Volume 6 Issue 5 - April 2023

Volume 6 Issue 5 - April 2023

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The wait for Salary Notices is over!

The ability to generate and email Salary Notices is here!  You may either mass generate notices via the Salary Notices tab under New Contract or individually generate a notice via the Compensations> Contract Compensations grid by selecting a contract compensation and clicking on the Salary Notice button.  

Salary Notices can be distributed to employees with New Contract information using the default form in the software or via a custom Salary Notice form in Word format.  If you prefer to create a custom salary notice instead of using the default form, please refer to the 'Creating Custom Forms' chapter in the USPS documentation.  It includes our default template (Word) document, that may be downloaded, with instructions on how to customize it in order to add fields, insert logos, etc.   Once the form is complete, it will need to be added to the Report Manager grid in order to select the custom form when generating your salary notices.  As mentioned above, the ability to email salary notices is also available.  Please click here for email configuration and setup information.

Additional custom salary notice forms have been added to the USPS Public Shared Reports Library's Custom Form Templates section.  The custom forms available contain additional fields than what is provided in the default template form.

SERS New Hire Changes

On February 14, 2023, SERS released a notification regarding an update to their email address policy when submitting new hire enrollments. This change requires a personal email address to be included when the new hire is enrolled.  The field being used to report the personal email address can be found on the Employee record in the Contact section and is called 'Other Email Address.'

Employee>Other Email Address:

Reports>SERS Reporting>SERS New Hire Report:

Reminder:  In order for an employee to be appear on the SERS New Hire Report, the following has to be in place:

  • Employee has to have a 400 Payroll Item with the 'New Employee' checkbox marked.
  • Employee has to have a Position with the 'Retirement Code' set to SERS.
  • Employee has to have a Position with the 'Start Date' within 180 days or prior of the current date.

For further information from SERS regarding their enrollment update, click here.  

Training videos to help keep you 'in the know'  

Last month, we conducted our annual USAS and USPS overview sessions reviewing various processes in the software.  The recordings are easily accessible on our SSDT YouTube channel. Our overview sessions can be lengthy so we created chapters within each recording, allowing viewers to quickly navigate to a specific section of the video to review a particular process.  Displayed below is our recent Expenditure Process recording with the chapters displayed on the right.  In order to generate the chapter listing, you can click on the '>' key indicated at the arrow below.  It will then display the chapter listings to the right of the recording. 

You may also find the chapter links in the description of each recording.  Just click on the start time to review that portion of the training.

For a user new to the software or new to a specific process within the software, the chapters provide an excellent way to learn a process without getting too overwhelmed.  You can play and pause the recordings as many times as you would like.

TIP: In each SSDT monthly newsletter, the USAS, USPS and Inventory YouTube playlist links are located in the top right section under the ‘Useful Links’ area.

Useful links:

Too many great recordings to choose from within the last month!  However, we felt our recording of the AOS account code dimensions and what they are used for is an excellent starting point for new treasurers and/or their staff to understand how the 'chart of accounts' is used in state software.  Once you get a better feel for how the account code structure works, it provides a better understanding when working with the various processing programs in the software that use account codes (purchase orders, receipts, etc.) as well as interpreting reports.

Did You Know?

Welcome the new Leave Activity report!

Finally, there is a way to track leave for a specified time frame in USPS. The Leave Activity Report will provide beginning and ending balances (based on the begin and end dates entered) and include any leave transactions that occurred between the date range.  Both leave accruals and usage will be included.  (Please click on the images below to view full size.)

For more details on this report, please click here.

Did You Know?

Future Requisitions 

Thinking it would be nice to have all your standard requisitions entered now for FY24 so you can plan your vacation?   You can!

Once a future posting period is opened, users can enter future requisitions by using a future date (i.e.  July 1, 2023).   By default, users may enter a requisition without an account number.  The account number would then need to be entered prior to the approval & conversion to a purchase order.  

Entering future requisitions works well with the Requisition Approval Workflow in USAS too. For example, the user can create a 7/1/23 requisition for supplies for the next school year and even submit the requisition for approval prior to the 7/1/23 date.  The system will still convert the requisition using the requested date of 7/1/23 after final approval.  The encumbrances on the expenditure accounts would be posted upon conversion in July 2023 (FY24.) 

Using the Requisition Approval Workflow, there is also a default message available which can be used to reject a requisition that should be dated in the new fiscal year but was entered using a current date (in April for example).  This default message will be sent to the user that submitted the requisition for approval so that they can edit and resubmit the requisition for approval.  

Just a reminder that requisitions can also have attachments!   For example, the FY23 quote for services, or the office supply order form can be attached and later viewed on the requisition.

Did You Know?

Enable/Disable Report Bundles

The USAS Manager role now includes the permission ADMIN_REPORTS which allows the USAS Manager to enable and/or disable report bundles.  When the monthly report bundles are disabled and the user clicks to close a Posting Period, the user will be warned with a pop-up confirmation box to select Ok or Cancel to proceed.                                                                                   

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