updates, select the correct account type for the Importable Entries field and confirm.

Click here for more information on Mass Load.

Useful links:

Did You Know?

Added to New Contract - Position (EMIS Related Information)

When creating New Contracts, a new section has been added, 'Position'.  These fields are pulled directly from the current Position, 'EMIS Related Information' and can be updated if necessary.  (click image below to view full size)

Users can import these new position headers from New Contract>Import.  If users do not put anything in the position fields in New Contract Maintenance or Import, it will use the value in Position Grid for Employee/Position.  If user enters values in Position fields, then it will update the position fields from New Contract to Position Grid when the contract is Activated.

New Contracts#ImportFieldsandValues



Sites Live on Redesign


Total Wave 9 Sites


Participating ITCs


Total Districts Participating

Please view the Current List of Districts & Status to see a comprehensive list of school districts along with their ITC, implementation status and the wave they are scheduled to migrate from Classic to Redesign.

The following terminology is used to determine where in the implementation process the entity is currently at:

  • Implementing: The ITC is running test imports and balancing reports on the entity.  The district and ITC are working to schedule dates to begin dual processing and go live.

  • Paralleling: The entity is inputting all production transactions into both Classic and Redesign.

  • Live: The entity is using Redesign for production processing; no parallel processing is being performed;  Classic is available in 'read-only' mode.

Did You Know?

New Pay Groups option added to 'Convert Personal Leave to Sick Leave'

Under Processing>Benefit Update and Projection, the Select Pay Groups field allows you to select specific Pay Groups for reporting purposes. Highlight the select pay groups you wish to report on from the Available box and move it over to the Selected box.  You can choose none or any number of pay groups to report on.  To remove from the selected box, use  to move it back to the available box. (click images below to view full size)

The generated report will include all employees under the Pay Group types select.