Volume 1 Issue 9

February 6th, 2017                                                                                                                      

Redefining a User in USXS-R... you've come a long way baby...

User accounts in the redesign have come a long way in terms of flexibility from what Classic currently provides.  When your district data is imported into USXS-R, user accounts will remain intact... users will be logging in using the same username they currently use in Classic as well as have the same account filters/program access they currently have in Classic.

However, Classic doesn't provide much flexibility when it comes to program access on the system.. there are the 3 main types of access:  read or req-only, standard and group manager.  USXS-R still provides those levels of access but it can go above and beyond the "standard three" allowing districts to custom tailor specific programs or functions each user or group of users have by creating Roles for them.


A Role is defined by the district to represent basic functions, responsibilities, or tasks of users in the district. Each role is granted one or more "Permissions", each of which allows a specific functionality within the software.  There are separate permissions which allow create, update, delete, report, and/or view access to each main interface in the system.  A user can be assigned one or more roles via their User account, thus granting them the permissions related to those roles.

Scenario 1:  Building Secretaries needs access to all requisition functionality but only be able to query POs and Vendors and run a PO report.

  • Select Role from the menu and click the "Create" button.

  • Enter an ID name and description and grant the necessary permissions by double-clicking them under the "Available" column which automatically adds them to the 'Granted' column.  In my example below, I created a building secretaries role giving them access to all requisition functionality (USAS_REQUISITION) which allows them to view, create, delete, report and update reqs) but only be able to view purchase orders (USAS_PURCHASEORDER_VIEW), run a PO report (USAS_PURCHASEODER_REPORT) and view vendors (USAS_VENDOR_VIEW). Click on 'Save' when complete.

  • Next, select User from the menu.  If this user has an existing account, modify it.  If not, click on 'Create' to create one.  Assign the Building Secretaries Role as well as any Account Filters for this user.  In the example below, the High School secretary needs access to all budget accounts with an OPU of 002 so the 'HS Secretaries' filter was selected. 

Scenario 2:  Accounts Receivable user only needs access to receipt-related programs.  No account filtering is needed.

  • Create a Role for the Account Receivable user granting the full 'receipt' and 'refund' permissions as well as the ability to view vendors and revenue accounts and run a revenue report.

  • Next, select User from the menu and assign the AR Role.

Scenario 3: User only needs access to import Attendance information in USPS-R

  • USPS-R has an existing role created for attendance access called "Legacy Attendance Users" with the following permissions.

  • Next, select User from the menu and assign the LEGACY-ATTENDANCE-USER role.



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USAS-R Account Filters

All existing users Account filters in Classic will be imported into USAS-R. Account Filters is similar to Classic's USASEC filters screen. Enter the account code dimensions the user needs access to. Hover over the 'Access' codes with your mouse, to define each code and checkmark the box to select access for the filter entered. If your filter is broadly-defined, for example, access to all budget accounts (TI of 02) for the high school (OPU of 002), the following codes will be interpreted as such:

C - Create - create budget accounts with OPU of 002

R - Read - view existing accounts with an OPU of 002

U - Update - modify budget accounts with an OPU of 002

D - Delete - delete budget accounts with an OPU of 002

P - Preencumbrance - post requisitions to budget accounts with an OPU of 002

E - Encumbrance - post purchase orders to budget accounts with an OPU of 002 







User Password Maintenance

If you would like certain staff members (i.e. Tech Coordinator or Assistant Treasurer) to have the ability to reset passwords for USAS users, you can create/grant a Role with the USAS_USER_PASSWORD permission and assign the Role in their User profile. This will eliminate having to contact your ITC to change passwords. Remember, you can add multiple Roles to the same user.







USPS-R Default Roles

Along with creating your own custom Roles in payroll, the following are the default payroll Roles provided in the USPS-R software.