Volume 3 Issue 4 - January 2020

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New Year - New Wave!

Happy New Year!  The wave implementation is going strong with Wave 5 starting this month.  We are almost half-way through are implementation schedule with the last wave (Wave 10) scheduled for July-December 2022.  And what a difference a year makes!  At the end of December 2018, we had 16 districts migrate and a year later, that number increased to 121!   SSDT has worked closely with ITCs in planning their districts implementation schedule through Wave 10.  Over 600 districts have been organized into one of the remaining six-month implementation waves.  For Wave 5,  approximately 113 districts are scheduled to migrate!

SSDT would like to thank the ITCs for their tremendous effort and dedication.  We would also like to thank the districts for their unwavering support and feedback on the software.  We take your feedback very seriously and the results have produced some amazing features and improvements this past year.  Our most recent releases have included the addition of the report bundles and the dynamic sort options in the template reports.  And we aren't slowing down any time soon.  Here are just a few of the enhancements taking place in 2020:

  • USAS-R: improving budget scenarios, grid performance, canned and template report additions and improvements, invoice balance checking, mass loading vendors/merging vendors as well as the highly anticipated accounts receivable module. 
  • USPS-R: ODJFS direct submission, payroll posting performance improvements, new feature to replace Classic's Tax Tab, EMIS reporting enhancements, new mass load features and a collection of enhancements to various canned reports.

Both applications will also undergo a migration to a new version of the user interface framework (a.k.a Vaadin).  This update will enhance the current applications views and provide a better user experience.

The State Software Steering Committee, whose purpose is to work with ODE and SSDT to solicit feedback from the field and represent district needs relative to the future of the state software applications, has also assisted in the migration effort.  The Committee meets four times a year and between these meetings, three working groups comprised of steering committee members meet to 1) prioritize software development; 2) satisfy reporting needs; and 3) meet training, documentation and support needs.

Thank you everyone for your continued efforts and support! 

New Sort Options Available in USXS-R Template Reports

Easy as 1 - 2 - 3!  The display window has changed when using the 'Generate Report' option ... it now contains three separate tabs in order to accommodate the new sort options.  The information on the first and second tabs you are already familiar with... the third tab features the new Dynamic Sort options.  Click on the tabbed section or use the  located at the bottom of each section to move from tab to tab.  You can also  on any section .  Please refer to the Report Generation and Dynamic Sort Options documentation in the USAS and USPS manuals for further information. 

(tick) Click here for a brief video clip on how to use the new sort feature.

  1. Report Options tab includes the general format settings and report title.  .

2. Query Options tab contains query parameters in order to filter the information included on the report.

3. NEW Sort Options determine how the information is sorted, subtotaled and if there will be page breaks. 

Sortable Properties - Any Properties included in the report definition (including suppressed properties) are available to use as a Sortable Property.  In order to choose properties to sort on, click and drag the property to the 'Selected Properties' box.  You can move multiple Sortable Properties at once by checking the box in front of each property then click and drag the properties together. When dragging and dropping properties into the list of Selected Properties, the property being added can be inserted anywhere within the list. 

Selected Properties - The properties displayed in this section determines the order in which the report will be sorted. The property listed highest in the list will determine the first sort priority. By default, the report will show the Selected properties based on the Sort Priority order defined on the report definition (see below). In the example below, the full account code appears twice.  When hovering over the property label , a pop-up box will display the first 'full account code' is the cash account code while the second 'full account code' is the budget account code.  This is the default sort order on the Budget Summary Report.

Example of changing my sort options:   If I want to change my sort to Fund-SCC, then Object 1 digit significance, then budget account code, I will use my mouse to drag and insert the 'Object One Digit Level' property in between the Cash Account 'Full Account Code' and Expenditure Account "Full Account Code' under Selected Properties.  Check 'control break' on the object to subtotal on Cash Account and Object One Digit within cash account. (see below)

TIP: To save your newly created sort options so you can run this report in the future with the same sort selection, enter a name in 'save and recall'.

The resulting Budget Summary Report sorts and subtotals first by Fund-SCC, then within Fund-SCC by object level (first digit).  And then within object level, it sorts by full expenditure account code.

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Did You Know?

Frequently Asked Questions Documented

SSDT has created chapters in both the USAS-R and USPS-R Appendix for frequently asked processing questions.  We are still in the process of adding FAQs to the USPS-R FAQs page.  The USAS-R FAQs contain a table of contents broken down by the various topics.  Just click on a topic link to review FAQs on that topic.

Mid-Year Contract Changes

SSDT has added a 'Mid-Year Contract Change Checklist' to the Checklist section of the USPS-R Appendix. Click here for further information on how to perform mid-year contract changes.

Public Reports Repository

Numerous updates and additions have been made to the 'USXS-R Public Reports Repository'.  The repository is basically a shared library of various custom report definitions that you can download then import into the Report Manager grid on your instance! A big thank you to the SSAC Reports Working Group for their hard work and effort in creating the report definitions.   You can easily access the reports library via the  menu in your instance.  You can also check them out here.. click on USAS-R Library to view the various USAS report definitions available and click on USPS-R Library to view the payroll report definitions.



Sites Live on Redesign


Total Wave 5 Sites


Participating ITCs


Total Districts Participating

Please view the Current List of Districts & Status to see a comprehensive list of school districts along with their ITC, implementation status and the wave they are scheduled to migrate from Classic to Redesign.

The following terminology is used to determine where in the implementation process the entity is currently at:

  • Implementing: The ITC is running test imports and balancing reports on the entity.  The district and ITC are working to schedule dates to begin dual processing and go live.

  • Paralleling: The entity is inputting all production transactions into both Classic and Redesign.

  • Live: The entity is using Redesign for production processing; no parallel processing is being performed;  Classic is available in 'read-only' mode.