Volume 2 Issue 12 - August 2019

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New Contract Checklist

Creating new contracts with the Redesign has never been easier.  We have provided a checklist below that you can use to assist in the New Contract creation process:

  1. Make sure that Job Calendars for the new fiscal year are created in order for new contracts to calculate pay information and days accurately.

  2. Go to Processing/New Contracts. One of three options can be used to create new contracts. Whichever option is used make sure there are Compensation Start and Compensation Stop dates defined.

    1. Mass Copy Compensations: Similar to BUILD in Classic NEWCNT. This option allows you to Include Concealed Employees if desired.  If you want to Include Compensations that are only active from a particular date, you would choose or enter the date in the box provided. You can then select the Pay Group(s) you wish to build the compensations for. You will need to enter in a Contract Start Date and a Contract Stop Date. Click on the Build New Contracts button.

    2. Import New Contracts: Similar to IMPORT in Classic NEWCNT. This feature will allow a correctly formatted CSV file to be imported with new contract information.

      1. If you have an existing spreadsheet in order for the Import option to properly build new contract records, the data columns must contain the appropriate heading information in row one. These headings must match what is defined in the New Contracts chapter in the USPS-R User Manual in order for the Import program to recognize and load the data.       **Note** Please be aware that the header columns are case sensitive.

      2. There are four required fields on the new contract CSV file: employeeIdjobNocontractType and compensationLabel.  Label is only required if the employee has more than one Compensation for a Position.  The remainder of the data available is optional and will be dependent upon the contract type being imported.                       

      3. A spreadsheet can also be created using the Compensation view and selecting the appropriate fields from the grid. Choosing the Format-Excel-FieldNames will create an Excel type file.  The user should update the obligation/amount and header information, also add the header-contractType and add NewContract in that column for all employees and then save the file as a CSV file.

    3. New Contract Maintenance: Similar to the MAINT option in Classic. This will allow you to create a single employee’s New Contract. This option is best used when creating a mid year           contract change.

  3. New Contract Reports

    1. A New Contract Report can be run by going to Reports>New Contract Report. This will show all new contract information created.

    2. The SSDT New Contract Summary Report can be found under Reports>Report Manager>SSDT New Contract Summary Report. This report will show a summary of the new contract data for each employee.

    3. SSDT New Contract Payroll Accounts Report can be run by going to Reports>Report Manager>SSDT New Contract Payroll Accounts Report. This report will only list any new expenditure account information that was added or imported into the new contract screen.

    4. A report can also be created on the New Contact Grid by filtering the Pay Group Code for specific pay group(s) and then choosing the properties such as Number, Last name, First Name, Code, Position, Label, Contract Obligation and Contract Amount. The report will total the Contract Obligation and Contract Amounts for balancing purposes before new contract activating is performed.

  4. In Processing>New Contracts, the Activate process can be run at any time because of the use of Compensation Start and Compensation Stop Dates.

  5. Non Contract Compensations can be created by going to Reports>Report Manager and generating the SSDT Non Contract Compensation Mass Load Extract. The data in the file should be manually updated and then saved as a CSV file. You can then go to Utilities>Mass Load>Non Contract Compensation and load the Non Contract Compensation data.

Budgeting for the Current Fiscal Year

Many of you may have created your temporary budgets last Spring and are now in the process of establishing permanent budgets for the new year.  The Budgeting Scenarios process can provide any easy way to set your permanents for the new year.

Changing Temporary to Permanent

If you created NY proposed amounts in FY2019 and applied them as temporary figures for FY2020, they are currently displayed as your initial amounts.  If you are needing to change some or all of your initial amounts and you want to overwrite your existing initial amounts with permanent figures, once you have updated and promoted your new figures and they are setting in your Proposed Amounts grid, click APPLY on the grid and the following menu will appear:

If you select Permanent, it implies these are permanent initial amounts.  Full year is checked by default and the effective date is set to 07/01/2019. When you click on 'Apply',  only the amounts in the proposed amounts grid will replace the existing initial amounts.   So if you created temporaries for all of your funds last Spring and now want to create permanents for just the General Fund accounts, your other accounts remain unchanged (i.e 006, 200, 300, etc). 

Expenditure Account Amount Before Applying Permanent

Expenditure Account Proposed Amount

Expenditure Account Amount After Applying Permanent

Establishing Permanents (no temporaries exist)

If you did not establish temporaries for FY2020, you can create budgets for FY2020 using Scenarios and promote your figures.  When you are ready to Apply them as permanents, you will select  'permanent' (as explained above) and it will create your initial amounts. 

Adjusting Expendables/Receivables via Additions/Deductions (Initial Amounts are unchanged)

If you want to update your expendable/receivable figures by means of additions/deductions so that your initial amounts remain unchanged, when you Apply the amounts from the proposed amounts grid, you will select Adjustment.  The change in expendable/receivable figure is recorded via Adjustments (additions/deductions).  The 'Update the GAAP Original Estimate' amounts box defaults to unchecked but you have the option to check it and you have the option of entering an effective date.  The adjustment will not become effective until your current period is within the effective date.

Expenditure Account Amount before Applying Adjustment

Expenditure Account Proposed Amount

Expenditure Account Amount After Applying Adjustment

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Redesign Training at OEDSA Conference

The SSDT will be conducting several training sessions (listed below) at the OEDSA conference in Columbus on September 12th and 13th.  These sessions will benefit current Redesign users and those who plan on migrating soon.   You must register for the conference in order to attend these sessions.  If interested, please click here for more information on how to register, conference agenda and syllabus.   

  • 2 Hour Session on USXS-R Reports
  • 1 Hour Session on USPS-R Tips/Tricks/Updates
  • 1 Hour Session on USAS-R Tips/Tricks/Updates
  • 1 Hour Session on USPS-R and EMIS Reporting
  • 1 Hour Session for ITC Staff only on Redesign Imports



Sites Live on Redesign


Total Wave 4 Sites


Participating ITCs


Total Districts Participating

Click here for more information on Wave participants and their current status

Did You Know?

EMIS-R Reporting for Classic and Redesign

  • After submitting your Period H data via EMIS-R, reports are returned from ODE and are under the "Level 2 Reports" link in the Financial Manifest window.
  • You will be directed to the "Reports" tab with the "Level 2 Details" selected for your district.  Click on "Show Reports" link
  • The following Reports will be displayed.  Click on the links for more information about the Level 2 Expenditure Reports and Level 2 General Issues Data Reports
    • EXPD-001 Expenditure Detail Report
    • EXPD-002 Expenditure Summary Report by Category
    • EXPD-003 Expenditure Summary Report by Sub-Category
    • GNIS-360 Gen Issues Financial Classroom Percentage Below 50%
    • GNIS-445 Gen Issues Financial Percentage of Expected Receipts Currently Reported
    • GNIS-448 Gen Issues Financial Percentage of Expected Building Records Currently Reported