Volume 2 Issue 7 - January 2019

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Happy New Year! 

And what a difference a year makes!   The Redesign is in full swing with 24 districts/ITCs on the software from Waves 1 and 2 and 38 additional districts intending to go on Wave 3!  And no, you haven't missed a newsletter (wink)... we took a temporary hiatus from issuing newsletters to focus on the implementation of the Second Wave as well as improving and enhancing the software.  So much has changed in the software since our last newsletter... we are super excited to share how the migration is going as well as announce the formation of a new Software Advisory Committee whose mission is to advocate for State Software users!  

Wave Status Update

At the end of the first wave (January - June 2018), 6 districts and 2 ITCs were 'live' on the Redesign.  With the second wave (July 2018 - December 2018), the count was doubled, with the addition of 16 districts from 9 ITCs.  Our third wave (January 2019 - June 2019) is the biggest one yet with 38 districts migrating from 14 ITCs, and we anticipate these numbers growing with each additional wave.  The map below displays the districts involved since the beginning of the migration effort and their respective ITCs. The districts with an asterisk are planning to migrate during Wave 3.

Throughout Wave 2 and continuing with Wave 3, a bi-weekly touchbase webinar has been attended by ITC fiscal staff, the SSDT and the UAT to provide a forum for status reports, tips, tricks and questions to assist ITCs with their district migration efforts.

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State Software Advisory Committee

Last October, the newly formed State Software Advisory Committee met for the first time defining its purpose as advocacy for those using State Software. This group is composed of the SSDT senior staff, two ITC Directors, a representative from each ITCeither an ITC or district fiscal professional, a representative from the User Acceptance Testers and the Redesign Project Manager.  Committee members quickly agreed to form three working groups that will help prioritize development work, assist with reporting needs and collaborate on training, support and documentation.  More information on the development and progress of the working groups will be detailed in future newsletters.

Upcoming Redesign Events

The SSDT will be hosting a training session and panel discussion on the Redesign Tuesday, April 23rd in Columbus (prior to the start of the OASBO Annual Workshop). This session will benefit current and prospective users, providing helpful hints. effective shortcuts, and report creation and usage techniques. The day will be divided into three sections:

  • 9:30-12:00: USPS-R Tips/Tricks and Reports
  • 1:00-3:30: USAS-R Tips/Tricks and Reports
  • 3:30-4:15: Panel Discussion with Wave participants

More information will be forthcoming in future newsletters. You may also visit OASBO's website for more details.