Volume 1 Issue 3

Published June 3rd, 2016

Adding an Employee in USPS-R...it’s not as bad as you think.

The ins and outs of adding a new employee in USPS-R

Important Note

The template option noted in the following article is currently not available in our most recent release.. Preview Release #3. It will not be available to ITC or district personnel until our next release.. Preview Release #4

With the GUI “Graphical User Interface” capability in USPS-R, adding a new employee has never been easier. You can now enter in the required data and then, with the click of a button, your record is created.

To make the process even easier, the system also gives you the ability to create Template records which can be saved and then used when creating associated new employee records. These templates will hold recurring data in specific fields that will appear in the record when the template is chosen (similar to the all 1’s record in Classic USPS). To learn more about creating and using template records, see the Creation and Utilization of a Template Record chapter in the USPS-R Documentation.

To add a new employee to the USPS-R system, the following order should be utilized:

1-Employee (Classic's BIOSCN/DEMSCN)

To create an Employee record- Click on the  button. You will then proceed to either select a Template and add the remaining employee information or manually enter in the employee's biographical and demographical information. Once all data has been entered you will click the  button.

2-Position (Classic's JOBSCN/POSSCN)

  • To create a Position record- Click on the

      button. Choose your employee and then proceed to either select a Template and add the remaining position information or manually enter in the required information to create the position record. You will then click on the


  • Next click on

    . This will allow you to create a Compensation record (which defines how the position will be paid.) Once the compensation record has been created click the 

    button to add this record.

  • Your last step when creating the Position record is to create a Payroll Account record. You will need to click on the  

    button and enter in the appropriate information and then click on the


3-Leaves (Classic's BENSCN)

A Leaves record would need to be created if the employee is eligible for leave benefits. To create a Leaves record- Click on the button. Choose your employee and then proceed to either select a Template and add the remaining leaves information or manually enter in the employee's leave information. Once all data has been entered you will click the  button.

4-Payee (A portion of Classic's DEDNAM)

If an employee has a payroll item that is not currently setup in the system, then a new Payee record may need to be created before a Payroll Item Configuration and Payroll Item can be added. The Payee record contains the demographical, vendor and electronic payment information.

To create a Payee record- Click on the button. You will then proceed to either select a Template and add the remaining Payee information or manually enter in the required Payee information. Once all data has been entered you will click the button.

5-Payroll Item Configuration (A portion of Classic's DEDNAM)

The Payroll Configuration record will need to be added in order to setup the Payroll Item information for an employee. This record contains the check stub and W2 abbreviation as well as the payment cycle, type and the related Payee information.

To create a Payroll Configuration Item record- Click on the  button. Choose the Payroll Item Type and then click .  You will then proceed to enter in the required information. Once all data has been entered you will click the  button.

6-Payroll Item (Classic's DEDSCN)

A Payroll Item record will need to be created for each Payroll Item that an employee is to have withheld.

To create a Payroll Item record- Click on the  button. Choose your employee and the Payroll Item you wish to add and click . You will then proceed to either select a Template and add the remaining Payroll Item information or manually enter in the required Payroll Item information. Once all data has been entered you will click the  button.
