Volume 1 Issue 4

Volume 1 Issue 4

Published August 19th, 2016

USPS-R Preview Release Highlights

An overview of the most recent USPS-R preview release 

By the time you read this or shortly thereafter, your ITC will have USPS-R preview release number three in hand. This release is officially known as v0.15.0. This preview release includes many new features along with several corrected issues that were either discovered internally or reported to us through your feedback. Below is a summary of the changes that will be most apparent to you as an end user of the software. The full release notes detailing all changes can be found here.

New Features:

  • Employee Check and Direct Deposit Printing: After posting a payroll you now have the ability to print checks and direct deposit notices using the process payments button. These checks and direct deposit notices can be generated in either PDF or XML. The XML format will be provided to the various print vendors and will work in place of the classic .DAT files. 

  • USPIMPORT: An initial replacement for USPIMPORT has been added to USPS-R. This program can be found in the menu under Utlilites–>Attendance Import.


  • Pay Distributions: The pay distributions interface has been rewritten to use the grid based interface that is utilized throughout the application.

  • Report Writer: The report writer user interface has been rewritten and is now much more user friendly. The initial structure to allow report sharing has also been implemented and will be further fleshed out in preview release number 4. 

  • Grid Preferences: The columns a user configures for a grid will now be retained when navigating between pages and between sessions. This means users can configure a grid to their liking and these preferences will be retained.

Problems Corrected:

  • Payroll Processing: Several issues that affected payroll processing including a major issue that affected future pay amounts have been corrected. 

  • Performance: Several performance tweaks are included in this release to help speed up certain parts of the application. This is an ongoing process and performance will be evaluated and improved with each preview release. 

Any questions or feedback you have concerning this preview release can be sent to ssdt-feedback@nwoca.org.


USAS-R Preview Release Highlights

An overview of the most recent USAS-R preview release 

The next preview release of USAS-R has been sent to your ITCs. This release is officially known as v0.17.0.  

Here are some of the changes you will see in this latest release:

New user interfaces

  • Accounts:  this includes tabs for Cash, Expenditure and Revenue accounts

  • Transfers/Advances:  you can now process transfers and advances and repay advances

  • Budgeting Scenarios:  a new interface for entering budget figures

  • OPUs:  has been rewritten into the new grid format

  • Requisitions:  has been rewritten into the new grid format; the Requisitions (Legacy) option remains available

Disbursements:  Invoice date has been added to the Disbursement XML; when voiding Disbursements, ‘voidInvoiceItems’ is now selected by default; various printing improvements.

Vendors:  military addresses are now supported.

Projectsstart and stop dates are now validated to ensure chronological order.

USAS-EMIS:  soap service has been implemented.

Auditingthe infrastructure for auditing has been completed.

Importstemplate vendors and accounts are set to inactive during the import process.

Filteringthe ability to filter by a range, or between 2 values has been implemented using "..".

Some notable bug fixes this release:

  • User last login is now being updated

  • Corrected problem with printing pdf version of payroll Disbursements

  • Posting Period grid immediately updates after setting period to current

  • Ability to reconcile checks processed in a closed posting period

Those are the items that will be most visible to you as an end user when the next release is installed. However, there were many more bug fixes and improvements included in v0.17.0. A full listing of these can be found here.

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Feedback Email: ssdt-feedback@nwoca.org



What is a Preview Release?

A release that we know is not complete, but has reached a major milestone in terms of functionality and requires user feedback. We know these releases have pieces of functionality missing and may contain bugs.




We appreciate your feedback,, it helps us tremendously! Based on your feedback, we are better able to prioritize the changes and enhancements that need to be made to the software. Thank you!! (thumbs up)



Special Issue

We will be releasing a special edition of the SSDT Newsletter next week covering how to create custom reports using the Detail option in the REPORT module. Be on the lookout!

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